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【Pre-Order】Dream Star Toys DST02-001 DST02101 Forklift Warrior ( Scrapper, Constructicon, Devastator Combiner) DreamStarToys Metallic Version 24.5 cm / 9.6"

Full Price <$125

Features: The DST02-001 Forklift Warrior, in homage to the classic G1 image of Scrapper in Constructicons, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a forklift. The whole combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Constructicon is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: To be released in Q4, 2024. Pre-order customer get special discount. Full price < USD125 (including shipping cost, but not finalized yet.)   Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Slingshoot 22cm / 8.5"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note Left arm 
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【Pre-Order】Lucky Cat MVP01 MVP-01 Atlas (ROTB Movie Rise of the Beasts Optimus Prime MP Scale) 28cm / 11"

Full Price <$125

Features:  The MVP-01 Atlas  is made by a brand new 3rd party studio Lucky Cat, in homage to the classic image of Optimus Prime in the Transformers: Rise of the Beasts movie. It transforms into a heavily-armed truck.  The figure features:  - Full-body weathered paint finishing - Ratchet Joints - Multiple alloy parts are added - Magnetically induced lights in the head sculpt and hand cannon - Highly articulated five-fingered hands - First release special bonus: 1 x Energon axe, 2 x Hand blades, 1 x Hand cannon   Status:  To be released in Q4, 2024. Full price < USD125 (free shipment). Pre-Order customer get special discount.   Parameters: Producer Lucky Cat Size Robot form 28cm / 11" Material ABS Plastic / Diecast  Shipment From China Note MP scale OP (RotB Rise of the Beasts Movie)    


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