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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare 4 Sets DW-E25 Crane Hook / E26 Black Mirror / E27 Microscope / E28 Grapple Hook (Grapple / Magnificus / Perceptor / Hauler) fit to Earthrise Titan Class 2 in 1 set 4.5cm

Features: *Note: (1)This link is for the total 4 sets together including:  DW-E25 Crane Hook  / E26 Black Mirror (in homage to Grapple / Magnificus) DW-E27 Microscope / E28 Grapple Hook (in homage to Perceptor / Hauler) You can buy the whole 4 sets or each 2 sets box separately.  (2)Pre-Order customer get special bonus as below:  Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  Both of the two figures are tiny (about half as tall as a coke tin) but transformable and with inpressive details.  More figures are coming in this line according to our current knowledge.    Status: 2024-4 In stock. Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare 4 Sets DW-E30 Iron Jack (Wheeljack) / DW-E24M Firefighters (Inferno SG Shattered Glass) 2 in 1 set 4.5cm

Features: Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  Both of the two figures are tiny (about half as tall as a coke tin) but transformable and with inpressive details.     Status: 2024-7 In stock   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare DW-E30M Iron Jack (Wheeljack SG Shattered Glass) / DW-E33 Hammer (Bulkhead) 2 in 1 set 4.5cm

Features: Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  Both of the two figures are tiny (about half as tall as a coke tin) but transformable and with inpressive details.     Status: 2024-7 1st batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare DW-E31 Gas Smoke ( Exhaust ) / DW-E32 Fireball (Airfire) 2 in 1 set 4.5cm

Features: Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  Both of the two figures are tiny (about half as tall as a coke tin) but transformable and with inpressive details.     Status: 2024-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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【Pre-Order】Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare 4 Sets DW-E34M Wasp / E35S Wingman (Purple) / E34G Golden Beetle / E35M Wingman (Orange) 2 in 1 set 4.5cm
$43.99 $52.99

Features: *Note: This link is for the total 4 sets together including:  DW-E34M Wasp / E35S Wingman (Purple)  DW-E34G Golden Beetle / E35M Wingman (Orange)  You can buy the whole 4 sets or each 2 sets box separately.  Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  Both of the two figures are tiny (about half as tall as a coke tin) but transformable and with inpressive details.  More figures are coming in this line according to our current knowledge.    Status: To be released in June, 2024. Full price acceptable. Pre-Order customer get special discount. Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare DW-E35 Wingman (Cyclonus) / DW-E34 Wasp (Bumblebee) 2 in 1 set 4.5cm

Features: Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  Both of the two figures are tiny (about half as tall as a coke tin) but transformable and with inpressive details.     Status: 2024-8 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Small scale / transformable figure
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare DW-E36 Menace King (Megatron) Original Grey Leg Version 4.5cm

Features: *Note: This is the grey leg version. Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  The figure is in homage to G1 Megatron and can transform into a laser gun.    Status: 2024-10 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Small scale / transformable figure
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare DW-E36X Menace King (Megatron) Red Leg Version 4.5cm

Features: *Note: This is the red leg version. Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  The figure is in homage to G1 Megatron and can transform into a laser gun.    Status: 2024-10 Stock coming very soon.   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size 4.5cm Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Small scale / transformable figure
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare DW-E36S Menace King (Megatron) Scanned Purple Version 4.5cm

Features: *Note: This is the transparant purple version. Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Arch, Metroplex, Ark, Scorponok) and etc.  The figure is in homage to G1 Megatron and can transform into a laser gun.    Status: 2024-10 Stock coming very soon.    Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Small scale / transformable figure


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