YM / Yes Model

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【Loose Pack】4th Party Demon Knight DK01-04 + D05 Defensor Combiner Oversized Version (5 in 1, Set A + Set B) 45cm
$99.99 $119.99

 Features: *Note: 1. This figure would be sent without its original packing to guarantee the speed and reliability of shipment.  2. Loose Pack item are new / unused item with the original box removed only. TFSAFARI would still offer well protection of the item even without its original box.  3. Pls refer to the below link for video instructions (no printed instruction is included in this figure) Video Instructions for DK01-05 Demon Knight  This is an oversized combiner war defensor with features as below:  1. Height of robot modes: Limbs: 18cm Main body: 25cm  Combiner: 45cm (perfectly fits to JINBAO Devastator / Predecon and etc.) 2. Matte finishing are applied to all paintings.  3. A lot of the gaps of the original figures have been filled  4. Ratchet joints are used for the hips and limbs with strong enough supporting force.  5. A lot of transparents are used for windows /...
Yes Model YM17 YM-17 RF07 RF-07 Vulcan (Oversized MTCM-04C, Hot Spot )
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Features: This YM17 Vulcan by Yes Model (4th / 3rd party Transformers Toys Studio) is a Oversized version of MTCM-04C by Maketoys with good quality (Homage to Hot Spot in G1 Protectobots, but with a totally original design). It changes into a fire engine and the main body of the Guardia (Defensor). This Oversized version is said to have the defects of the original Maketoys Hot Spot corrected(Chest,Joints and etc.)Lets see.   Status:  2020-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Yes Model (YM) Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Mainbody of the combiner Guardia (Defensor)
Yes Model YM16 RF-06 HiMed (Oversized MTCM-04D, First Aid) 17cm
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Features: This YM16 HiMed by Yes Model (4th / 3rd party Transformers Toys Studio) is a Oversized version of MTCM-04E by Maketoys with good quality (Homage to Blades in G1 Protectobots). It changes into an ambulance and the left arm of the Guardia (Defensor). Status:  2018-10 In stock. Parameters:  Producer Yes Model (YM) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Left arm of the combiner Guardia (Defensor)
Yes Model YM15 RF-05 Katana (Oversized MTCM-04E, Blades) 17cm
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Features: This YM15 Katana by Yes Model (4th / 3rd party Transformers Toys Studio) is a Oversized version of MTCM-04E by Maketoys with good quality (Homage to Blades in G1 Protectobots). It changes into an armed helicopter and the right arm of the Guardia (Defensor). Status:  2018-10 In stock. Parameters:  Producer Yes Model (YM) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Right arm of the combiner Guardia (Defensor)
Yes Model YM13 RF-03 Rover (Oversized MTCM-04B, Streetwise) 17cm
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Features: This YM13 Rover by Yes Model (4th / 3rd party Transformers Toys Studio) is a Oversized version of MTCM-04B by Maketoys with good quality (Homage to Streetwise in G1 Protectobots). It changes into an armed police car and the left leg of the Guardia (Defensor).   Status: 2020-2  New batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Yes Model (YM) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Left leg of the combiner Guardia (Defensor)
Yes Model Combiner Defensor (Oversized MTCM MTCM-04 Guardia ) Full Set 5 in 1
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 Features: This YM Defensor Combiner by Yes Model (4th / 3rd party Transformers Toys Studio) is a Oversized version of MTCM Guardia by Maketoys with good quality (In homage to G1 Protectobots, but with a totally original design).  This Oversized version had the defects of the original Maketoys Hot Spot fixed (Chest,Joints and etc.) The whole set contains 5 members which are packed separately and might be shipped in 2 different parcels.    Status:  2022-10 New batch In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Yes Model (YM) Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note 5 in 1 whole set. 


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