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Papa Toys PPT01 PPT-01 Camera Squad ( Reflector ) 3 in 1 set 11cm / 4.5"
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Features: PPT-01 Camera Squad , by Papa Toys (A new 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size tranformers) is of pocket size but with marvelous movability and interesting design of transformation. The whole set includes a 3-man squad and numerous accessories.  Status: 2019-6 On sale for 3 in 1 set. Papa Toys now offer NO POST-SALE SERVICE for products with special sale price.  Parameters: Producer Papa Toys (PPT) Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Pocket size,  Original Design
Papa Toys PPT02 PPT-02 PPT03 PPT-03 Fire Engine + Crane (Inferno + Grapple) 2 in 1 set 11cm / 4.5"
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Features: PPT-02 Fire Engine + PPT-03 Crane , by Papa Toys (A new 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size tranformers) is of pocket size but with marvelous movability and interesting design of transformation. A very good toy robot to play with and a good try by Papa Toys in the pocket size transformers.  Status: 2019-6 On sale for 2 in 1 set. Papa Toys now offer NO POST-SALE SERVICE for products with special sale price.  Parameters: Producer Papa Toys (PPT) Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Pocket size,  Original Design
Papa Toys PPT05 PPT-05 Ultra Magnus (Pocket Size) 11cm
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Features: PPT05 Ultra Magnus , by Papa Toys (A new 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size tranformers) is of legends size but with marvelous movability. It is almost a minified replica of MP22, with very limited simplification only in the design and transformation process (The whole set even contains a minified Matrix of Leadership) A very good toy to carry in pocket and play with at any time, if your MP size collection is too big to carry. Its size is also compatible with PPT04 Hot rod, as well as some other pocket size soldiers from Iron Factory, MS Toys and etc. Parameters: Producer Papa Toys (PPT) Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Pocket size,  Original Design
Papa Toys PPT04 PPT-04 Flame Warrior (Hot Rod) 11cm
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Features: PPT04 Flame Warrior (Hot Rod) , by Papa Toys (A new 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size tranformers) is of pocket size but with marvelous movability and interesting design of transformation. A very good toy robot to play with and a good try by Papa Toys in the pocket size transformers.  Parameters: Producer Papa Toys (PPT) Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Pocket size,  Original Design


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