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Visual Toys VT-01 VT01 Peru Kill AOE (Lockdown) 2 steeljaws 22cm / 8.7"
$44.99 $64.99

Features: This VT-01 Peru Kill (Lockdown) is a perfect KO version of Unique Toys R-02, with 2 steeljaws included in the whole set.  Whole set includes: - 1×  Main body - 1 × Rifle  - 1 × Hook - 1 × Changable Face - 2 × Steeljaws   Status: 2024-10 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer BSL Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy Parts Shipment From China Note Perfect duplicate of R-02
Zeta Toys ZT ZV-02 ZV02 The Flash (Blitzwing) Zeta V Series Reissue Batch 30cm / 12"
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  Features: *Note:  (1) The reissue batch has improved the connections of the wings (tighter and not easy to fall off) and the ankle joints (tighter) comparing to the 1st batch.  (2) This figure is painted in a weathered style with oil stains. Different batches may look different from what you've seen from the photo. This ZV-02 Flash, by ZETA Toys in homage to the Blitzwing in the new transformer movie series, is the 2nd figure of Zeta's new line (Zeta V-line focusing on bringing better design and quality). This figure features LED lights on eyes and engines. Alloy parts are also applied to the figure. Other details are not known yet.  Battery is not included in the toy set, you need to buy them seperately. Battery type: AG0 / SR521, probably 3-4 button batteries are needed.    Status: 2024-9 Reissue batch in stock.     Parameters:  Producer Zeta Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 30 cm (12 Inches) Tall...


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