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Transform and Rollout TR-02A TR02A Commander of Stars (Transformers Galaxy Force Optimus Prime) Galaxy Convoy EX Painting Version 24cm / 9.5mm

Features:  *Note: (1) The broken finger issue with the original version is said to be fixed in this new TR-02A version;  (2) The shoulder joint issue with the original version is said to be fixed in this new TR-02A version. The 2nd figure brought by Transform and Rollout (TR) after TR Hova (Jazz). It transforms into a Cybertronian truck with heavily armed convoy.  The vehicle mode is 36cm / 14" long (with convoy), while the convoy can also be transformed and combined with robot mode. Other details unknown yet. The current version would be an upgraded version with improvement as below:  - Missle bays added to the upper side of the backpack. - Air nozzles added to the convoy - LED light effects added to the cannon / Matrix-leadership with magnet switch. - 142 moveable parts (including 20 POM ratchet sets + 14 die-cast ratchet sets ) in total on the...
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FansHobby FH MB-22 MB22 Sky Flame(Armada Universe Jetfire) 26cm / 10.2"

Features: This MB-22 Sky Flame in homage to the classic image of Jetfire from Transformers: Armada universe is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It can transform into a heavily-armed trailer. It can also be combined together with Fanshobby MB-15 (as its shoulder cannon)    Status: 2024-5 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Robot Height 24cm / 9.4“, MP size Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note    
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FansHobby FH MB-24A MB24A Dark Strike(Hydra / Darkwing) 23.5cm / 9.3"
$129.99 $139.99

Features: This MB-24A Dark Strike in homage to the classic image of Hydra / Dreadwind from G1: Super God Master Force line is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It can transform into a heavily-armed jet fighter. It can also be combined together with Fanshobby MB-23.   Status: 2024-1 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Robot Height 23.5cm / 9.3“, MP size Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note  
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FansHobby FH MB-24 MB24 Lernaean(Hydra / Dreadwind) 23.5cm / 9.3"

Features: This MB-24 Lernaean in homage to the classic image of Hydra / Dreadwind from G1: Super God Master Force line is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It can transform into a heavily-armed jet fighter. It can also be combined together with Fanshobby MB-23.   Status: 2024-1 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Unknown, MP size Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note  
Toy House Factory THF-01J THF01J Sonic Wave + THF-01P6 THF01P6 6 Cassette Warriors 25cm (MP-13 Soundwave)
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Features: *Note:  (1)This product page is related with several different buy options, pls make sure you put the exact item you want into the box. (2)Loose Pack item are new / unused item with the original box removed only. TFSAFARI would still offer well protection of the item even without its original box.  (3)For(MIB)THF01J + (Loose Pack)THF01P6, we would remove the box of THF01P6 and put it into the THF01J box. You will have THF01J in a MIB condition. The THF01 Sonic Wave is an KO version of offical MP21 Soundwave with some upgrades in the design. All Diecast / alloy parts have been retained.The whole set includes 1 cassette (Laserbeak for 01J & Ratbat for 01B ) only but the soundwave is able to carry 6 cassette robots.  See related products in THF for extra cassettes.  Pls buy the 6 in 1 Cassette warriors here; The THF01P6 Cassette Warriors includes 6...
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FansHobby FH MB-23 MB23 Destroyer (Buster / Dreadwind)

Features: This MB-23 Destoyer in homage to the classic image of Buster / Dreadwind from G1: Super God Master Force line is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It can transform into a heavily-armed jet fighter.  Status: 2023-5 In stock. Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Unknown, MP size Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note  
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Transform and Rollout TR-02 TR02 Commander of Stars (Transformers Galaxy Force Optimus Prime) Galaxy Convoy 24cm / 9.5mm
$129.99 $144.99

Features:  *Important Note: The current stock would go with the replacement fingers with instruction as below, it is the solution offered by the factory if you found your figure comes with broken fingers.  Customers who still want replacement fingers pls contact us at  Instruction Translation: (1) Stretch out the broken fingers; (2) Remove the thumb VERTICALLY against the palm; remove other fingers HORIZONTALLY against the palm (in these directions the fossas are bigger, Needlenose pliers can be used); (3) Fingers broken on the root can also be removed by needle-nose pliers.  (4) Insert the new thumb VERTICALLY against the palm; (5) Insert other fingers HORIZONTALLY against the palm. New fingers can be installed one by one.    The 2nd figure brought by Transform and Rollout (TR) after TR Hova (Jazz). It transforms into a Cybertronian truck with heavily armed convoy.  The vehicle mode is 36cm / 14" long (with convoy), while the convoy...
Toy House Factory THF-01J THF0J Sonic Wave (w/ One Cassette Only) 25cm (MP-13 Soundwave)
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Features: *Note: Loose Pack item are new / unused item with the original box removed only. TFSAFARI would still offer well protection of the item even without its original box.  This THF01 Sonic Wave is an KO version of offical MP21 Soundwave with some upgrades in the design. All Diecast / alloy parts have been retained.  Two colors are available now. Classic G1 color (Deep Blue) and black. The whole set includes 1 cassette (Laserbeak for 01J & Ratbat for 01B ) only but the soundwave is able to carry 6 cassette robots.  See related products in THF for extra cassettes.  Pls buy the 6 in 1 Cassette warriors here; THF01P6 6 in 1 Cassette Warriors   Status: 2023-12 New batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Toy House Factory  Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note MP Size
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4th Party NB No-Brand MP39 MP-39 Sunstreaker (Non-Official Version)
$54.99 $64.99

Features:  This No-Brand figure is an KO version of the official MP-39. According to all the reviews by our domestic customers, the pros and cons of this KO figure is as below: Pros:  No simplification on all the transformation process.  The disguise mode is moveable with its tyres  Almost no large seams in the vehicle mode (better than most of the KO figures.)   Cons:  Plastic used is not as good as the official version. Some parts are not well-polished. Painting is too thin (Peeling occurs occasionally during the tranformation.)   Status 2022-6 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer No Brand Size Robot Form Approx. 19cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note KO Version  
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FansHobby FH MB-26 MB26 The Saber Team (Armada Universe Star saber Mini-con) 3 in 1 set

Features: *Note: The MB-15 figure on the photos are for display only and NOT included in the set. This MB-26 the Saber team in homage to the classic image from Transformers: Armada universe is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) All of the 3 mini robots can transform into mini jet fighter and combine into the star saber.   Status: 2024-7 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note    
Toy House Factory THF-04 Hyper Magnum (MP-22 MP22 Ultra Magnus) 30cm
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Features: This THF-04 Hyper Magnum by Toy House Factory (THF, 4th party transformers producer, said to be branch of KBB) is the KO version of MP-22 Ultra Magnus with upgrades as below.  - Scaled-up laser gun (more coordinated to the size of the Robot)- Matrix of Leadship added as an accessory.- Improved upper body joints, now arms can be fully raised. - The "curtain" on the hip now can be packed up into the body.  Whole pack includes:1× Main Body2× Laser Rifle2× Mini Figures3× Changeable Faces2 × Changeable Fists   Status:  2021-2 New batch Restocked.   Parameters:  Producer Toy House Factory (THF) Size Robot Form Approx. 30cm (12 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note KO version but with several defects on MP22 improved.
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FansHobby FH MB-21 MB21 Tsunami (Armada Universe Tidal Wave)

Features: This MB-21 in homage to the classic image of Tidal Wave from Transformers: Armada universe is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It can transform into a heavily-armed space jet carrier. It can also be combined together with Fanshobby MB-17 to form the ultimate mode of the figure.   Status: 2024-12 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Robot Height is unknown yet Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note    


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