New Arrivals & Reissues

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FansHobby FH MB-21 MB21 Tsunami (Armada Universe Tidal Wave)

Features: This MB-21 in homage to the classic image of Tidal Wave from Transformers: Armada universe is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It can transform into a heavily-armed space jet carrier. It can also be combined together with Fanshobby MB-17 to form the ultimate mode of the figure.   Status: 2024-12 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Robot Height is unknown yet Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note    
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Dream Star Toys DST02-001 DST02001 Forklift Warrior ( Scrapper, Constructicon, Devastator Combiner) DreamStarToys Metallic Version 24.5 cm / 9.6"

Features: The DST02-001 Forklift Warrior, in homage to the classic G1 image of Scrapper in Constructicons, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a forklift. The whole combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Constructicon is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: 2024-11 1st batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Slingshoot 22cm / 8.5"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note Left arm 
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Cyber Era CE03 CE-03 Soundwave (DOTM Soundwave, Oversized OS Toy Lab / New Age Mista) BMB 16.5cm / 6.5"

Features:  *Note:  The reissued version DOESN'T include the bonus (transparent laserbeak / Ravage) This is an oversized version of the Toy Lab soundwave (in homage to the image of DOTM Soundwave).  This new version features: - 1 x Main figure - 2 x Pistols - 1 x Laserbeak - 1 x Ravage   Status: 2024-10 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Cyber Era Size Robot Form Approx. 16.5cm (6.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
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Metal Club MC Muscle Bear QS02 TN (KO Flametoys DJD Tarn) Electro-Plated Version 21cm / 8.3"
$154.99 $169.99

Features: *Note: This is a non-transformable figure. This is the link for the eletro-plated version. This is a direct KO version of Flame Toys DJD Tarn. It comes with chest lights, blasters and changeable face masks. Status:  2024-11 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Metal Club Muscle Bear Size Robot Form Approx. 21cm (8.3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Die cast parts Shipment From China Note N/A  
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Visual Toys VT-01 VT01 Peru Kill AOE (Lockdown) 2 steeljaws 22cm / 8.7"
$44.99 $64.99

Features: This VT-01 Peru Kill (Lockdown) is a perfect KO version of Unique Toys R-02, with 2 steeljaws included in the whole set.  Whole set includes: - 1×  Main body - 1 × Rifle  - 1 × Hook - 1 × Changable Face - 2 × Steeljaws   Status: 2024-10 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer BSL Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy Parts Shipment From China Note Perfect duplicate of R-02
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Lemontree Toys LT-03 LT03 Purple Potato (Shockwave) Starship 22cm / 8.7"
$74.99 $129.99

Features: A new MP sized Purple Potato in homage to Shockwave with a brand-new original design is brought by a new 3rd  party transformer studio Lemon Tree. This highly-articulated figure is with glowable eyes, metallic painting and transforms into a giant starship (30cm length) Status: 2024-10 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Lemon Trees Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Shockwave with original design.    
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Unique Toys UT Y-01 Y01 Provider (Octane, Fuel Supply, MP Size) Reissue 21cm / 8.25"
$77.99 $92.99

Features:  UT Y01 Provider (in homage to G1 Octane) is going to be reissued! This robot transforms into fuel truck and giant plane, with 2 disguise modes! This set is now considered as the best version of Octane (in terms of design in its transformation and robot mode )   Status: 2024-10 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note N/A  
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4th Party No Brand MMP14 MMP-14 KO MPM-14 MPM14 Bonecrusher 26cm / 10"

Features This is a 1:1 KO version of MPM14 without modification with some additional accessories.   Status: 2024-7 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th party No brand Size 1:1 KO MPM11 Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Blackout  
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Master Piece Ultra MP Ultra MPU-01 MPU01 Thrust Version 2.0 25cm / 10"

Features:  This figure is Inspired by and modified from the official Masterpiece line MP52 Starscream, in homage to the Thrust in the Decepticon planes.  Status: 2024-8 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Eagle Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From China Note KO Version   
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MFT MechFansToys Vecma Toys Head Warriors Headmasters Gift Sets of 7 (VS-01/02/03/04/05/06/07 Chromedome / Weirdwolf / Hardhead / Mindwipe / Skullcrusher / Highbrow / Brainstorm)

Features:  The whole set includes all 7 figures of head warriors (Deluxe grade) designed by Vecma Toys:  - MechFansToys VECMA VS-01 Chivalrouser (Chromedome)- MechFansToys VECMA VS-02 Wolf (Weirdwolf)- MechFansToys VECMA VS-03 Obstinate (Hardhead)- MechFansToys VECMA VS-04 Inspiration Bat (Mindwipe)- MechFansToys VECMA VS-05 Crocodile (Skullcrusher)- MechFansToys VECMA VS-06 Sea Dragon (Highbrow)- MechFansToys VECMA VS-07 KongMing (Brainstorm)   Status:  2024-7 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (4.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note 7 figures gift pack. 
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Bingo Toys BingoToys BT01 BT-01 Silencer (Bumblebee Movie Shockwave) 30cm / 12"
$119.99 $149.99

Features: This BT-01 Silencer is the first figure brought by Bingo Toys (A brand-new 3rd party transformers toys studio.). It transforms into a cybertronian laser gun, inspired by the image of Shockwave in the Transformers: Bumblebee Movie.  The figure features  - headsculpt with LED lights (Needs 2 x  AG0/LR521H button batteries) - worn-out-like painting - Many die-cast parts are applied.   Status:  2024-6 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer BINGO TOYS Size Robot Mode 30cm / 12" Material ABS Plastic  / Diecast parts Shipment From China Note Bumblebee Movie Shockwave
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4th Party RP44 KO FT44 Thomas (Astrotrain MP size) 24cm / 9.5"
$99.99 $119.99

Features: You know better than us what it is.  This RP-44 KO version has been proved to be of good quality and has few difference comparing to the original version.  The comparison photos are shown in the product gallery (On the left is the original version and on the right is the RP44 KO version.) Quick Transformation Video: Status: 2024-7 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Astrotrain.  
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Infinite Transformation IT01 IT-01 Emperor of Destruction (Not MP36 MP-36 Megatron) MP Size 25cm / 10"

Features: *Note: (1) 2*LR44 Battery is needed for the barrel of the figure (original batteries would be removed from the figure for convenience in shipment). Chinese and English voice chip available for the barrel; (2) The material of some joints (Ankles, knees) have been changed to enhance the durability.  This IT01 Emperor of Destruction is said to be one of the best non-official MP36 according to several reviewers in China. (especially the perfect marginal adaptation of the pistrol form. ) Infinite Transformation is said to to be the sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB), so it inherit the consistent quality control of BMB.  More Accessories and weapons. ( The latest reissue batch contains one hand cannon only. ). Upgraded Alloy parts (Legs and Feet), Same size as MP36 (best size to play with)   Status: 2024-8 Reissued batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Infinite Transformation (IT) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10...


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