New Arrivals & Reissues

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Mastermind Creations MMC Ocular Max OM PS-21 PS21 Medicus ( First Aid, Defensor ) All-Built-in 17cm / 6.7"

Features: In homage to G1 First Aid, This MMC Ocular Max OM PS-21 Medicus, transforms into an ambulance and the left arm of the mighty combiner. This NOT Defensor might be another combiner which needs no accessories in its combination process (All accessories are built-in)   Status: 2025-3 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer MasterMind Creations (MMC) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note MP sized, Combiner w/o accessories.    
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Mecha Invasion GLA05 GLA-05 & GLA06 GLA-06 Bonecrusher & Scavenger Giant Legion Heavy Builder (Constructors Devastator) Combiner (2 in 1 set) 21.5cm / 8.5"

Features:  Note: Pre-Order customers if you haven't received our full payment notification pls click  here  for solutions.   This GLA05 & GLA06 2 in 1 Set by a new 3rd party studio Mecha Invasion is designed in homage to Bonecrusher and Scavenger in the constructicon team. Both of them transform into engineering machines and parts of the final combiner Heavy Builder. This Devastator-like combiner is said to be another fully-built-in combiner without extra accessories needed for the combination.  Each member stands around 21.5cm / 8.5" tall, while the final combiner may stands 38cm tall (from head to toe)    Status:  2025-3 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Invasion Height Robot Form height 21.5cm / 8.5" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Devastator    
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DX9 Toys D-08 D08 Gewalt (Blitzwing) 24cm / 9.5"
$79.99 $109.99

Features: This D08 Gewalt (Blitzwing) , the evil and mighty decepticon triple changer is another great work by DX9 Toys. It transforms into tank and plane, stands of even the same height as MP10.  It is said that this figure is of a perfect robot form and jet fighter form, while a very high articulation comparing to other Blitzwing in the market.    Status: 2025-3 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer DX9 Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Triple Changer
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【Incoming】DX9 Toys D-05 D05 Chigurh (Astrotrain) 24cm / 9.5"
$69.99 $99.99

Features: This DX9 D05 Chigurh, the evil and mighty decepticon triple changer is another great work by DX9 Toys. It transforms into a locomotive or a space shuttle, this set is of the same height as MP10 Optimus Prime.    Status: 2021-8 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer DX9 Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Triple Changer
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NA NewAge H35 H-35 Cyclops (Shockwave) New Age 10cm / 4"
$51.99 $59.99

Features:  This H35 Cyclops ( in homage to G1 Shockwave ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) would a G1-accurate shockwave figure of legends class which transforms into an Ion blaster.  The whole set incldues:  1 x Main Cyclops figure 1 x Stand Base (Purple plate + transparent arm) 1 x Tiny ion blaster 1 x Hose 1 x changeable hand   Status:  2025-3 Reissue batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H35EX H-35EX Cyclops (Shockwave) Metallic Version New Age 10cm / 4"
$56.99 $64.99

Features:  *Note: This is the Metallic version (Animation Version) This H35EX Cyclops ( in homage to G1 Shockwave ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) would a G1-accurate shockwave figure of legends class which transforms into an Ion blaster.  The whole set incldues:  1 x Main Cyclops figure 1 x Stand Base (Purple plate + transparent arm) 1 x Tiny ion blaster 1 x Hose 1 x changeable hand Status:  2025-3 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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Modfans AL01S / AL-01S AL01T / AL-01T Path of Transfiguration Ruller (MP-Size Roller)
$36.99 $38.99

Features:  *Note: This link contains 3 different buy options. Pls make sure you choose the right one you want.  AL-01S: Silver Version AL-01T: Blue Version A transformable MP-size figure brought by Modfans (A new 3rd party studio). It is in homage to the image of Rollers and can transform into a small rover (fitting to MP10, MP44 and other MP-size OPs in its size).  The painting of the figure would be metallic finished.    Status: 2025-3 Reissue batch in stock.    Review by That Toy Guy:    Parameters: Producer Modfans Size Adapt to MP size Optimus Prime Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Fit to all MP size OP (TE, Magic Square,MP)      
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Modfans AL01S / AL-01S Path of Transfiguration Ruller (MP-Size Roller) Silver Version
$36.99 $38.99

