New Arrivals & Reissues

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Transart TA BWM-12 BWM12 Wing Wolf Combatant Lightning (BW Beast Wars Maximals Silverbolt) 18.5cm / 7.3"

Features: This BMW-12 Lightning in homage to Maximals Silverbolt in Beast wars universe is brought by TRANSART (A 3rd party transformers producer which may probably focus on BW line), stands 18.5 cm (7.3 inches) and transforms into a mechanic wolf with eagle wings.   Status: 2024-12 In stock.   Parameters: Producer TRANSART Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by Beast Wars Transmetal Rattrap    
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4th Party KO MP32 MP-32 General Gorilla (Optimus Primal)
$72.99 $87.99

Features:  1:1 KO version of MP32. All product photos are for this KO version.  Pros: (1) Good quality plastic are used for the main body. (2) Most Ratchet joints work well. (3) Quality of Painting are similar to original version (with a deeper color tone.) Cons:(1)For random batches joint of the left leg is loose.(2)For random batches joints for the backpack and hips are tight (lubricant is needed), or the plastic around the joint might crack.(3)On certain parts tiny color difference can be observed (backs of the hands, bellys of the gorilla mode)(4)Burrs (caused by the injection molding) appears on the edges of some parts (changeable faces, back pack and etc.)   Note: (1)*No coin. (2) Except for major defects, no post-sales service can be guaranteed. Customers who buy this figure are considered that they accept the pros and cons listed as above.   Video Review by 양말TV SocksTV: Status:  2024-10 Reissue batch in stock (4th...
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Transart TA BWM-06 BWM06 Tyrannosaurus (BW Beast Transmetal Megatron) 26cm / 10.3"

Features: *Note: For current 2024  batch all LED lights are cancelled.  This BMW-06 Tyrannosaurus, in homage to Transmetal Megatron in Beast wars universe is brought by TRANSART (A new 3rd party transformers producer which may probably focus on BW line), stands 26 cm (10.3 inches) and transforms into a mechanic T-rex (equipped with rollers and turbo boosters). Whole set includes:  1 x Main Figure 3 x Changeable Faces 1 x Giant Tail (for dinosaur mode) 1 x Small Tail (for robot mode) 1 x Fire effect part 4 x Shoulder cannon replacement part  1 x Golden plate loader     Status: 2024-9 New batch coming very soon. Full payment acceptable. Shipment would be done as soon as product comes into stock.    Parameters: Producer TRANSART Size Robot Form Approx. 26cm tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by Beast Wars Transmetal Megatron    
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Transart TA BWM-08 BWM08 (BW Beast Transmetal Blackwidow) 14.5cm / 5.7"

Features: This BMW-08 in homage to Transmetal blackwidow in Beast wars universe is brought by TRANSART (A 3rd party transformers producer which may probably focus on BW line), stands 14.5 cm (5.7 inches) and transforms into a mechanic spider.     Status: 2024-9 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer TRANSART Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by Beast Wars Transmetal Rattrap    
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Transart TA BWM-10 BWM10 Dinobot II (BW Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Dinobot ) 25.5cm / 10"
$114.99 $119.99

Features: This BWM-10 Skateboard Gorilla , in homage to Transmetal 2 Dinobot in Beast war is another masterpiece by TRANSART (A 3rd party transformers producer which may probably focus on BW line), stands 25.5 cm (10 inches) and transforms into a mechanic dinosaur with diversified accessories.   Status: 2024-7 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer TRANSART Size Robot Form Approx. 21.5cm (8.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by optimus primal, but of an original design    


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