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MFT MechFansToys Mech Soul Mechanic Studio MS-18P MS18P Iron Sky (Astrotrain) Enhanced Version 12cm / 4.5"
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Features:  *Note: This is the latest enhanced version with the power suit as special bonus. This MS-18P Steel Ambition (In homage to G1 Astrotrain) is the D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT (Mechanic Studio) in its latest Mech Soul series. It is a triple changer with 3 different modes: space shuttle, train, and robot.  Unlike other sets, this Mech Soul series is made with original design.   Status 2024-1 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height around 12cm / 4.5" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Astrotrain
4th Party MHZ Toys MH01C MH-01C Fleet Commander Hurricane Not FT39 Quietus (Cyclonus MP size) Orange Version 28cm / 11"
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Features: *Note: New MH01C with a different color scheme (Orange) You know better than us what it is.  Pros: - Much lower price. - Similar painting quality Cons:  - Deviations on some parts make them not able to get to the perfect position (comparing to the original ones); - Headsculpt is newly-designed, not as detailed as the original one; - Hip joints are a little bit loose when doing side-kicks.    Status: 2022-10 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Cyclonus  
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FansToys FT-44T FT44T Thomas (Astrotrain) Fans Toys US Version 24cm / 9.5"
$179.99 $219.99

Features: *Note: This is the limited US Version with a white color scheme Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Astrotrain.   Status: 2023-5 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 24cm / 9.5" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Astrotrain  
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4th Party No Brand MMP13 MMP-13 KO MPM-13 MPM13 Blackout
$79.99 $84.99

Features: *Note: Two buy options for this figure. Make sure you choose the right one.  The orignal packing comes with plastic tray only. There is no outer color box designed for this figure. This is a 1:1 KO version of MPM11 without modification. Pros: Almost no difference in painting & materials; Cons:  For some batches the belly and head of the helicopter mode is hard to be closed up.   Status: 2023-10 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th party No brand Size 1:1 KO MPM11 Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Blackout  
4th Party RP46 KO RP01 Acoustic Wave (Soundwave MP size)
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Features: *Note: Currently the spare part service might not be available for this figure.  You know better than us what it is.  Status: 2023-11 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th Party  Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Soundwave  
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MHZ Toys MH03 MH-03 Transport Officer Upgrade Kit (Freight Car) for FT-44 FT44 Thomas (Astrotrain)
$25.99 $39.99

Features: Railroad Freight cars designed for FT44 Thomas. The whole set includes: - 1 x Freight car - 1 x Signal light - 1 x Railroad - 1 x Target Master (transforms into laser guns for the main robot figure)   Status: 2022-10 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Upgrade kit for FT44 Thomas  
4th Party MHZ Toys MH01B MH-01B Hurricane Not FT39 Quietus (Cyclonus MP size) 28cm / 11"
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Features: *Note: New MH01B with a different color scheme (Blue) You know better than us what it is.  Pros: - Much lower price. - Similar painting quality Cons:  - Deviations on some parts make them not able to get to the perfect position (comparing to the original ones); - Headsculpt is newly-designed, not as detailed as the original one; - Hip joints are a little bit loose when doing side-kicks.    Status: 2022-10 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Cyclonus  
4th Party MHZ Toys MH01 MH-01 Hurricane Not FT39 Quietus (Cyclonus MP size) 28cm / 11"
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Features: You know better than us what it is.  Pros: - Much lower price. - Similar painting quality   Cons:  - Deviations on some parts make them not able to get to the perfect position (comparing to the original ones); - Headsculpt is newly-designed, not as detailed as the original one; - Hip joints are a little bit loose when doing side-kicks.    Status: 2022-7 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Cyclonus  
4th Party RP44 KO FT44 Thomas (Astrotrain MP size) 24cm / 9.5"
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Features: You know better than us what it is.  This RP-44 KO version has been proved to be of good quality and has few difference comparing to the original version.  The comparison photos are shown in the product gallery (On the left is the original version and on the right is the RP44 KO version.) Quick Transformation Video: Status: 2024-7 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Astrotrain.  
DX9 Toys D-05 D05 Chigurh (Astrotrain) 24cm / 9.5"
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Features: This DX9 D05 Chigurh, the evil and mighty decepticon triple changer is another great work by DX9 Toys. It transforms into a locomotive or a space shuttle, this set is of the same height as MP10 Optimus Prime.    Status: 2021-8 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer DX9 Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Triple Changer
MFT MechFansToys Mech Soul Mechanic Studio MS-18C MS18C Steel Ambition Iron Sky (Astrotrain) Collector Version Mech Fans Toys 12cm / 4.5"
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Features:  *Note: Comparing to the MS20 Iron Sky, this set is done by another designer with some different details like head sculpt, shoulders and painting color tone. This figure is closer to the image of Astrotrain in IDW comics.  This MS-18C Steel Ambition (In homage to G1 Astrotrain) is the D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT (Mechanic Studio) in its latest Mech Soul series. It is a triple changer with 3 different modes: space shuttle, train, and robot.  Unlike other sets, this Mech Soul series is made with original design.   Status 2021-6 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height around 12cm / 4.5" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Astrotrain
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Matrix Workshop M23B M-23B Tail fin for WFC Siege Astrotrain Upgrade Kit

Features: A new upgrade kit with enhanced details for WFC Astrotrain by Matrix Workshop, the original gaps on the end of the spaceship mode can finally be covered. The set can also function as a weapon (rocket launcher) for robot mode. We feel sorry but the set can't be carried by the train mode.  Whole set includes: 1 × Tail fin  See all information in the product photos.  Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2019-6 In stock. . Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to Siege Astrotrain Material SLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
FansToys FansToys FT-44 FT44 Thomas (Astrotrain MP size) 24cm / 9.5"
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Features: You know better than us what it is.  The current version comes with no rail set. It is a triple-changer and transforms into a locomotive as well as a spaceship.    Status: 2024-6 Reissue batch in stock (a few sets with limited qty.)   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Astrotrain.  


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