NA / NewAge

NA NewAge H2EX H-2EX Manero (Jazz) Limited Version New Age 8cm / 3"
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Features:  This New Age H2EX Manero ( Inspired by G1 Jazz ) by NewAge (A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into race car. Comparing to other similar Jazz in the market, H2 Manero features the best design in both robot mode and disguise mode, can be considered as the most G1 Jazz of legends scale.  This set is an upgraded redecor version of H2 Manero, with more detailed painting on the body and the wheel.  Whole set includes: 1 × main figure2 × loudspeakers1 × G1 laser gun.   Status:  2024-5 Reissue batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H2 H-2 Manero (Jazz) New Age 8cm / 3"
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Features:  This New Age H2 Manero ( Inspired by G1 Jazz ) by NewAge (A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into race car. Comparing to other similar Jazz in the market, H2 Manero features the best design in both robot mode and disguise mode, can be considered as the most G1 Jazz of legends scale.  Whole set includes: 1 × main figure2 × loudspeakers1 × G1 laser gun.   Status: 2024-5 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H2G Capoeira Ricochet (Black Jazz) New Age 8cm / 3"
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Features:  This NewAge H2G Capoeira ( Inspired by G1 Jazz ) by NewAge (A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into race car. It is the repainted version of NA H2 Manero Comparing to other similar Jazz in the market, it features the best design in both robot mode and disguise mode, can be considered as the most G1 Jazz of legends scale.  Its size is compatible with other NewAge legends class figure, as well as this KO GT-05 Optimus Prime. (see photos for details. ) Status:  2019-5 In stock Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 8cm (3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     


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