TF Toy Figures

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4th party Kight 8802 / 8802B Captain Gorilla King Kong Beast War Optimal Optimus (KO Iron Factory EX43 Primal Commander) 15cm / 6"
$21.99 $29.99

Features:  Note: This page includes different buy options. Pls make sure you choose the right one you want. This 8802 Captain Gorilla is a 1:1 KO versions of Primal Commander by Iron Factory, in homage to Optimal Optimus, the quadruple leader in the BW. with some more weapons and small modifications (not confirmed.) Comparing to the other KO version from JB, this figure features more optimized joint tightness, with the painting on some parts simplified and a much lower price   Status: 2023-10 8802 Original version: In stock 8802B Black version: In stock Quick Review for 8802B:    Parameters: Producer Knight Size 15cm / 6“ Material ABS Shipment From China Note KO versions of 3rd party transformers.
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Yolopark / SOSKILL Rise of the Beasts ROTB Optimus Prime / Bumblebee / Optimus Primal Gumpla-like Model Kit 20cm / 8"

Features:  *Note: 1. This link contains different product options. Pls make sure you choose the right one you want. 2. Buy 2 kits you get 5% discount automatically.  3. These are Gumpla-like Model Kit, which needs to be built by yourself and it's non-transformable.  These are  offically authorized gunpla-like ROTB Movie model kits for Optimus Prime / Optimus Primal / Bumblebee. The product comes in pre-painted parts and you need to build by yourself. The figure follows the image of Shockwave in the latest bumbleebee movie. The products are non-transformable.    Status: 2023-6 In stock   Parameters: Producer Yolopark / SOSKILL Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Authorized Gunpla-like transformer toy figure.  
4th Party CR01S CR-01S Oversized KO PE DX06 Beast Gorira General Gorilla (Not Optimal Optimus) Black Version 25cm / 9.9"
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Features:  *Note: This is the black version This CR01S is oversized KO version of PE DX06 Gorira (Not Optimal Optimus), with the current size fitting to JIANGXING Red dragon.    Status:  2023-5 1st batch in stock   Parameters: Producer 4th party Size MP Size Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A  
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4th party Kight 8802 Captain Gorilla King Kong Beast War Optimal Optimus (KO Iron Factory EX43 Primal Commander) 15cm / 6"
$21.99 $29.99

Features:  This 8802 Captain Gorilla is a 1:1 KO versions of Primal Commander by Iron Factory, in homage to Optimal Optimus, the quadruple leader in the BW. with some more weapons and small modifications (not confirmed.) Comparing to the other KO version from JB, this figure features more optimized joint tightness, with the painting on some parts simplified and a much lower price   Status: 2023-5 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Knight Size 15cm / 6“ Material ABS Shipment From China Note KO versions of 3rd party transformers.
4th Party CR01 CR-01 Oversized KO PE DX06 Beast Gorira General Gorilla (Not Optimal Optimus) 25cm / 9.9"
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Features:  This CR01 is oversized KO version of PE DX06 Gorira (Not Optimal Optimus), with the current size fitting to JIANGXING Red dragon.    Status:  2022-7 1st batch in stock   Parameters: Producer 4th party Size MP Size Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A  
4th Party KO MP32 MP-32 General Gorilla (Optimus Primal)
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Features:  1:1 KO version of MP32. All product photos are for this KO version.  Pros: (1) Good quality plastic are used for the main body. (2) Most Ratchet joints work well. (3) Quality of Painting are similar to original version (with a deeper color tone.) Cons:(1)For random batches joint of the left leg is loose.(2)For random batches joints for the backpack and hips are tight (lubricant is needed), or the plastic around the joint might crack.(3)On certain parts tiny color difference can be observed (backs of the hands, bellys of the gorilla mode)(4)Burrs (caused by the injection molding) appears on the edges of some parts (changeable faces, back pack and etc.)   Note: (1)*No coin. (2) Except for major defects, no post-sales service can be guaranteed. Customers who buy this figure are considered that they accept the pros and cons listed as above.   Video Review by 양말TV SocksTV: Status:  2021-8 New batch in stock  ...


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