TF Toy Figures

【Loose Pack】Mechanical Alliance SX-01 SX01 Thunder Warrior ( Bumblebee Movie Blitzwing) 27cm / 10.5cm
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Features: Note: (1) This is a reissue version with no worn painting (see photos for details); (2) The product is brand new but would be shipped without its original box for convenience. (3) 2 x LR41 for the head This SX01 Thunder Warrior is originally designed by Mechanical Alliance, in homage to Blitzwing in the latest Bumblebee movie. It transforms into a Jet fighter and is of high articulation as shown in the movie.    Status: 2023-5 Reissue version in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Mechanical Alliance,  probably Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size 25-30cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Blitzwing    
Mechanical Alliance SX-02P SX02P Soundwave ( Bumblebee Movie ) 27cm / 10.5cm
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Features: *Note: The current version is with simplified painting and much lower price. This SX02 Soundwave is originally designed by Mechanical Alliance, in homage to the image of Soundwave in the latest Bumblebee movie. It transforms into a Cybertronian tank and is of high articulation as shown in the movie.  The whole set includes: - 1 x Soundwave main figure - 1 x Ravage figure - 1 x Blue fire effect part - 1 x Laser gun  - 1 x Shoulder cannon The figure features:  - Fully articulated hand - Transformable statue-class robot  - Lightable laser gun & eyes.  - Portable ravage figure Product photo c/o @Mr.龙先生 via Baidu Tieba,@10dgalaxy via Weibo   Status: 2022-2 Simplified verasion in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Mechanical Alliance,  probably Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size 25-30cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Soundwave    


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