Go Better Studio

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Go Better Studio GX-62 GX62 Upgrade Kit / Gap fillers for Studio Series 111 SS-111 Concept Art Sunstreaker Upgrade Kit

 Features:  A new upgrade kit designed by Go Better Studio  for Studio Series SS-111 Concept Art Sunstreaker. The whole set includes 24 parts in total , within which: #1, #2, #7, #8 (+ 2 springs): Gap filler for the lower arms. #3, #4, #9, #10 : Gap fillers for the back #11, #12: Gap fillers for the belly. #13, #14, #17, #18: Fillers for gaps on the hips #21, #22, #23, #24: Light parts (back of the shins, side of the shoulders) #5, #6, #15,#16, #19, #20 Gap fillers for the guns. See product photos for the details.   60s Installation Video Cut as below:  Status: 2024-9 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to SS-111 Concept Art Sunstreaker Material 3D printed Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Go Better Studio GX-61 / GX-18U / GX-08U GX61 / GX18U / GX08U Upgrade Kit / Gap fillers for Generations Selects Legacy United Autobots Hound / Sunstreak / Wheeljack Upgrade Kit
$44.99 $55.99

 Features:  New upgrade kits designed by Go Better Studio  for Generation Selects Legacy United Hound / Sunstreak / Wheeljack (with new color scheme in accordance with the figures in the pack.) GX-61: for Legacy United Hound  GX-18U: for Legacy United Sunstreak  GX-08U: for Legacy United Wheeljack  60s Installation Video Cut coming soon   Status: 2024-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to Legacy United Hound / Sunstreak / Wheeljack Material 3D printed Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Go Better Studio GX-61B GX61B Upgrade Kit / Gap fillers for Legacy Evolution Detritus (Redeco Legacy United SS86 Hound) Upgrade Kit

 Features:  A new upgrade kit designed by Go Better Studio  for Legacy Evolution Detritus (Redeco SS86 Hound). The whole set includes 8 parts in total , within which: #1, #2: Gap filler for lower backs (seats / steering wheels for vehicle mode) #3, #4: Gap fillers for the back of the shins #5, #6: Fillers for gaps on the hips #7, #8: Fillers for gaps on the hips #9, #10: New feet (fully built-in)   60s Installation Video Cut coming soon Status: 2024-4 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Detritus  Material 3D printed Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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