TF Toy Figures

TFC Toys S04 S-04 Lucifer of Sartan Combiner(Cutthroat of Abominus) 18cm / 7.3"
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Features: This TFC S-04 Lucifer (by TFC, Famous 3rd party transformers studio) is the 4th set of the company's new combiner series Sartan in homage to Abominus. It transforms into an evil double head dragon as well as the right arm of the combiner.  The set stands 18cm tall, while the final combiner may stands around 38cm (15 inches) tall.     Status: 2021-6 In stock.    Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Combiner Form Approx. 38cm (15 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note N/A Accessories  N/A    
TFC Toys S03 S-03 Leviathan of Sartan Combiner(Rippersnapper of Abominus) 16cm / 6.3"
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Features: This TFC S-03 Leviathan (by TFC, Famous 3rd party transformers studio) is the first set of the company's new combiner series Sartan in homage to Abominus. It transforms into an evil mechanic bear-like monster as well as the right arm of the combiner.  The set stands 16cm tall, while the final combiner may stands around 38cm (15 inches) tall.   Status: 2021-9 Reissue batch in stock.     Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Combiner Form Approx. 38cm (15 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note N/A Accessories  N/A    
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TFC Toys S02 S-02 Mammon of Sartan Combiner(Blot of Abominus) 16cm / 6.3"

Features: This TFC S-02 Mammon (by TFC, Famous 3rd party transformers studio) is the first set of the company's new combiner series Sartan in homage to Abominus. It transforms into an evil mechanic bear-like monster as well as the right leg of the combiner.  The set stands 16cm tall, while the final combiner may stands around 38cm (15 inches) tall.   Status: 2021-10 Reissue batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Combiner Form Approx. 38cm (15 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note N/A Accessories  N/A    
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TFC Toys S01 S-01 Astaroth of Sartan Combiner(Twinstrike of Abominus) 16cm / 6.3"
$89.99 $94.99

Features: This TFC S-01 Astaroth (by TFC, Famous 3rd party transformers studio) is the first set of the company's new combiner series Sartan in homage to Abominus. It transforms into an evil double head dragon as well as the left arm of the combiner.  The set stands 16cm tall, while the final combiner may stands around 38cm (15 inches) tall.     Status: 2020-10  In stock   Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Combiner Form Approx. 38cm (15 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note N/A Accessories  N/A    


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