Features:  *Note: This link is for AL-01S the silver verison A transformable MP-size figure brought by Modfans (A new 3rd party studio). It is in homage to the image of Rollers and can transform into a small rover (fitting to MP10, MP44 and other MP-size OPs in its size).  The painting of the figure would be metallic finished.    Status:   2025-3 Reissue batch coming very soon.   Parameters: Producer Modfans Size Adapt to MP size Optimus Prime Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Fit to all MP size OP (TE, Magic Square,MP)      
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Magic Square MS Toys Constructor Devastator MS-B37A/38A MS-B39A/40A MS-B41A/B42ACombiner 3 sets Combo Repainted Version 25cm / 9.85"
$199.99 $224.99

Features:  *Note: This link is for all 3 sets of the combiner (which might be released separately). The MS Toys Constructor or Devastator Combiner (Formal name not confirmed yet) include 3 x 2 in 1 sets as below, in homage to G1 Devastator. MS-B37 Shovel Master & MS-B38 Roller Master MS-B41  Excavator & MS -B42 Bulldozer MS -B30 Hook  & MS -B40 Long Haul  Each set is said to include certain parts of the accessories needed for the final combination, and you get all the 3 sets you get all you need for the final combiner (no need to buy more accessories). All the accessories combines into the main body of the combiner (see photo) as well as a double-driller in the team mode.     Status:  2025-1 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Combiner form 25cm / 9.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Constructor  ...
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Jiguangmao Light Cat JGM-SKP01 Steel Kiddy Party Mini Ferocy (G1 Predaking) 17cm / 6.7"
$96.99 $99.99

Features:  This JGM-SKP01 Mini Ferocy in homage to the image of G1 Predaking Combiner featuring:  (1) It is a combiner of 5 members plus some accessories; (2) Every member is a triple transformer (Combiner mode / Robot mode / Beast mode); (3) Eye lights are added for the combiner mode;  (4) The first batch comes with the special bonus.    Status: 2025-2 In stock.  Parameters: Producer JIGUANGMAO (Light Cat) Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note New cute series
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Kaiyu Model / Siyang Cultural Y-C002 YC002 Defensive Fortress - Heidelberg (Scorponok) 45cm / 17.7"

Features: *Note: Free shipment route of this item may take longer than usual (about 4-6 weeks) due to its size / containing batteries. From Kaiyu Model comes the Y-C002 Heidelberg. The figure features: - stands 17.7 inches / 45cm tall  - A lot of LED lights (Magnetic switch) - Transforms into a battle base.  - Size fit to legends-class transformers.    Status: 2025-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Kaiyu model / Siyang Cultural Size Robot Form Approx. 45cm (17.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Legends Class
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NA NewAge H66 Bombur (Gears) & H68 Bofur (Swerve) 2 in 1 set New Age 8cm / 3"

Features:  This new 2 in 1 set of H66 Bombur & H68 Bofur ( in homage to G1 Gears and Swerve ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transform into 2 small jeeps. Its size is compatible with other NewAge legends class figure. Both of the 2 figures comes with their weapons   Status:  2025-1  In stock. Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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Dream Star Toys DST02-002 DST02002 Hook Warrior ( Hook, Constructicon, Devastator Combiner) DreamStarToys Metallic Version 24.5 cm / 9.6"

Features: The DST02-002 Hook Warrior, in homage to the classic G1 image of Scrapper in Constructicons, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a crane as well as the upper body / head of the combiner.  It can also transform into one leg of the combiner in another mode. The chest armor is able to transform into the upper body of the evil emporor (also a member of the combiner.) The whole combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Constructicon is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: 2025-1 1st batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Hook Warrior 24.5cm / 9.6"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note Upper body / right leg
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NA NewAge S01 S-01 Romulus (Megatron) New Age 17cm / 6.7"

