WJ / Weijiang

WJ 4th Party Oversized OS MPP10 / MPP36(NE01) Commander / Megamaster (OP & Megatron) 32cm
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Features: Important Note: (1)*No post-sale service unless there's major defect for these two figures.  (2) Two buying options available in this page, pls make sure you choose the right product you want.   Original stock from WJ. Oversized MP10 and MP36 with diecast parts added and some improvement on the original molding.  Trailer for MPP10 also available in below link: Trailer for MPP10 Commander   Status: 2021-8 New batches in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Toy House Factory  Size Robot Form Approx. 32cm (12.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note Oversize
【Deluxe Version】Weijiang WJ W8086 M-05 M05 Hide Shadow Blackout Oversized SS08 SS-08 (Set B w/ Senario) 32cm / 12.5"
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Features:  *Note:No post-sale service can be offered now by the factory. Customer needs to take the risk of defect by yourselves.  This WEIJIANG M-05 Hide Shadow is the modified version of SS08, with upgraded features as below: - Detatchable & 180° Rotatable propeller, making robot form more coordinated.  - Tremendous filling of the wholes on the surface in the original design of SS08, making the helicopter form more smoothie and seamless.  - Modified arms and shoulders, closer to the original image in the movie (with missles on the shoulders fully reserved) - Movable hand, whist, and fingers.  - Modifed shank, with spring plate added and modifed feet (3 toes to 5 toes), making robot form more closer to the original image in the film.  - Scalable oil pipe on the head of the helicopter form.  - Rubber tyre added with front wheel becoming rotatable.  - improved metallic painting, improved head carving and...
WJ 4th Party Oversized OS Trailer for MPP10 Commander OP 39cm
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Features: Important Note: *No post-sale service unless there's major defect for these two figures.  Trailer for MPP10, with its size (39.5cm x 15cm )also fits basically to all oversized OP including:  BMB: LS03, LS03F, LS13 WJ: OS MPM04 TOYWORLD: TW-F09, TW-F01   Status: 2021-8 New batches in stock.   Parameters:  Producer WJ Size 39cm X 15cm Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Oversize


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