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Takara Tomy Generation Selects TT-GS10 God Neptune (King Poseidon Seacons Repainted Version )
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Features:   We have taken a few sets in stock with very favorable price.  This is a repainted version of the Generation Selects Seacons.  *Note: The current price including the shipping cost by EMS. Genuine release from Takara Tomy, from HK, not KO (there should be no KO version of this set in the market).  Buy other GS Seacons here: GS Seacons: Turtler GS Seacons: Gulf GS Seacons: Kraken GS Seacons: Lobclaw GS Seacons: Overbite GS Seacons: Tentakil   Status:  2020-11  A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.  
Takara Tomy Generation Selects King Poseidon Seacons Overbite Exclusive (Piranacon King Poseidon)
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Features:   This GS Overbite transform into a mechanic armed shark monster and either arm or foot of the combiner King Poseidon. *Note: Genuine release from Takara Tomy, Hongkong market version, not KO (there should be no KO version of this set in the market).    Buy other GS Seacons here: GS Seacons: Turtler GS Seacons: Gulf GS Seacons: Kraken GS Seacons: Lobclaw GS Seacons: Overbite GS Seacons: Tentakil   Status:  2020-5 A few sets restocked.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.  
Takara Tomy Generation Selects King Poseidon Seacons Tentakil Exclusive (Piranacon King Poseidon)
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Features:   This GS Tentakil transform into a mechanic armed crab and either arm or foot of the combiner King Poseidon. *Note: Genuine release from Takara Tomy, Hongkong market version, not KO (there should be no KO version of this set in the market).    Buy other GS Seacons here: GS Seacons: Turtler GS Seacons: Gulf GS Seacons: Kraken GS Seacons: Lobclaw GS Seacons: Overbite GS Seacons: Tentakil   Status:  2020-5 Might be restocked by the end of May   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.  
Takara Tomy Generation Selects King Poseidon Seacons Nautilator / Lobclaw Exclusive (Piranacon King Poseidon)
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Features:   This GS Lobclaw transform into a mechanic armed lobster and either arm or foot of the combiner King Poseidon. *Note: Genuine release from Takara Tomy, Hongkong market version, not KO (there should be no KO version of this set in the market).    Buy other GS Seacons here: GS Seacons: Turtler GS Seacons: Gulf GS Seacons: Kraken GS Seacons: Lobclaw GS Seacons: Overbite GS Seacons: Tentakil   Status:  2020-5 Restock postponed,we are having some issues due to shortage of Karaken and Lobclaw set in the market. Might be restocked in June to July.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.  
Takara Tomy Generation Selects King Poseidon Seawing / Kraken Exclusive (Piranacon King Poseidon)
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Features:   This GS Seawing transform into a mechanic armed Manta Ray and the arm of the combiner King Poseidon. *Note: Genuine release from Takara Tomy, Hongkong market version, not KO (there should be no KO version of this set in the market).    Buy other GS Seacons here: GS Seacons: Turtler GS Seacons: Gulf GS Seacons: Kraken GS Seacons: Lobclaw GS Seacons: Overbite GS Seacons: Tentakil   Status:  2020-5 Restock postponed,we are having some issues due to shortage of Karaken and Lobclaw set in the market. Might be restocked in June to July.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.  
Takara Tomy Generation Selects King Poseidon Seacons Gulf Exclusive (Piranacon King Poseidon)
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Features:   We have taken a few sets in stock with very favorable price.  This GS Turtler transform into a mechanic armed Megalodon and the arm of the combiner King Poseidon. *Note: Genuine release from Takara Tomy, Hongkong market version, not KO (there should be no KO version of this set in the market).      Buy other GS Seacons here: GS Seacons: Turtler GS Seacons: Gulf GS Seacons: Kraken GS Seacons: Lobclaw GS Seacons: Overbite GS Seacons: Tentakil   Status:  2020-5 A few sets restocked.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.       Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.  
Takara Tomy Generation Selects King Poseidon Seacons Turtler Exclusive (Piranacon King Poseidon)
Sold Out

Features:   We have taken a few sets in stock with very favorable price.  This GS Turtler transform into a mechanic armed sea turtle and the main body of the combiner King Poseidon. *Note: Genuine release from Takara Tomy, Hongkong market version, not KO (there should be no KO version of this set in the market).    Buy other GS Seacons here: GS Seacons: Turtler GS Seacons: Gulf GS Seacons: Kraken GS Seacons: Lobclaw GS Seacons: Overbite GS Seacons: Tentakil   Status:  2020-4  A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine GS series from Takara Tomy, Not KO.  


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