Upgrade Kits

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【Loose Pack】Machine Capsule MC-01 MC01 Upgrade Kit for Studio Series SS-101 SS101 ROTB Scourge Rise of the Beasts Upgrade Kit

Features:  Note: 1.Outside packing might be removed for convenience in shipment, while the product is mint and unused.  2.This set is designed for SS101 Scourge as some part may not fit the KO versions very well.  A new upgrade kit (fully built-into the vehicle mode) for SS101 Scourge  The whole set includes:  2 x Armors for outter shins; 2 x Armors for inner shins;  4 x Armors for outter hips; 2 x Armors for the ribs;  1 x New Headscult; 1 x Left arm + Claw; 1 x Right arm + blade; 2 x Masks (1 x Battle-damaged mask) 2 x Ankle guards 1 x New Chest Armor.   Status: 2023-12 In stock.  Review by Ponzu's Hobby (In Japanese).   Parameters: Producer Machine Capsule Size Upgrade Kit Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit for ROTB Scourge      
Matrix Workshop M-54 M54 Weapon set for Studio Series 86 SS86 Deluxe Scourge Upgrade Kit (Painted)
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Features: A new set for Studio Series 86 Scourge ( Deluxe class). The whole set would include: 1 x Laser gun 1 x Target Master (tranformable) *Note: 1.The final version would come in painted, product photos for the final painted version would be updated once we have them.  2. The main toy figure ( Scourge) is not included in the weapon set.  3. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, pls understand.  Status: 2021-5 In stock   Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to SS86 Scourge Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH025 TH025 Reaper Weapon Set for Studio Series 86 SS86 Scourge Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note: Current version we have is the one with SILVER blade and BLACK handle.  Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for Studio Series 86 Scourge. The whole set includes: 1 x Giant blade 1 x Dagger    The 2 weapons are both with rotatable blades, and can be combined into a reaper.  Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Airazor) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-6 In stock. . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to SS86 Scourge Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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