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XTransbots Mini Series MX01 MX-01 Guardian Fuzz (Streetwise, Guardian Defensor Combiner) X-transbots 10cm / 4"
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Features: This MX01 by Xtransbots (A famous 3rd party transformer studio) is the 1st transformation robot in its new Mini series. This set is also a member of the incoming 5-members combiner (in homage to G1 Defensor) and can transform into one leg of the combiner.    Status 2023-12 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Xtransbots Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic, Die-cast Shipment From China Note Mini series combiner
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XTransbots MX-33 MX33 Jocund (Groove, Defensor Combiner) X-transbots 17cm / 6.7"

Features: This MX-33 by Xtransbots (A famous 3rd party transformer studio) is a transformation robot with its size perfectly matching official MP series (in homage to G1 Groove). It can transform into a police motorcycle.  This set is also a member of the incoming 5-members combiner (in homage to G1 Defensor) and can transform into one leg of the combiner.  The whole set includes: - 1 x Laser pistol - 2 x Machine guns  - 3 x changeable faces - 1 x Main figure of Jocund    Status 2021-11 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Xtransbots Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall, Combiner mode 50cm tall.  Material ABS Plastic, Die-cast Shipment From China Note MP Size
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XTransbots MX-30 MX30 Fuzz (Streetwise, Defensor Combiner) X-transbots 17cm / 6.7"

Features: This MX-30 by Xtransbots (A famous 3rd party transformer studio) is a transformation robot with its size perfectly matching official MP series (in homage to G1 Streetwise). It can transform into a police car.  This set is also a member of the incoming 5-members combiner (in homage to G1 Defensor) and can transform into one leg of the combiner.  The whole set includes: - 1 x Laser pistol - 3 x changeable faces - 1 x Main figure of fuzz   Status 2021-5 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Xtransbots Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic, Die-cast Shipment From China Note MP Size
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【Loose Pack】4th Party Demon Knight DK01-04 + D05 (DK06 / DK-06) Defensor Combiner Oversized Version (5 in 1, Set A + Set B) 45cm
$109.99 $119.99

 Features: *Note: 1. This figure would be sent without its original packing to guarantee the speed and reliability of shipment.  2. Loose Pack item are new / unused item with the original box removed only. TFSAFARI would still offer well protection of the item even without its original box.  3. Pls refer to the below link for video instructions (no printed instruction is included in this figure) Video Instructions for DK01-05 Demon Knight  This is an oversized combiner war defensor with features as below:  1. Height of robot modes: Limbs: 18cm Main body: 25cm  Combiner: 45cm (perfectly fits to JINBAO Devastator / Predecon and etc.) 2. Matte finishing are applied to all paintings.  3. A lot of the gaps of the original figures have been filled  4. Ratchet joints are used for the hips and limbs with strong enough supporting force.  5. A lot of transparents are used for windows /...


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