Go Better Studio

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Go Better Studio GX-53 GX53 Gap fillers for Studio Series 93 SS93 Hot Rod ( Upgrade Kit+ Gap Fillers)
$16.99 $19.99

Features: This is a newly designed upgrade kit for Studio Series 93 Hot Rod by Go Better Studio. Pls follow the product pics and the video listed as below for installation.  Whole set includes: 8 x Gap fillers  Note:1. Only painted set is available for this set. 2. The main toy figure is not included in the weapon set.  3. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, it's better for you to buy unpainted garage kits and customize the color by yourself if you have strict requirement on the painting.4. All gap filler parts are compatible to the vehicle mode (No need to remove any of the parts for transformation. )   Status: 2023-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Size Fit to SS93 Hot Rod Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Go Better Studio GX-52 GX52 Gap fillers for Buzzworthy Bumblebee Legacy: Evolution Origin Autobot Jazz ( Upgrade Kit+ Gap Fillers)
$15.99 $19.99

Features: This is a newly designed upgrade kit for Buzzworthy Bumblebee Legacy: Evolution Origin Autobot Jazz by Go Better Studio. Pls follow the product pics and the video listed as below for installation.  Whole set includes: 6 x Gap fillers for the figure  3 x Hook gun parts  Note:1. Only painted set is available for this set. 2. The main toy figure is not included in the weapon set.  3. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, it's better for you to buy unpainted garage kits and customize the color by yourself if you have strict requirement on the painting.4. All gap filler parts are compatible to the vehicle mode (No need to remove any of the parts for transformation. )   Status: 2023-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Origin Jazz Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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