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Transform Element TE-01 TE01 Masterpiece Optimus Prime (MP Size, MP10, MP44, 2 head sculpts ) Reissue 23cm / 9"
$72.99 $79.99

Features:  *Note: (1) Current reissue batch still contains 2 x Headsculpt, while the windows on the chest are light blue and Non-transparent.  (2) Batteries for the Ion blaster:  SR626SW/377  This TE-01 is the first figure brought by Transform Element ( a new 3rd party transformer studio), with features as follows: - More alloy parts added - Unique and bold design of transformation (Many brand-new design in the transformation, in disguise mode it's more like a real truck but not a kind of modified truck transformed from a robot).  - Robot form with slimmer figure, with wipers and tyres are ingeiously hidden in the body.  Status: 2024-9 Reissue batch in stock on sale.    Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
Transform Element TE MM003 TE-MM003 Scorpion (Scorponok, Legend Class) 11cm / 4.3"
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Features:  This TE MM003 Scorpion is another legends scale figure in the BW line brought by Transform Element . The beast-like robot transforms into a mechanic Scorpion in homage to Scorponok in the Transformers BW line.    Status: 2020-11 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4.3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Legends Size  
Transform Element TE-03 TE03 Phantom (MP Size, Mirage) 16cm / 6.3"
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Features:  This TE-03 Phantom is the 2nd MP size figure brought by Transform Element, in homage to G1 Mirage, following strictly the painting and image in the G1 TV series.   Status: 2022-2 New batch in stock on sale. There's no common defect found with this batch.   Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
Transform Element TE MM002 TE-MM002 Rattrap (Legend Class) 8cm / 3.5"
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Features:  This TE MM02 Rat is another legends scale figure in the BW line brought by Transform Element   The beast-like robot transforms into a vivid rat in homage to Rattrap in the Transformers BW line.    Status: 2022 -3 New batch in stock on sale.   Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Legends Size  
Trumpeter Transformers Bumblebee Smart Model Kit ( Beetle version from Bumblebee movie ) 9.2cm / 3.6"
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Features:  *Note: Gumpla-like Kit, non-transformable. This is a offically authorized gunpla-like bumblebee model. The product comes in pre-painted parts and you need to build by yourself. The figure follows the image of Bumblebee in the latest bumbleebee movie. The product is non-transformable.    Status: 2020-10 In stock   Parameters: Producer Trumpeter Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4.3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Authorized Gunpla-like transformer toy figure.  
Transform Element TE-01 TE01 Masterpiece Optimus Prime (MP Size, MP10, MP44, 2 head sculpts ) Cell Shaded Version Reissue 23cm / 9"
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Features:  *This is the limited Cell-shaded version for TE01 OP. This TE-01 is the first figure brought by Transform Element ( a new 3rd party transformer studio), with features as follows: - More alloy parts added - Unique and bold design of transformation (Many brand-new design in the transformation, in disguise mode it's more like a real truck but not a kind of modified truck transformed from a robot).  - Robot form with slimmer figure, with wipers and tyres are ingeiously hidden in the body.      Status: 2020-10 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
Transform Element MM-01 MM01 YS-01 YS01 Interstella Wasp Tiger (T-Beast Bumblebee) 17.5cm / 6.5"
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Features:  This MM01 / YS-01 Interstella Wasp Tiger transforms from a robot to a mechanic Tiger. Not quite sure which line it is in homage to.    Status: 2020-8 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 17.5cm (6.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
Transform Element TE MM001 TE-MM001 Blackarachnia (Legend Class) 8cm / 3.5"
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Features:  The 2nd figure brought by Transform Element ( a new 3rd party transformer studio). No one expects that they would enter the BW line in legend scale after the great sucess of TE-01 Optimus Prime.  The female robot transforms into a vivid spider in homage to Blackarachnia in the BW line.    Status: 2022 -11 New batch in stock on sale   Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
Transform Element TE-01E TE01E Masterpiece Optimus Prime (MP Size, MP-10SG MP10SG ) Shattered Glass SG Version (Purple) 23cm / 9"
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Features:  This TE-01E is the shattered glass version of TE01 brought by Transform Element ( a new 3rd party transformer studio), with features as follows: - More alloy parts added - Unique and bold design of transformation (Many brand-new design in the transformation, in disguise mode it's more like a real truck but not a kind of modified truck transformed from a robot).  - Robot form with slimmer figure, with wipers and tyres are ingeiously hidden in the body.   Status: 2019-9 In stock Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
Transform Element TE-02 TE02 Bumblebee ( Beetle version from Bumblebee movie )
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Features:  This TE-02  brought by Transform Element ( a new 3rd party transformer studio) is another masterpiece after their TE-01 Optimus Prime as a hit in the market. The product is of decent articulation and sculpture-grade finishing on its painting.  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 2 x Hand blades (of different designs) 1 x Glowable hand cannon 1  x Battle mask.   Status: 2020-5 A few sets in stock.    Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
Transform Element TE-01B TE01B Masterpiece Nemesis Optimus Prime (MP Size, MP10 ) Black Version 23cm / 9"
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Features:  This TE-01B is the black version of TE01 brought by Transform Element ( a new 3rd party transformer studio), with features as follows: - More alloy parts added - Unique and bold design of transformation (Many brand-new design in the transformation, in disguise mode it's more like a real truck but not a kind of modified truck transformed from a robot).  - Robot form with slimmer figure, with wipers and tyres are ingeiously hidden in the body.   Status: 2019-7 In stock Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  


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