NA / NewAge

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NA NewAge H52B H-52B Poison (SG Shattered Glass Ratchet) New Age 10.5cm / 4"

Features:  This NewAge H52B Poison Ratchet ( Inspired by Ratchet Shattered Glass) by NewAge (A famous 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into a white ambulance with green and purple color. This is a Rachet with brand-new 2.0 design and a lot more accessories / weapons. Status:  2023-7 In Stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 10.5cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H52 H-52 ER (G1 Ratchet) New Age 10.5cm / 4"
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Features:  This NewAge H52 ER ( Inspired by G1 Ratchet ) by NewAge (A famous 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into a red van. This is a Rachet with brand-new 2.0 design and a lot more accessories / weapons. Status:  2023-1 In Stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 10.5cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H51 H-51 Hawk (G1 Ironhide) New Age 10.5cm / 4"
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Features:  This NewAge H51 Hawk ( Inspired by G1 Ironhide ) by NewAge (A famous 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into a red van. This is an Ironhide with brand-new 2.0 design and a lot more accessories / weapons. Status:  2023-1 In Stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 10.5cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H7 H-7 Mccoy (Ironhide) New Age 8cm / 3"
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Features:  This NewAge H7 Mccoy ( Inspired by G1 Ironhide ) by NewAge (A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into a red van. Its size is compatible with other NewAge legends class figure, as well as this KO GT-05 Optimus Prime.  Status:  2019-8 In Stock.  Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H10+H11+H12 H-10 H-11 H-12 Abadon, Berial, Asmodeus (Kickback, Shrapnel, Bombshell) 3 in 1 Set Original Color New Age 6cm / 2.4"
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Features:  This Insecticon 3 in 1 set is a start of new plan called "Hell 7" by NewAge (A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys). All of the 3 sets are of legends class and transform into robot insects.  The whole set includes: - H-10  Abadon (Kickback)- H-11 Berial (Shrapnel)- H-12 Asmodeus (Bombshell) This set is of original color.  Status:  2019-7 In stock Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 6cm (2.4 Inches each) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H8 H-8 Miller (Ratchet) New Age 8cm / 3"
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Features:  This NewAge H8 Miller ( Inspired by G1 Ratchet ) by NewAge (A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into white ambulance. Its size is compatible with other NewAge legends class figure, as well as this KO GT-05 Optimus Prime.  Status:  2019-7 In stock Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     


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