Features:  A new line from Newage, the size of this Romulus (in homage to Megatron) should be compatible with the classic line from official (like earthrise Optimus Prime).   Status:  2025-1 1st batch in stock.  Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Die-cast Shipment From China Note Classic line    
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NB No-Brand IDW Combiner Wars CW Devastator 6 in 1 Set (Minified Non-Official Version, No Box) 32cm / 12.5"
$39.99 $52.99

  Features:  This No-Brand figure is an Minified KO version of the official IDW Devastator. The toy would be sent without original box to guarantee the best price. According to all the reviews by our domestic customers, the pros and cons of this KO figure is as below: Pros: - No simplification on all the transformation process. - Minified size is now easier to handle and more compatible to other official combiners from Combiner Wars, Titans Return and POTP series- Quite good joints, no rickets.  Cons:  - Plastic used for the legs and arms is not as good as the official version.- Factory doesn't offer any post-sales service (For broken parts and spare parts you need to figure out it by yourself, due to its low price, TFSAFARI can't be responsible for the post-sales service.). - The hand of the scrapper is easily broken in some batches. See below link the way to fix...
DX9 Toys D21 D-21 Red Storm (Sideswipe G1 MP 2.0)
Sold Out

 Features: This DX9 D21 Red Storm ( in homage to G1 Sideswipe ) , is originally designed by DX9 Toys (Famous 3rd party transformer studio),  See product photo for more details.    Status: 2025-3 New batch in stock. Parameters:  Producer DX9 Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS + PA Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note Original design in homage to Hot Rod in TCU
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Mecha Invasion GLA03 GLA-03 & GLA04 GLA-04 Long Haul & Hook Giant Legion Heavy Builder (Constructors Devastator) Combiner (2 in 1 set) 21.5cm / 8.5"

Features:  *Note: Batteries in this set would be removed for convenience of shipment.  This GLA03 & GLA04 2 in 1 Set by a new 3rd party studio Mecha Invasion is designed in homage to Long Haul and Hook in the constructicon team. Both of them transform into engineering machines and parts of the final combiner Heavy Builder. This Devastator-like combiner is said to be another fully-built-in combiner without extra accessories needed for the combination.  Each member stands around 21.5cm / 8.5" tall, while the final combiner may stands 38cm tall (from head to toe)    Status:  2024-12 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Invasion Height Robot Form height 21.5cm / 8.5" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Devastator    
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Magic Square MS-Toys MS-02EX MS02EX Light of Peace ( Optimus Prime 2.0 Version) MP Size 2023 Metallic Painting Version 25cm / 9.8"

Features:  *Note: This is the MS-02EX Metallic version. This MS-02EX Light of Peace is designed by  Magic Square (MS-Toys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio ) following its masterpiece MS-B46 (legendary size), with a brand-new concept of designing.  The whole set includes:  - 1 x MS-02EX Figure - 1 x Ion blaster - 1 x Energon Axe - 1 x Matrix of leadership.  See product photos for more details.    Status 2025-1 New batch in stock. Review by That Toy Guy:    Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
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Fantastic Model Fanstoys FM02 FM-02 Margh ( Fans Toys G1 Ultra Magnus) 30cm / 11.8"

Features: MP size FM02 FM-02 Margh in homage to G1 Ultra Magnus, it can transform into a white truck with its ourter armor transforming into the trailer / convoy.   Status: 2024-12 In stock. Parameters: Producer Fantastic Model ( Probably avatar of Fanstoys (FT)) Size 30cm / 11.8" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Ultra Magnus  
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NA NewAge H62S H-62S Frequency (Twincast, Blaster) Blue Version New Age 10cm / 4"

Features:  This NA H62S Frequency would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to Twincast ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x H62S Frequency main figure 1 x Laser blaster 2 x Golden pistols 2 x Lound speakers 2 x Pairs of Changeable hands 2 x Casette warriors - Yellow Leopard  / Blue Robot   Status:  2024-12 In stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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4th Party No Brand MMP15 MMP-15 KO MPM-15 MPM15 Tank (Brawl) 26cm / 10"

