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115 Workshop YYW-40 YYW40 YYW-42 YYW42 Upgrade Kit for Legacy Evolution Dinobots Sludge & Volcanicus Upgrade Kit
$31.99 $37.99

Features: Upgrade kit for Legacy Evolution Sludge & Volcanicus Combiner by 115 Studio. YYW40 Set includes: - 2 x Feet for the Volcanicus combiner; - 1 x Arm / fist for the left arm; - 1 x Arm / fist for the right arm; - Gap fillers for the legacy core-class Sludge. YYW42 Set includes:  - 2 x Hypermobile joints for shoulders; - 2 x Hypermobile joints for knees. With the hypermobile joints the articulation of the Volcanicus combiner can be extremely improved. * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2024-1 In stock.   Quick Review of YYW40 by Bot Bender Orinj:     Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Dinobot / Volcanicus ...
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115 Workshop YYW-41 YYW41 Upgrade Kit for Studio Series SS104 ROTB Rise of the Beast Nightbird Upgrade Kit

Features: Designed for SS104 ROTB Rise of the Beast Nightbird The whole set includes: 2 x New Sword (Longer than the old ones but with same structures) 2 x Arm Claws 2 x Height-increasing feet   * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2023-11 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Studio Series SS104 ROTB Nightbird Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada / Superman Studio / 115 Workshop Weapons / Gap Fillers for Buzzworthy Bumblebee ROTB Rise of the Beasts SS102 SS-102 Optimus Prime Upgrade Kit
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Features: * Note: (1) This product link includes different buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you want.  (2) This product contains several buy options and it fits to our Buy More Save More program, with favorable policy as below, the discount would generate automatically at the checkout page:  (1) Buy 2 get 15% Discount   (2) Buy 3 or more get 25% Discount  TH076 from Tim Heada includes: 2 x Hand cannons    SPS33 from Superman Studio includes: 2 x Replacement exhaust pipes   YYW-39 from 115 Workshop includes: 1 x Energon Axe  1 x Ion Blaster.   HSTZ-23 from 115 Workshop includes: 2 x Gap fillers for the bottom of the feet 2 x Gap fillers for the back of the upper arms.   Status: 2023-9 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop / SPS33 / Tim Heada Size Fit to  SS102BB ROTB Optimus Prime Material 3D printed SLA plastic...
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115 Workshop YYW-40 YYW40 Upgrade Kit for Legacy Evolution Dinobots Sludge & Volcanicus Upgrade Kit

Features: Weapon set for Legacy Evolution Sludge & Volcanicus Combiner The whole set includes: - 2 x Feet for the Volcanicus combiner; - 1 x Arm / fist for the left arm; - 1 x Arm / fist for the right arm; - Gap fillers for the legacy core-class Sludge. * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.  Status: 2023-11  In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Dinobot / Volcanicus  Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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115 Workshop YYW HSTZ-25 HSTZ25 Gap Fillers for WFC Studio Series Voyager 03 Gamer Edition SS GE03 Optimus Prime Upgrade Kit
$8.99 $10.99

Features: A new set of gap fillers designed for WFC Studio Series Gamer Edition SS GE03 Optimus Prime by 115 Workshop. The whole set  features: 4 x Gap fillers for upper arms. 1 x Gap filler for the belly 2 x Gap fillers for the hips 2 x Gap fillers for the bottom of the feet. The feet are designed following the old designs from Hasbro, and can be carried on the back of the back legs when in beast mode. * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.     Status: 2023-7 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to WFC Studio Series Gamer Edition SS GE03 Optimus Prime Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade...
115 Workshop YYW-39 YYW39 / HSTZ-23 Weapons / Gap Fillers for Buzzworthy Bumblebee ROTB Rise of the Beasts SS102 Optimus Prime Upgrade Kit
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Features: * Note: This product link includes different buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you want.  YYW-39 includes: 1 x Energon Axe  1 x Ion Blaster.   HSTZ-23 includes: 2 x Gap fillers for the bottom of the feet 2 x Gap fillers for the back of the upper arms.   Status: 2023-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to  SS102BB ROTB Optimus Prime Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-38 YYW38 Weapons for Legacy Evolution Humble Origins 2-pack Data Clerk Orion Pax Upgrade Kit
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AnFeatures: Weapon set for Legacy Evolution Humble Origins 2-Pack Data Clerk Orion Pax C by 115 Workshop The whole set includes: - 2 x Ion blasters (can be either carried on the shoulder or held by the hand) - 2 x Arm cannons * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2023-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to  Data Clerk Orion Pax Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-29 YYW29 Upgrade kit for Anti-Gravity Tenseg Base Optimus Prime Upgrade Kit
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AnFeatures: Weapon set for the Anti-Gravity Tenseg Base Optimus Prime by 115 Workshop The whole set includes: - 1 x Ion blaster; - 1 x Chest part (where the Matrix of Leadership can be seated); - 1 x Blue Matrix of Leadership; - 1 x Energon Axe (2 parts) * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2022-11 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Anti-Gravity Tenseg Optimus Prime set Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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