TW / Toyword

Toyworld TW-FS04 TWFS04 WWII WW2 Alert (World War II Soundwave Bayverse AOE Age of Extinction)
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Features: *Note: Special offer to clearing the stock. No spare parts / post-sales service can be offered now from Toyworld.  This TW-FS04 WWII Alert is a brand-new design by Toyworld (Famous 3rd party transformers toys studio). It transforms into vintage armed jeep from the WWII stage with its size perfectly fit to the official SS series.  Special bonus included: 1 out the 5 parts of WWII Starscream TW-FS06, collect the TW-FS01 to FS05 to wake up the Starscream! Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure1 x Frenzy mini Figure2 x Weapons1 × Special bonus for WWII Starscream TW-FS06 It also includes special vintage furnitures.    Status: 2023-2  Stock on sale. No post-sales service can be offered from Toyworld now.    Parameters:  Producer Toyworld (TW) Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note New series for bayverse
Toyworld TW-FS05 TWFS05 Sky Burst (Jet Fire) with WWII TW-FS06 Bonus 28cm
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Features: *Note: Special offer to clearing the stock. No spare parts / post-sales service can be offered now from Toyworld.  It comes with a special bonus for TW-FS06 This TW-FS05 Sky burst is a brand-new design by Toyworld (Famous 3rd party transformers toys studio). It transforms into a battleship with its size perfectly fit to the official SS series.  Special bonus included: 1 out the 5 parts of WWII Starscream TW-FS06, collect the TW-FS01 to FS05 to wake up the Starscream! Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure1 x Stand2 x Weapons1 × Special bonus for WWII Starscream TW-FS06   Status: 2023-5  Stock on sale. No post-sales service can be offered from Toyworld now.    Parameters:  Producer Toyworld (TW) Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note New series for bayverse
Toyworld TW-C07B TWC07B Yellow Constructor (Devastator Combiner 6 in 1) 50cm
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Features: This TWC07B Constructor by Toyworld (Famous 3rd party transformers toys studio) with homage to G2 Crazy Devy (Yellow redeco of G1 Devastator.) is the tallest devastator toy till now. As a combiner of the 6 members of constructicons, it stands 50cm (19.5 inches) tall.  Whole set includes:- 1 x  TW-C01B Yellow Bulldozer - 1 x  TW-C02B Yellow Unearth - 1 x  TW-C03B Yellow Burden - 1 x  TW-C04B Yellow Allocater - 1 x  TW-C05B Yellow Shovel - 1 x  TW-C06B Yellow Concrete This is a figure you should not miss especially at this price. Status: 2018-12-20 Last 2 sets on sale.  2018-3 Sold out Parameters:  Producer Toyworld (TW) Size Combiner form Approx. 50cm (19.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic (No alloy) Shipment From China Note G2 Devastator with good movability, 6 in 1 set


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