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115 Workshop YYW-12AG YYW12AG Upgrade Kit for WFC Generation Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard (Black Ironhide) Upgrade Kit
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Features: Upgrade parts for the WFC Generation Selects DK-2 Guard (Black ironhide) by 115 Workshop.The whole set helps change the latter part of the van mode making it closer to the Ratchet image in G1 comics, the set features: 4 x Feet parts (to replace the original feet of the figure) 2 x Bumper parts (needs to be plugged in manually after the feet are changed) 4 x gap fillers for the arms * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2022-6 New batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Generation Selects DK-2 Guard Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Go Better Studio GX-27 GX27 Replacement Wheels for WFC Earthrise Ironhide & Ratchet Upgrade Kit
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 Features: IMPORTANT NOTE:The front wheels are marked with "F" on the back while the rear wheels are marked with "R".  A new set of upgrade kit designed by Go Better Studio for WFC Earthrise Ironhide and Ratchet to make the disguise mode close to a normal van on the earth. Installation requires only a simply pull-out and plug-in. The whole set includes: - 4 x wheels (2 for front, 2 for rear) Note:  1. The main Ironhide or Ratchet figure is for display only, it is not included in this set.  2. The set comes as painted in the product photo.3. All the gap fillers and upgrade kits can be included in the vehicle mode, and no need to be removed for transformation.    Status: 2021-10 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to Ironhide and Ratchet (WFC Earthrise) Material 3D printed Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-12AP YYW12AP Upgrade Kit for WFC Generation Selects Shattered Glass SG Ratchet Upgrade Kit
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Features: Upgrade parts for the WFC Generation Selects Shattered Glass SG Ratchet by 115 Workshop.The whole set helps change the latter part of the van mode making it closer to the Ratchet image in G1 comics, the set features: 4 x Feet parts (to replace the original feet of the figure) 2 x Bumper parts (needs to be plugged in manually after the feet are changed) 4 x gap fillers for the arms * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2021-7 New batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Earthrise Ironhide Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-12A YYW12A Upgrade Kit for WFC Earthrise Ironhide Upgrade Kit
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Features: Upgrade parts for the WFC Earthrise Ironhide by 115 Workshop.The whole set helps change the latter part of the van mode making it closer to the Ironhide image in G1 comics, the set features: 4 x Feet parts (to replace the original feet of the figure) 2 x Bumper parts (needs to be plugged in manually after the feet are changed) 4 x gap fillers for the arms * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2021-7 New batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Earthrise Ironhide Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
NA NewAge H7B H-7B Riddick ( Black Ironhide ) New Age 8cm / 3"
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Features:  This NewAge H7B Riddick is a black redeco version of H7 Mccoy ( Inspired by G1 Ironhide ) by NewAge (A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into a red van. Its size is compatible with other NewAge legends class figure, as well as this KO GT-05 Optimus Prime.    Status:  2019-8 In Stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
TFC Toys Old Soldiers OS-01 OS01 Ironwill (Ironhide) 20cm
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Features: This OS-01 Ironwill (Ironhide) is an original design by TFC (Famous 3rd party transformers studio), whole set includes: - 1 x Ironwill Toy figure.- 1 x Articulated Fist- 1 x Multi-function Cannon- 1 x Sniper Rifle Old soliders never die. You can also find his old buddy Ratchet here. Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note G1, MP  Accessories  1 x Articulated Fist; 1 x Multi-function Cannon; 1 x Sniper Rifle    
Mech Planet Hot Soldiers HS-07 HS07 Irontin (Ironhide) 10cm
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Features: Cute tiny Irontin (ironhide) by Mech Planet,  with classic red van as its disguise form and its backpack independently transforming into small armed vehicle.   Parameters:  Producer Mech Planet / Hot Soldiers Size Robot Form Approx. 10.5cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Pocket Size, may be even smaller than your imagination    


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