TW / Toyword

Magnificent Mecha MM01 MM-01 Optimus Prime OP Bumblebee Movie 2.0 Version 30cm / 12"
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 Features: *Note: (1) Battery Type:2*LR44, Batteries might be removed for convenience / speed of shipment; (2) The current version is the 2.0 version with articulated elbow / shoulder joints and improved painting on some parts.  This MM01 OP is made by Magnificent Mecha (A new 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the Bumblebee movie in 2018. This is a transformable statue-grade toy figure with unprecedented design.  This figure features:  - Super-highly articulated - Rubber Tyres - Alloy figure frame - Worn painting - LED Eyes (2 x LR44 Button batteries) - Transformable (with all parts built-in) - With a standing base    Status: 2023-12 New batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer MAGNIFICENT MECHA Size Robot mode stands 30cm / 12" Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note 3A-like OP
Standard.Ver. ToyWorld TW TW-F09 TWF09 Freedom Leader Optimus Prime OP Bumblebee Movie 30cm / 12"
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Features: *Pls choose fast shipment route for this set if you buy because it contains unremoveable rechargeable Lithium battery. This TW-F09 Freedom Leader is a brand-new design by Toyworld (Famous 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the latest Bumblebee movie in 2018. This is a transformable statue-grade toy figure with unprecedented design.  This link is for Standard Version which includes:  - 1 × Main Figure - 4 × Blaster guns- 2 × Axe- 1 × Trench (As special bonus) You can also buy Deluxe Version here.   Status: 2020-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Toyworld (TW) Size Robot mode stands 30cm / 12" Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note 3A-like OP
Deluxe Ver. ToyWorld TW TW-F09 TWF09 Freedom Leader Optimus Prime OP Bumblebee Movie 30cm / 12"
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Features: *Pls choose fast shipment route for this set if you buy because it contains unremoveable rechargeable Lithium battery. This TW-F09 Freedom Leader is a brand-new design by Toyworld (Famous 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the latest Bumblebee movie in 2018. This is a transformable statue-grade toy figure with unprecedented design.  This link is for Deluxe Version which includes:  - 1 × Main Figure - 4 × Blaster guns- 2 × Axe- 1 × Trench (As special bonus) Plus special bonus for Deluxe Version: 1 × Display base with light & sound2 × Fire effect parts. You can also buy Standard Version here.   Status: 2020-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Toyworld (TW) Size Robot mode stands 30cm / 12" Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note 3A-like OP
【Standard Ver.】 Toyworld TW-F01 TWF01 Tactics Waistcoat (Knight Orion, Optimus Prime) the Last Knight TLK Standard Version 28cm / 11"
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Features: This TW-FS01 Knight Orion is a brand-new design by Toyworld (Famous 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the Transformers Movie: The Last Knight. With its disguise mode as a painted truck (restoring most of the details in the movie ), this figure features changeable faces (mask and bold face), multiple die-cast parts and ratchet joints, as well as rubber tyres. The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Hand Shot Gun (only for standard version) 2 x Changeable head sculpts 2 x Shields 2 x Fist Blades (only for standard version) 2 x Swords (In homage to Temenos Swords ) You can find Deluxe version here (same painting but with some more add-ons ) Buyl link: Toyworld TW-F01 Deluxe Version Tactics Waistcoat (TLK Knight Orion)   Status: 2021-5 Bulk batch in stock.      Parameters:  Producer Toyworld (TW) Size Robot mode stands 28cm / 11" Material...
【Deluxe Ver.】 Toyworld TW-F01 TWF01 Tactics Waistcoat (Knight Orion, Optimus Prime) the Last Knight TLK Deluxe Version 28cm / 11"
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Features: *Note: This is deluxe set with built-in battery. The shipment would be done  through special express way for parcels with batteries (takes around 2-3 weeks). The price already includes the price for special express shipment route for this product (You don't need to pay extra shipping cost for this figure. ) This TW-FS01 Knight Orion is a brand-new design by Toyworld (Famous 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the Transformers Movie: The Last Knight. With its disguise mode as a painted truck (restoring most of the details in the movie ), this figure features changeable faces (mask and bold face), multiple die-cast parts and ratchet joints, as well as rubber tyres. This is deluxe version, The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Ion Blaster (only for deluxe version) 1 x Changeable head sculpt 1 x Shield 1 x Fist Blade  1 x Sword (In homage...


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