IF / Iron Factory

4th Party TNT-01B TNT01B KO IF EX30D Darkness Cyguns (Skyfire / Jetfire) Oversized Version 18cm
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Features: *Note: This is the black colored version.  This TNT01  (in homage to G1 Skyfire) is an oversized KO version of IF EX30 Cygans. It transforms into space cruiser. This figure is said to be with almost the same material and quality    Status:  2023-8 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer TNT Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm  Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Oversized Cygun    
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4th Party TNT-01 TNT01 KO IF EX30 Cyguns (Skyfire / Jetfire) Oversized Version 18cm
$29.99 $34.99

Features: This TNT01  (in homage to G1 Skyfire) is an oversized KO version of IF EX30 Cygans. It transforms into space cruiser. This figure is said to be with almost the same material and quality    Status:  2023-7 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer TNT Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm  Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Oversized Cygun    
IronFactory IF EX-30D EX30D Darkness Cyguns (Skyfire Jetfire) Shattered Glass Version 14cm
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Features: *Note: This is a shattered glass version of EX30 with black color tone.  This IF EX30 Cyguns (in homage to G1 Skyfire) is a legendary-sized but exquisite figure by Iron Factory(famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys)It transforms into space cruiser and its backpack can be equipped to IF14 Commander (Optimus prime,  sold separately, see photos) as jet pack and armor.  The robot is small but with no simplification in its painting, movability and fun in the process of transformation.     Status:  2021-9 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 14cm (5.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Legends size but of fantastic details.     
IronFactory IF EX-30 EX30 Cyguns (Skyfire Jetfire) 14cm
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Features: This IF EX30 Cyguns (in homage to G1 Skyfire) is a legendary-sized but exquisite figure by Iron Factory(famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys)It transforms into space cruiser and its backpack can be equipped to IF14 Commander (Optimus prime,  sold separately, see photos) as jet pack and armor.  The robot is small but with no simplification in its painting, movability and fun in the process of transformation.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 14cm (5.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Legends size but of fantastic details.     


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