TF Toy Figures

4th Party BS-04 BS04 FL-01 FL01 KO UT R04 R-04 Nero (Bayverse Galvatron) 31cm / 12.2"
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Features:  *Note: last set in stock. No spare part is available now for this figure.  This is the KO version of UT R04 Nero with some modification and improvements. It is probably done by BMB. The size would be a little bit taller than the UT R04 Nero.     Status Update: 2023-4 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th Party, Black Mamba Size Robot Form Approx. 31cm (12 Inches) Tall Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Galvatron  
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Making Friends KD-02 KD02 Galvatron (Oversized KO NA H23 H-23 Darius) 12.5 cm / 5"
$21.99 $29.99

Features:  This is an oversized KO version of NA H23 Darius with a lot more accessories. The whole set incldues: - 1 x  Main figure + Arm cannon - 2 x Faces - 3 x Changeable hands - 1 x Matrix of Leadership with Necklace - 1 x Pistrol - 1 x Ion Blaster   Status:  2023-3 New batch In stock   Parameters: Producer Making Friends Size Robot Form Approx. 12.5cm (5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
Unique Toys UT R-04 R04 Nero (Bayverse Galvatron) Youth Version 29cm / 11.4"
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Features:  *Note: The Youth version features: - More detailed painting  - Less die-cast parts - Much cheaper price Unique Toys (3rd party transformer famous for its) has shown their design talent again after the great success of UT R-02 Challenger and UT R-03 Ragoon . The figure transforms into a giant truck following the image of Galvatron in the Bayverse movie, however the transformation would be presented in a more logical and observable way.    Status Update: 2022-10 New batch In stock.   Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Unknown yet Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Galvatron  
【Original Version】Unique Toys UT R-05 R05 Desperado (Oil Tanker Megatron) Original Color Version 33cm / 13"
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Features:  *Note: This is the link for original color version.  This UT R-05 Another masterpiece scale figure from Bayverse by Unique Toys (3rd party transformer famous for its) after the great success of UT R-02 Challenger and UT R-03 Ragoon . The figure transforms into a giant tanker following the image of oil tanker Megatron in the Bayverse movie.   Status Update: 2022-8 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Mode 33cm / 13" Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Oil Tanker Megatron  
【Battle-Damaged Version】Unique Toys UT R-05DMG R05DMG Desperado (Oil Tanker Megatron) Battle Damaged Version 33cm / 13"
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Features:  *Note: This is the link for original color w/ battle damaged painting. This UT R-05 Another masterpiece scale figure from Bayverse by Unique Toys (3rd party transformer famous for its) after the great success of UT R-02 Challenger and UT R-03 Ragoon . The figure transforms into a giant tanker following the image of oil tanker Megatron in the Bayverse movie.   Status Update: 2022-7 1st batch In stock. Review by That Toy Guy:    Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Mode 33cm / 13" Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Oil Tanker Megatron  
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APC Toys APC-004BF APC004BF Bossy Flame ( 1:1 TFP Galvatron Voyage Class ) 20cm / 8"
$39.99 $52.99

Features: *Note: APC-004BF Bossy Flame is a repainted version of APC004 Dark Master with a brand new headsculpt. Brought by APC Toys (A new 4th / 3rd party studio), this Dark Master is made after the model of official TFP Optimus Prime, with new painting and more weapons, as well as some modification on the original models as below: - Now the feet of the Dark master can be fully grounded - The chest and head sculpt of the figure have been modified to fit better to the image of Megatron in the TFC animations.  - All joints have been upgraded - Matte silver painting.   Status: 2022-3 In stock   Parameters:  Producer APC Toys Size 20cm / 8" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Megatron (Voyage Class)
NA NewAge H24 H-24 Macchio(Megatron Shattered Glass Version) New Age 11cm / 4"
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Features:  This H24 Macchio , brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of pocket size and transforms into a powerful Cybertronian Spaceship. It is made in homage to Megatron (Shattered Glass Version) in IDW comics, and is modified from H23 Darius. Still the figures would be small but delicate and of high articulation, while die-cast part would be added to the chest and knees. The whole set includes: - 1 x main figure + weapons. - 2 x faces ; 4 x changeable hands    Status:  2021-12 A few sets In stock   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
Unique Toys UT R-04 R04 Nero (Bayverse Galvatron)
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Features:  Unique Toys (3rd party transformer famous for its) has shown their design talent again after the great success of UT R-02 Challenger and UT R-03 Ragoon . The figure transforms into a giant truck following the image of Galvatron in the Bayverse movie, however the transformation would be presented in a more logical and observable way.  Other details unknown yet. This might be the last figure from the studio in the movie line.     Status Update: 2021-6 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Unknown yet Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Galvatron  
NA NewAge H23EX H-23EX Darius (Galvatron) Limited Version (with Special Gift) New Age 11cm / 4"
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Features:  *Note:This is the new limited version with the planet shell as a special gift  This new Darius ( in homage to G1 Galvatron ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of pocket size and combines into a powerful Cybertronian Cannon. Still the figures would be small but delicate and of high articulation, while die-cast part would be added to the chest and knees. The whole set includes: - 1 x main figure + weapons. - 2 x faces ; 5 x changeable hands  - 1 x Planet shell   Status:  2021-4 In stock   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
NA NewAge H23 H-23 Darius (Galvatron) New Age 11cm / 4"
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Features:  This new Darius ( in homage to G1 Galvatron ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of pocket size and combines into a powerful Cybertronian Cannon. Still the figures would be small but delicate and of high articulation, while die-cast part would be added to the chest and knees. The whole set includes: - 1 x main figure + weapons. - 2 x faces ; 4 x changeable hands  - 1 x Matrix of Leadership with Necklace   Status:  2021-1 In stock   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    


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