Master Made

Kaiyu Model / Siyang Cultural Y-C001 - Defense Fortress Vladivostok (Metroplex) Legends Class 45cm / 17.7"
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Features: Note: 1.Batteries would be removed for convenience in shipment. 2.Batteries needed are as below: 1 x CR2032 (3V) 20 x CR927 6 x LR41 From Kaiyu Model comes the Y-C001 Defense Fortress - Vladivostok. The legends scale figure features: - stands 17.7 inches / 45cm tall  with 20 points of articulation; - 12 x LED lights (Magnetic switch) - Transforms into a battle base.  - Size fit to legends-class transformers.    Status:  2023-11 1st batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Kaiyu model / Siyang Cultural Size Robot Form Approx. 45cm (17.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Legends Class
Master Made SDT-07 SDT07 Mega Series Renjie ( Ginrai ) Deluxe Version 21cm
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Features: This SDT07 Renjie by Master Made (A new 3rd party transformer producer) is a cute version figure in homage to the mighty Ginrai. It is an SD Gundam-like transformer and transforms into a Cybertronian heavily-armed truck (armor as the convoy) This set is now on sale. What we offer is deluxe version includes the chest statue.  Status: 2020-10 A few sets in stock with favorable price.   Parameters:  Producer Master Made Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast parts Shipment From China Note SD Gundam-like transfomers
Master Made SDT-03 SDT03 Mega Series Apollo (Omega Supreme) 21cm
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Features: This SDT-03 Apollo by Master Made (A new 3rd party transformer producer) is a cute version figure in homage to the mighty Omega Supreme. It is a gundam-like transformer with fantastic gunpla-like  details.    - The head can transform into mini tank, and the two hands are exchangeable (with parts of the rockets as hand cannon and mechanic claw) (Homage to the classic image in G1)- Upper part of the rocket can transform into a war hammer (original design)-  The transformation into launching base can be integrated (no need to detach any parts of the robots)- Compatible with other Mega series transformers in size.-  LED lights added.-  Cute version robot but with excellent movability.-  Mini Optimus Prime figure included as special gift in the whole set (untransformable )   Parameters:  Producer Master Made Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast parts Shipment From China Note Cute...
Master Made SDT-05 SDT05 Mega Series Odin (Fortress Maximus) 21cm
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Features: This SDT05 Odin by Master Made (A new 3rd party transformer producer) is a cute version figure in homage to the mighty Fortress Maximus. It is a gundam-like transformer and a triple changer with excellent presentation of details from head to toe.    - The head can transform into mini robot pilot (Homage to headmaster)- Triple changer: Fortress, Giant robot, Space cruiser- Giant robot form is with steel-wing like jetpack (original design)-  LED lights on the chest- Gundam-like weapons (huge mechanic sword, huge blaster gun)- Enhanceable fists (Power fists with steel gloves)   Parameters:  Producer Master Made Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast parts Shipment From China Note Cute version Robot, triple changer


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