Features This is a 1:1 KO version of MPM15 without modification with some additional accessories.   Status: 2025-1 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th party No brand Size 1:1 KO MPM11 Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Blackout  
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4th Party No Brand KC01 KC-01 Optimus Warrior (KO Missing Link C01 G1 Vintage Optimus Prime) Toy Color Version with Trailer 16cm / 6.3"

Features This is a 1:1 KO version of Missing Link C01 Optimus Prime with some addition of die-cast parts / enhanced details.    Status: 2025-1 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th party No brand Size 1:1 KO C01 G1 Vintage OP Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note G1 Vintage OP  
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NA NewAge H67EX H-67EX Varan (Snarl Toy Color Version) New Age 13.5 cm / 5.3"

Features:  This NA H67EX Varan would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to Snarl), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Sword 1 x Laser gun. 1 x Pair of Changeable hands   Status:  To be released in late 2024. Full price is unknown yet.     Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H62EX H-62EX Louie (Blaster) New Age Toy Color Version 10cm / 4"

Features:  *Note: This is the link for toy color version. This NA H62EX Louie would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to G1 Blaster ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x H62 Louie main figure 1 x Laser blaster 2 x Golden pistols 2 x Lound speakers 2 x Pairs of Changeable hands 2 x Casette warriors - Black robot (Eject) / Red Rhino (Ramhorn)   Status:  2024-12 In stock.     Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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Mastermind Creations MMC Ocular Max OM PS-24 PS24 Incertus( Groove, Defensor ) All-Built-in 17cm / 6.7"

Features: In homage to G1 Groove of the Guardians,  This MMC Ocular Max OM PS-24 Defensor, transforms into a police motorcycle and one leg of the mighty combiner. This NOT Defensor might be another combiner which needs no accessories in its combination process (All accessories are built-in)   Status: 2024-12  1st batch in stock. Parameters: Producer MasterMind Creations (MMC) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note MP sized, Combiner w/o accessories.    
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4th Party Masterpiece BW-11 BW11 Mad Panther Warrior (Not MP34 MP-34 Beast War Cheetor)

Features:  This is a 4th party 1:1 KO version of MP34 Cheetor. This robot figure transforms into a mechanic panther.    Status:  2024-12 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th Party No Brand Size MP Size Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note KO MP34  
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Keith's Fantasy Club KFC P14A P-14A Raijin & Engine Power Master EPM (Not Super Ginari Optimus Prime) 26cm / 10"

Features: *Note: This buy link contains P14 Raijin only (The truck head and the chest core), while the battle convoy on some of the photos (P15 Grand Raijin Armor) needs to be bought separately. Pls be noted.  This P14 Raijin ,   issued by KFC toys, transforms into a truckhead as well as the chest core of the Grand Raijin (combined together with P15 Grand Raijin Armor). Whole set Includes: - 1 x Main figure  - 1 x Power master - 1 x Matrix of Leadership - 2 x Ion Blasters - 1 x Sword The whole set features: - Unparalleled Articulation - Masterpiece Scale Proportions - Openable chest for the Matrix of Leadership (MP Size) - Openable doors of the cab (where the Power master can be seated as a driver); - Power master can be transformed into an engine and carried on the truck mode - Realistic Rubber Tires; - All...
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Dream Star Toys DST02-001 DST02001 Forklift Warrior ( Scrapper, Constructicon, Devastator Combiner) DreamStarToys Metallic Version 24.5 cm / 9.6"

Features: The DST02-001 Forklift Warrior, in homage to the classic G1 image of Scrapper in Constructicons, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a forklift. The whole combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Constructicon is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: 2024-11 1st batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Forklift Warrior 24.5cm / 9.6"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note Right leg
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Craftsman Toys Dajiangshe DJS-02A DJS02A Steel Drill / Tacticlord Combiner ( IDW G1 Nosecone / Computron Combiner / Technobot) 10cm / 4"

