TFC Toys

TFC Toys STC-01P STC01P ST Supreme Tactical Commander Rolling Thunder (Optimus Prime) Winter version 29cm / 11.5"
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Features: STC-01P ST Commander (Rolling Thunder Optimus Prime) is the Winter version with green camouflage painting of the original design of TFC TOYS. This set comes up with brand new weapon sets which are totally different from STC-01A and STC-01B Version. - The brand new weapon pack can transform into 3 different modes: launching platform / Battle platform / Jetpack, including 2 intercontinental missiles. - Brand new head sculpt with movable sightings- Infinitive possibility of interacting with STC-01A / 01B set. The whole set includes: - 1 x Main figure - 1 x Scout vehicle - 1 x Blaster - 1 x Ultimate Armor set - 1 x Nuclear weapon set  - 1 x Vehicle mode upgrade set   Status 2023-10 In stock.   Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 29cm (11.5 Inches) Tall Material PVC, Diecast / Alloy Part Shipment From China Note Winter Version of STC-01NB    
TFC Toys STC-01T STC01T Supreme Tactical Commander Dark Savior Carrier Version (Nemesis Prime) 29cm / 11.5"
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Features: STC-01T ST Commander (Dark Saviour Carrier Version) is the Nemesis version with green camouflage painting of the original design of TFC TOYS. This set comes up with brand new weapon sets which are totally different from previous versions. See product photo for more details.    Status 2023-10 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 29cm (11.5 Inches) Tall Material PVC, Diecast / Alloy Part Shipment From China Note Nemesis Version of STC-01    
TFC Toys STC-01NB STC01NB ST Supreme Tactical Commander Rolling Thunder (Optimus Prime) Nuclear Blast version 29cm / 11.5"
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Features:   STC-01NB ST Commander (Rolling Thunder Optimus Prime) is the Nuclear Blast version with green camouflage painting of the original design of TFC TOYS. This set comes up with brand new weapon sets which are totally different from STC-01A and STC-01B Version. - The brand new weapon pack can transform into 3 different modes: launching platform / Battle platform / Jetpack, including 2 intercontinental missiles. - Brand new head sculpt with movable sightings- Infinitive possibility of interacting with STC-01A / 01B set. The whole set includes: - 1 x Main figure - 1 x Scout vehicle - 1 x Blaster - 1 x Ultimate Armor set - 1 x Nuclear weapon set  - 1 x Vehicle mode upgrade set * The product is overweight so we have to choose a safe and proper way of delivery, and it would takes about 15-30 business days (a little bit longer than regular delivery) depending on...
TFC Toys STC-01B STC01B ST Supreme Tactical Commander Rolling Thunder (Optimus Prime) Jungle version 29cm / 11.5"
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Features: STC-01B ST Commander (Rolling Thunder Optimus Prime) is the jungle version with green camouflage painting of the original design of TFC TOYS. - Compatible size with official MP series, 25cm in normal and 29cm in hyper mode.- Rubber tires + Hydraulic support base + Scout tank+ Detachable missiles.- 5mm standard sockets to make the weapons freely equipped anywhere. - Original battle base mode added, besides the traditional robot and truck form.  * The product is overweight so we have to choose a safe and proper way of delivery, and it would takes about 15-30 business days (a little bit longer than regular delivery) depending on your location, pls understand.  Status 2019-10 Reissue version In stock. No modification. *Note: TFSAFARI special bonus for FREE. 3 × High-articulation military figures (as is shown in the product photo) for different sceneries with the striker commander.  Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 29cm (11.5 Inches)...
TFC Toys Old Soldiers OS-03 OS03 Medic (Ratchet) 20cm
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Features: This OS-03 Medic (Ratchet) is an original design by TFC (Famous 3rd party transformers studio), whole set includes: - 1 x Toy Figure- 1 x Articulated Fist- 1 x Laser Gun- 1 x Therapeutic Gun Old soliders never die. You can also find his old buddy Ironhide here. Detailed Review: See more photos and detailed review here.  Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note G1, MP  Accessories  1×Articulated Fist; 1× Laser Gun ; 1× Therapeutic Gun    
TFC Toys STC-01A STC01A ST Commander Thunder (Optimus Prime) 25cm
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Features: STC-01A Supreme Tactical Commander (Optimus Prime) is an original design of TFC TOYS. - Compatible size with official MP series, 25cm in normal and 29cm in hyper mode.- Rubber tires + Hydraulic support base + Scout tank+ Detachable missiles.- 5mm standard sockets to make the weapons freely equipped anywhere. - Original battle base mode added, besides the traditional robot and truck form.  Status 2019-5 Reissue version in stock.  *Note: TFSAFARI special bonus for the reissue version: 3 × High-articulation military figures (as is shown in the product photo) for different sceneries with the striker commander.  Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material PVC, Diecast / Alloy Part Shipment From China Note G1 Classic Color, Special Base Mode added Accessories  Hypermode Armor ×1, Laser Cannon ×1, Scout Tank ×1    


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