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No Brand NB White Leg Version 4th Party KO MP44 MP-44 OP 3.0 Loose Pack Version (Backpack Modified Version, No box, No manual,No Jetpack) 25cm / 10"
$76.99 $99.99

Features:  *Note: This is the latest version with the backpack modified and white legs. There is no Jetpack with current version This is is a 4th party KO version of MP44 OP 3.0. No formal packing for this set. It is probably manufactured by BMB so good post-sales service can't be expected.  The below are pros and cons of this KO set based on the feedback from our domestic customers in China: Only some accessories are included. Convoy is not included. Pros:  - No simplification in structure and transformation. 1:1 full version KO.  - No major or common defects are found in bulk. - Joints on knees and ankles are enhanced.  - Light effect added to the jet pack.    Cons - Plastic material used are not as good as the official version.  - Still the hip joints are loose on some sets (same to official version) - On some figures, Some...
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Toysmage TM01 T-Rex KO MP43(Beast War Megatron)25cm / 10"
$94.99 $109.99

Features:  Note: All LED parts are cancelled for the current batch.  This Toymage TM01 T-Rex is an improved version of the official MP43 Megatron, featuring: - Some loose and easily breakable parts on the original version like waist joints and some snaps on the body have been strengthened.  - Voice chips changes from Japanese to Chinese and English (According to the current feedback, there's possibility for some voice chips to be born defected. Currently TM can't offer replacement ) - The painting and details are done generally similar to the original official version.  - Transparent parts has been re-made.    Status:  2023-12 Reissue version coming very soon in 1-2 weeks.   Parameters: Producer Toys Mage Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Improved KO version of MP43  
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NB No-Brand IDW Combiner Wars CW Devastator 6 in 1 Set (Minified Non-Official Version, No Box) 32cm / 12.5"
$34.99 $52.99

  Features:  This No-Brand figure is an Minified KO version of the official IDW Devastator. The toy would be sent without original box to guarantee the best price. According to all the reviews by our domestic customers, the pros and cons of this KO figure is as below: Pros: - No simplification on all the transformation process. - Minified size is now easier to handle and more compatible to other official combiners from Combiner Wars, Titans Return and POTP series- Quite good joints, no rickets.  Cons:  - Plastic used for the legs and arms is not as good as the official version.- Factory doesn't offer any post-sales service (For broken parts and spare parts you need to figure out it by yourself, due to its low price, TFSAFARI can't be responsible for the post-sales service.). - The hand of the scrapper is easily broken in some batches. See below link the way to fix...
4th Party No Brand JH01 JH-01 KO MPM11 MPM-11 Ratchet ( Enhanced Details & Painting) 19cm / 7.5"
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Features:  *Note: Last set in stock. No spare part service is available now for this set. This is a 1:1 KO version of the MPM11 Ratchet from the official line, with enhanced details on painting.    Status: 2022-12 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer N/A Size Robot Form Approx. 19cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From China Note KO Version  


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