Features:  This DJS-02A Steel Drill in homage to Nosecone in the Technobot in G1 / IDW Comics, is a legendary scale robot-like figure which transforms into a drill tank as well as one leg of the combiner.  See product photo for details. The final Tacticlord combiner stands about 25cm /10" tall.   Status: 2024-11 In stock.  Parameters: Producer Craftsman / Dajiangshe Size Robot Form approx. 10cm / 4" tall. Combiner stands approx. 25cm / 10" tall. Material ABS Plastic + Nylon Shipment From China Note Legendary-scale combiner
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Unique Toys UT Y-01 Y01 Provider (Octane, Fuel Supply, MP Size) Reissue 21cm / 8.25"
$79.99 $92.99

Features:  UT Y01 Provider (in homage to G1 Octane) is going to be reissued! This robot transforms into fuel truck and giant plane, with 2 disguise modes! This set is now considered as the best version of Octane (in terms of design in its transformation and robot mode )   Status: 2024-10 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note N/A  
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NA NewAge H62 H-62 Louie (Blaster) New Age 10cm / 4"

Features:  This NA H62 Louie would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to G1 Blaster ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x H62 Louie main figure 1 x Laser blaster 2 x Golden pistols 2 x Lound speakers 2 x Pairs of Changeable hands 2 x Casette warriors - Black robot (Eject) / Red Rhino (Ramhorn)   Status:  2024-10 In stock    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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Transform Element TE-01 TE01 Masterpiece Optimus Prime (MP Size, MP10, MP44, 2 head sculpts ) Reissue 23cm / 9"
$68.99 $79.99

Features:  *Note: (1) Current reissue batch still contains 2 x Headsculpt, while the windows on the chest are light blue and Non-transparent.  (2) Batteries for the Ion blaster:  SR626SW/377  This TE-01 is the first figure brought by Transform Element ( a new 3rd party transformer studio), with features as follows: - More alloy parts added - Unique and bold design of transformation (Many brand-new design in the transformation, in disguise mode it's more like a real truck but not a kind of modified truck transformed from a robot).  - Robot form with slimmer figure, with wipers and tyres are ingeiously hidden in the body.  Status: 2024-9 Reissue batch in stock on sale.    Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note MP Size, Original Design  
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NA NewAge H63EX H-63EX Gorgo (Slag) Refined Painting Version New Age 13.5 cm / 5.3"

Features:  This NA H63EX Gorgo would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to G1 Slag ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  This figure features:  - Baking finish for the whole body; - die-cast parts; - Highly articulated; The whole set includes: 1 x H63 Gorgo main figure 1 x Blaster 1 x Laser effect part 1 x Pair of Changeable hands   Status:  2024-10 In stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H42 H-42 Shean (Mirage) New Age 7.5cm / 3"
$35.99 $46.99

Features:  This NA H42 Shean would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to G1 Mirage), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  This figure features:  - Baking paintings  - Die-cast feet - Built-in shoulder cannon with changeable missile.    The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Laser gun 1 x Missile for shoulder cannon   Status:  2024-10 Reissue batch In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot form 3" tall. Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
FansToys FT-32A FT32A Gehry (Scrapper, Constructicons, Combiner, Devastator) Fans Toys
Sold Out

Features: In homage to G1 Scrapper in the Constructicons, FT32A Gehry transforms into a scarpper and one leg of the final combiner.    Status: 2024-10 In stock. Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size, part of Ethereaon (Superion)  
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NA NewAge H67 H-67 Varan (Snarl) New Age 13.5 cm / 5.3"

Features:  This NA H67 Varan would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to Snarl), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x H67 Varan main figure 1 x Sword 1 x Fire effect part 1 x Pair of Changeable hands   Status:  2024-9 In stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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Master Piece Ultra MP Ultra MPU-01 MPU01 Thrust Version 2.0 25cm / 10"

