LT / Legendary Toys

4th Party BX001 BX-001 Bayverse Optimus Prime (1:1 KO MPM04) 25CM /10"
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Features:  1:1 KO version of MPM04 OP with die-cast parts added.  According to the feedback of our domestic customers, this set is of decent quality, well the painting might be a little bit plain.    Status: 2021-10 A few sets In stock.      Parameters: Producer Legendary Toys ( LT ) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note 1:1 KO MPM04      
LegendaryToys LT-03B LT03B Nemesis Prime MTCD-01SP 18cm
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Features:  1:1 KO version of MTCD01SP, An extremely cool LT03 LT-03 Nemesis Prime (Optimus prime) from Legendary Toys (4th /3rd party Transformer Manufacturer). You see clearly from the picture why we call it weapon master ^^  Classic blue and red colors remind you of those old memories.  Up to 9 kinds of single weapons can be equipped, as some of them can be combined into new ones. Use your imagination and have fun. Several unique and interesting designs have been implemented in the process of transformation (For instance, the two war axes work as top exhaust pipes when in truck form, which is very creative). Pls see LT-03 for more detailed photos.    Status:  2021-4 New batch in stock.  Parameters: Producer Legendary Toys ( LT ) Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note More than 9 kinds of weapons can be equipped,   
LegendaryToys LT-03 LT03 Optimus Prime 18CM
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Features:  1:1 KO version of MTCD01, An extremely cool LT03 LT-03 Striker Magnus (Optimus prime) from Legendary Toys (4th /3rd party Transformer Manufacturer). You see clearly from the picture why we call it weapon master ^^  Classic blue and red colors remind you of those old memories.  Up to 9 kinds of single weapons can be equipped, as some of them can be combined into new ones. Use your imagination and have fun. Several unique and interesting designs have been implemented in the process of transformation (For instance, the two war axes work as top exhaust pipes when in truck form, which is very creative). Status:  2021-4 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Legendary Toys ( LT ) Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note More than 9 kinds of weapons can be equipped,       
Legendary Toys LT-02 LT02 Optimus Prime (1:1 MPM04) 25CM /10"
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Features:  1:1 KO version of MPM04 from Legendary Toys (4th /3rd party Transformer Manufacturer). with a lot of die-cast parts added.  Status: 2020-5 In stock.      Parameters: Producer Legendary Toys ( LT ) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note 1:1 KO MPM04      


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