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Cang Toys Cang-Toys CY-Mini 01 / 02 /03 / 04 / 05 / 06 Mini Chiyou ( Predaking ) Combiner 10cm / 4"
$269.99 $279.99

 Features:  *Note: Pls make sure you choose the right item you want. This product link includes 6 members of the Mini Chiyou team as below:  CY-Mini-01 Feromini (Rampage) CY-Mini-02 Landmini (Tantrum)  CY Mini-03 Mini Firnament (Divebomb) CY Mini-04 Kingmini (Razorclaw) CY Mini-05 Thormini CY Mini-06 Rhimini (Headstrong) The combiner stands 27cm tall (head to toe) / 31cm tall (top of the back cannon to toe) / 36cm tall (Top of the wings to toe).   Status: 2024-1 All combiner members in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Cang Toys Size 10cm robot form (each combiner) Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Originally-designed Predaking-like combiner, small size
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Cang Toys Cang-Toys Trans Age CT-DF-01 Hunting Shadow Huntpow Shadow Leopard J16 Version Triplechanger 35cm
$94.99 $119.99

 Features: This CT-DF-01 Hunting Shadow (Huntpow) is a triple-changer originally designed by Cang-Toys in its new series Trans Age. It transforms from a mechanic leopard into the J16 Jet fighter as well as the 5-seats Trumpchi Car from Guangqi.   Status: 2023-11 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer Cang Toys / Trans Age Size Leopard Mode 35cm / Car Mode 20cm / Jet fighter mode 32cm Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Triple Changer / Original design
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Cang Toys Cang-Toys CT-Chiyou-05 Thorilla CT-Chiyou-08 Rusirius 2 in 1 Set Predaking Combiner 23cm / 9"
$169.99 $174.99

 Features: Note: This is a 2 in 1 set including CT05 and CT08. This CT-Chiyou-05 Thorilla is the 5th  figure for its Chiyou combiner team(original design, inspired by the Predaking combiner) and is an original creation. It transform into a heavily armed Gorilla and the lower torso of the Chiyou comibiner (in homage to Predaking) The CT08 Rusirius is originally created by Cang Toys, it transforms into an armed wolf as well as the feet of the combiner. The combiner would stands 52cm tall.     Status: 2024-3 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Cang Toys Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Originally-designed Predaking-like combiner
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Cang Toys Cang-Toys CY-Mini03 CYMINI03 Mini Firnament (Divebomb, Feral Rex) Predaking Combiner 10cm / 4"
$54.99 $59.99

 Features: Note: This is the legends class size, brand-new design with limited qty.  Cang Toys is said to be a subsidiary brand of Toyworld (similar to another brand Jiangxing). This CT-Chiyou-02 Ferocious is the 1st figure for its Chiyou combiner team(original design, inspired by the Predaking combiner). It transform into a heavily armed tiger and the right arm of the Chiyou comibiner.   Status: 2021-9 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Cang Toys Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Originally-designed Predaking-like combiner


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