Cyber Era CE05 CE-05 Haiku ( Bayverse Drift, Scaled-down Version Metagate G01 ) 17cm / 6.7"
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Features:  *Note: Batteries of the product would be removed for convenience of air shipment.  This is an scaled-down version of the below figure (in homage to the image of Bayverse Drift).  Metagate G01 Haiku (Drift) This new version features: -  Scaled-down version from 20cm to 17cm (the same as MPM03) -  Enhanced painting / headsculpt -  Enhanced articulation / less die-cast parts Status: 2024-5 New batch in stock. Comparison Review with the original Metagate Haiku (in Japanese, by PONZU's HOBBY)   Parameters: Producer Cyber Era Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
Transformers Movie Toys TMT-01 TMT01 Cybertronian Bumblebee 21cm / 8.3"
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Features:  Brought by a new studio Transformer Movie Toys (TMT), TMT-01 would be their 1st figure following the image of Bumblebee (with its disguise mode shown on Cybertron) in the Bumblebee movie. Video review coming soon.   Status: 2024-1 1st batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Transformers Movie Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 21cm (8.3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
Transcraft TC TC-02 T02 Beetle (Bumblebee Movie Bumblebee) Reissue 17cm / 6.7"
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Features:  *Note: The current reissue version is with below improvements: (1) Enhanced distressed painting (2) Improved joints & materials (significantly reduce the possibility of breakage) TransCraft is a brand-new studio, here comes the new TC02 Beettle (in homage to the bumblebee in bumblebee movie) after their successs in MXG-01. The robot is with matte-painting (similar to the painting in the movie) and it transforms into a vintage Volksvagen Bumblebee.  This set is considered in a lot of the reviews as the best Bumblebee movie bumblebee toy figure ever with its creative design in its transformation and body structure. Product photo c/o BIANTAIXIAOJI from Weibo   Status: 2023-9 3rd Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer TransCraft (TC) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
Cyber Era CE02 CE-02 Cliffjumper (Modified Bumblebee Movie Bumblebee, Oversized OS Transcraft TC02) Reissue 20cm / 8.1"
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Features:  This is an repainted oversized version of the below figure (in homage to the image of Bumblebee Move Bumblebee). It comes with hand blades and rocket launcher.  Transcraft TC02 Beetle (Bumblebee movie Bomblebee)    Status: 2022-9 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Cyber Era Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8.1 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
Transcraft TC TC-02R T02R Red Jump (Bumblebee Movie Cliffjumper) 17cm / 6.7"
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Features:  *Note: This is the red painting version (Cliffjumper version) of TC02 with a new headsculpt and a bit of revision on the model.  TransCraft is a brand-new studio, here comes the new TC02 Beettle (in homage to the bumblebee in bumblebee movie) after their successs in MXG-01. The robot is with matte-painting (similar to the painting in the movie) and it transforms into a vintage Volksvagen Bumblebee.  This set is considered in a lot of the reviews as the best Bumblebee movie bumblebee toy figure ever with its creative design in its transformation and body structure.   Status: 2022-3 New batch in stock.  Parameters: Producer TransCraft (TC) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
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Cyber Era CE01 CE-01 Beetle (Bumblebee Movie Bumblebee, Oversized OS Transcraft TC02) Reissue 20cm / 8.1"
$79.99 $89.99

Features:  This is an oversized version of the below figure (in homage to the image of Bumblebee Move Bumblebee).  Transcraft TC02 Beetle (Bumblebee movie Bomblebee)  This new version features: - 2 x headsculpts with LED eye lights - 2 x arm blades - 1 x war hammer (only with the 1st batch)   Status: 2024-9 Reissued New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Cyber Era Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
Transcraft TC MXG-01 Mahican (Bayverse TLK Mohawk) 12cm / 4.7"
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Features:  TransCraft is a brand-new studio, MXG-01 Mahican is their 1st set in homage to the Mohawk in Bayverse Transformer Movie: The Last Knight. The robot is of a unique metal punk style and transforms into a motorcycle.  Product photo c/o JuneKing 来福   Status: 2019-12 In stock  Parameters: Producer TransCraft (TC) Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (4.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    


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