Features:  This figure is Inspired by and modified from the official Masterpiece line MP52 Starscream, in homage to the Thrust in the Decepticon planes.  Status: 2024-8 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Eagle Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From China Note KO Version   
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MFT MechFansToys Vecma Toys Head Warriors Headmasters Gift Sets of 7 (VS-01/02/03/04/05/06/07 Chromedome / Weirdwolf / Hardhead / Mindwipe / Skullcrusher / Highbrow / Brainstorm)

Features:  The whole set includes all 7 figures of head warriors (Deluxe grade) designed by Vecma Toys:  - MechFansToys VECMA VS-01 Chivalrouser (Chromedome) - MechFansToys VECMA VS-02 Wolf (Weirdwolf) - MechFansToys VECMA VS-03 Obstinate (Hardhead) - MechFansToys VECMA VS-04 Inspiration Bat (Mindwipe) - MechFansToys VECMA VS-05 Crocodile (Skullcrusher) - MechFansToys VECMA VS-06 Sea Dragon (Highbrow) - MechFansToys VECMA VS-07 KongMing (Brainstorm)   Status:  2024-7 Reissue batch in stock. Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (4.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note 7 figures gift pack. 
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FansToys FT-30D FT30D Viper (Fireflight of Superion Ethereaon, Aerialbots) Fans Toys 22cm / 8.7"

Features: Leftleg of Fanstoys' 4th combiner Ethereaon (Superion), in homage to G1 Fireflight. The most G1 cartoon-accurate Fireflight.  It transforms into a jet fighter as well as the left arm of the combiner.   Status: 2024-5 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size, left arm of Ethereaon (Superion)  
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Infinite Transformation IT01 IT-01 Emperor of Destruction (Not MP36 MP-36 Megatron) MP Size 25cm / 10"

Features: *Note: (1) 2*LR44 Battery is needed for the barrel of the figure (original batteries would be removed from the figure for convenience in shipment). Chinese and English voice chip available for the barrel; (2) The material of some joints (Ankles, knees) have been changed to enhance the durability.  This IT01 Emperor of Destruction is said to be one of the best non-official MP36 according to several reviewers in China. (especially the perfect marginal adaptation of the pistrol form. ) Infinite Transformation is said to to be the sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB), so it inherit the consistent quality control of BMB.  More Accessories and weapons. ( The latest reissue batch contains one hand cannon only. ). Upgraded Alloy parts (Legs and Feet), Same size as MP36 (best size to play with)   Status: 2024-8 Reissued batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Infinite Transformation (IT) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10...
FansToys FT-47 FT47 Rig (Not G1 Huffer MP) Fans Toys 16cm / 6.30"
Sold Out

Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Huffer. It transforms into a yellow trailer.   Status: 2024-9  in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 16cm / 6.30" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Huffer  
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NA NewAge H67B H-67B Tremdrs (Snarl Shattered Glass SG Version) New Age 13.5 cm / 5.3"

Features:  This NA H67B Tremdrs would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to Snarl), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Sword 1 x Laser gun. 1 x Pair of Changeable hands   Status:  To be released in late 2024. Full price is unknown yet.     Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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Xtransbots XTB MM-IV+ MMIV+ MM-4+ MM4+ Ollie Version 2.0 Reissue ( Wheelie, MP Scale ) X-transbots 12cm / 5"
$72.99 $79.99

Features: This MX- IV+ Ollie by Xtransbots (A famous 3rd party transformer studio) is a transformation robot with its size perfectly matching official MP series (in homage to G1 Wheelie ). It can transform into a small orange Cybertronian race car with vivid painting.  Whole set includes:1 × Ollie main figure1 × Slingshot1 × Blaster gun1 × Changeable face The Version 2.0 has inherited the good quality of V1, plus the following improvement. - 2 vulnerable parts on the flanks of the vehicle modes have been enhanced.  - Heels added to improve the stability when standing.- Added space to make it easier moving out the fist in transformation.- Increase the tightness of the knee joints. - Added movable crotch piece - Improved the rollability of the wheels. - Cancelled the rotation stopper at the elbows of the vehicle modes- Elbow joints are now able to pose 90°- Enhanced loose joints on the legs and the waist. - Better finishing on painting. - Alloy parts used for the...
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NA NewAge H35B H-35B Scientist Arges (Shockwave) Shattered Glass SG Version New Age 10cm / 4"

