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NA NewAge H-46B H46B Arsonist Wildfire (Inferno Shattered Glass Version) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$53.99 $63.99

Features:  This Newage H46B Arsonist Widfire ( Inspired by G1 Shattered Glass Version Inferno) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a dark green fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon 1 x Hose1 x Fire effect part This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Rotatable scaling ladder (can be hidden in the body under the robot mode) Status:  2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 9.8cm / 3.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-47G H47G Daedalus (Grapple, Road Hauler) Green Version New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$51.99 $63.99

Features:  This Newage H47G Daedalus with a new colorscheme( Inspired by G1 Grapple / Road Hauler) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a green fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon 1 x Hose This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window Status:  2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 9.8cm / 3.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H-46W H46W Backdraft (Artfire, Inferno) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
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Features:  This Newage H46W Backdraft with a new colorscheme( Inspired by G1 Artfire / Inferno) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a red / white fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon (can be transformed into a target master)1 x Hose This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Rotatable scaling ladder (can be hidden in the body under the robot mode) Status:  2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-47 H47 Daedalus (Grapple) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$52.99 $59.99

Features:  This Newage H47 Daedalus ( Inspired by G1 Grapple) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a red fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon1 x Nozzle This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window Status:  2022-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 9.8cm / 3.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-46 H46 Backdraft (Inferno) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$52.99 $63.99

Features:  This Newage H46 Backdraft ( Inspired by G1 Inferno) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a red fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon1 x Hose1 x Water effect part This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Rotatable scaling ladder (can be hidden in the body under the robot mode) Status:  2022-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
Mike Toys MK05 / MK05B MK-05 / MK-05B Skyfire (Modified KO NA NewAge H45 / H45B Firefox ) 18cm / 7.1“
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Features:  *Note: (1) Current stock is the new version with some defects improved. (2) The product link includes 2 different buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you want. (3) No simplification on the structure while the finishing / texture / material is not as good as the original version. (4) Comparing to MK05S, MK05 / 05B doesn't include the missles / stands. This is a 1:1 KO version of Newage H45 / H45B Firefox ( Inspired by G1 Jetfire / Skyfire) with a modified headsculpt and extra accessories.  Status:  2023-12 Improved version in stock. Parameters: Producer 4th Party (KO NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     


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