MFT MechFansToys Lost Planet Diaclone Reboot DA-07 DA07 Cosmos Battle Upgrade Kit for Dia-Battles Mech Fans Toys 7cm / 3"
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Features:  MechFansToys Lost Planet DA-07 is a 1:1 KO version of Diaclone Reboot DA-07 Dia-Battles brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Lost Planet series. It is an upgrade kit for the below figure (which we also have stock):  MFT MECHFANSTOYS LOST PLANET DIACLONE DA-01 DA01 DIA-BATTLES   Status 2021-11 New batch In stock   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Upgrade kit fitting to DA01 Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
MFT MechFansToys Lost Planet Diaclone Reboot DA-06 DA06 Dia-Battles V2 Cosmo Maneuver Type Mech Fans Toys 7cm / 3"
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Features:  MechFansToys Lost Planet DA-06 is a 1:1 KO version of Diaclone Reboot DA-06 Dia-Battles V2 Cosmo Maneuver Type brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Lost Planet series. Its disguise modes include 3 different types (all base modes).     Status 2021-10 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
MFT MechFansToys Lost Planet Diaclone Reboot DA-01 DA01 Dia-Battles Mech Fans Toys 7cm / 3"
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Features:  MechFansToys Lost Planet DA-01 is a 1:1 KO version of Diaclone Reboot DA-01 Dia-Battles brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Lost Planet series. Its disguise modes include 3 different types (all base modes).   Note*:Some accessories in the product pictures like the Power Suit (was an accessory of the previous batch but NOT with the current one)are for display only and not included in the product figure.   Status 2021-9 New batch In stock   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
Emonster EM01/EM02/EM03 Power Suit (Diaclone line size) 1:60
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Features: *Note:This link contains different buy options. Pls make sure you choose the right one you want. Find other Emonster Diaclone-like power suits & pilots here Emonster This EM01/02/03 Power Suit brought by E-monster Studio (focusing on upgrade kits for Diaclone line) is of an original design fitting to the Diaclone line in its size and style.It is a mass-production version (not 3D printed) The products features: EM01 Warthog: the striker of the team, includes:1 x main figure1 x mini pilot (1:60, fitting to Diaclone pilot in size)1 x machine gun 1 x pistol3 x Connectors   EM02 Sparrow Hawk:the sniper of the team, includes:1 x main figure1 x mini pilot (1:60, fitting to Diaclone pilot in size)1 x sniper rifle1 x rifle box3 x Connectors   EM03 General:the commander and core of the team, includes:1 x main figure1 x mini pilot (1:60, fitting to Diaclone pilot in size)1 x machine gun1 x...


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