Features:  *Note: This is the Shattered Glass Version (Newage 5-year anniversary) This H35B Arges ( in homage to G1 Shockwave ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) would a G1-accurate shockwave figure of legends class which transforms into an Ion blaster.  The whole set incldues:  1 x Main Arges figure 1 x Stand Base (Purple plate + transparent arm) 1 x Tiny ion blaster 1 x Hose 1 x changeable hand Status:  2025-3 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H66S BB (Gears) & H68B Leprechaun (Swerve) Shattered Glass Version 2 in 1 set New Age 8cm / 3"

Features:  *Note: This link is for the shattered glass version.  This new 2 in 1 set of H66S BB & H68B Leprechaun ( in homage to Shattered Glass Gears and Swerve ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transform into 2 small jeeps. Its size is compatible with other NewAge legends class figure. Both of the 2 figures comes with their weapons   Status:  2025-3 In stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H70B H-70B Daskal (Warpath SG Shattered Glass Version) New Age 10cm / 4"

Features:  Note: This link is for the blue shattered glass version. This NA H70B Daskal would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to  Warpath Shattered Glass), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x H70 Oddball main figure 1 x Main figure 1 x Fire effect part   Status:  2025-3 In stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 10cm / 4" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H70S H-70S Shmulik (Warpath Diaclone Version) New Age 10cm / 4"

Features:  Note: This link is for the green (diaclone color) version. This NA H70S Shmulik would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to  Warpath ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Fire effect part   Status:  2025-3 In stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 10cm / 4" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H44 H-44 Ymir (Grimlock) New Age 13.5 cm / 5.3"
$69.99 $74.99

Features:  This NA H44 Ymir would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to G1 Grimlock ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  This figure features:  - The heaviest Newage figure ever; - die-cast parts ( Both of the two feet for robot mode and the dinosaur mode) - Highly articulated dinosaur head / forepaws / tails (with multiple joints added to these parts); - Color of the eyes (dinosaur mode) can be changed; - Baking finish for the whole body; - Fire effect part is included (can be connected with the sword handle to form a fire sword)   The whole set includes: 1 x Ymir main figure 1 x Blaster 1 x fish model 2 x Changeable hands 1 x Fire effect part + 1 x Sword handle 1 x Roller   Status:  2025-3 Reissue batch in stock.     Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From...
Mike Toys MK05S MK-05S Skyfire (Modified KO NA NewAge H45EXR Firefox Aurora Painting) New Age 18cm / 7.1“
Sold Out

Features:  *Note: (1) Current stock is the new version with some defects improved. (2) The painting is normal plastic color (not as shown on the product photo) This is a 1:1 KO version of Newage H45EXR Firefox ( Inspired by G1 Jetfire / Skyfire) with a modified headsculpt and a lot accessories:  Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure1 x Laser gun1 x Blue laser blade1 x Clear stand2 x Changeable handsSeveral fire effect partsSeveral Missile parts This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Flippable gear added to the chest Status:  2023-12 Improved version in stock. Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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Mike Toys MK05 / MK05B MK-05 / MK-05B Skyfire (Modified KO NA NewAge H45 / H45B Firefox ) 18cm / 7.1“

Features:  *Note: (1) Current stock is the new version with some defects improved. (2) The product link includes 2 different buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you want. (3) No simplification on the structure while the finishing / texture / material is not as good as the original version. (4) Comparing to MK05S, MK05 includes includes the stands and missiles while MK05B doesn't include the missiles / stands. This is a 1:1 KO version of Newage H45 / H45B Firefox ( Inspired by G1 Jetfire / Skyfire) with a modified headsculpt and extra accessories.  Status:  2024-3 Improved version in stock. Parameters: Producer 4th Party (KO NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     


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