Upgrade Kits

Beelzeboss Iron Lady BLZ-06 BLZ06 Weapon set for IDW Chromia & Arcee Upgrade Kit
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 Features:  Whole set includes: 1 x Shield for Chromia 1 x Axe for Chromia 1 x Dagger for Chromia (Can be combined with the axe) 1 x Sword for Arcee 1. The main toy figures ( Chromia and Arcee) are not included in the weapon set.  2. The product might be shipped w/o its original box (loose pack.)   Status: 2022-3 New batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Beelzeboss Size Fit to IDW Arcee and Chromia Material ABS Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Go Better Studio GX-17 Upgrade Kits for WFC Earthrise Arcee Upgrade Kit
$17.99 $21.99

  Features:  A brand new set designed by Go Better Studio for WFC Earthrise Arcee, following the latest image of Arcee in the Netflix Transformer TV series.  The whole set includes: 1 x Laser gun (following the design in Netflix animation) 4 x Gap fillers for legs of the figure 1 x Replaceable backpack for Arcee.  Note:  1. The main Arcee figure is for display only, it is not included in this set.  2. The set comes as painted in the product photo. 3. The original backpack needs to be removed from the back of the figure (including the shaft that connecting them).  4. All the gap fillers and upgrade kits can not be included in the vehicle mode and needs to be removed for transformation.    Status: 2021-1 New batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to WFC Earthrise Arcee Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade...
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Go Better Studio GX-15 Handguards for TFP Arcee Upgrade Kit

  Features: *Note: This set only fits to TFP Arcee deluxe class debut version (1st version), but is not applicable to the 2nd version.  This pair of handguards can be simply plugged onto the whist of Arcee, to make it closer to the image in the TFP animations.    Color difference and preciseness issue of the parts may happen on 3D printed products and this can't be considered as quality defect     Status: 2020-12 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to TFP Arcee.  Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Matrix Workshop M34 M-34 WFC Earthrise Arcee Weapon Set Upgrade Kit
$13.99 $16.99

Features: New weapon set by Matrix Workshop for earthrise Arcee. You will have the most heavily armed Arcee ever.  Whole set includes: 1 × AWP Rifle 2 × Laser blades2 × Laser Pistols (of different designs) Note:1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos)2. Ironhide figure is not includes in the weapon set.    Status: 2020-11 In stock   Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to WFC Arcee Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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