Flash Sale

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Magic Square MS Toys MS-B48 MSB-48 Power King Devastator Combiner G2 Version 6 in 1 Set 25cm / 10"
$194.99 $209.99

Features:  The MS Toys Power King (Constructor or Devastator Combiner) include 6 sets in 1 pack, in homage to Devastator. This link is for the G2 yellow color version.  The combiner is of highly articulation and better painting details comparing to the G1 version.   Status:  2023-1 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Combiner form 25cm / 9.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Constructor    
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Magic Square MS-Toys MS-B58 MSB58 Brontosaurus (Sludge Legends Class Dinobots) 13cm / 5.1"
$63.99 $69.99

Features:  This MS-B58 Brontosaurus in homage to G1 Sludge by Magic Square (MS-Toys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys), it transforms into an armed Bronto.  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure; 1 x Blaster; 1 x Energon sword; 1 x Changeable eye sets; 2 x Replacement hands   Status: 2024-6 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 13cm (5.1 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
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Magic Square MS-Toys MS-B56 MSB56 Tyrannosaurus Rex (Grimlock Legends Class Dinobots) 13cm / 5.1"
$63.99 $69.99

Features:  This MS-B56 T-Rex in homage to G1 Grimlock by Magic Square (MS-Toys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys), it transforms into an armed T-Rex.  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure; 1 x Blaster; 1 x Energon sword; 1 x Crown; 1 x Fish; 2 x Replacement hands   Status: 2024-4 New batch in stock. Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 13cm (5.1 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
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Magic Square MS-Toys MS-B57 MSB57 Triceratops (Slag Legend Class Dinobots) 13cm / 5.1"
$56.99 $62.99

Features:  This MS-B57 Triceratops in homage to G1 Slag by Magic Square (MS-Toys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys), it transforms into an armed Tricera dinosaur.  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure; 1 x Blaster; 1 x Energon sword; Several other accessories.   Status: 2024-7  In stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 13cm (5.1 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
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Magic Square MS Toys MS-B39A Crane Hook & MS-B40A Load Long Haul Constructor Devastator Combiner Set B (2 in 1 set)10cm / 4"
$59.99 $74.99

Features:  *Note: This link is for the latest Metallic Version. The MS Toys Constructor or Devastator Combiner  include 3 x 2 in 1 sets as below, in homage to G1 Devastator: MS-B37A Shovel Master & MS-B38A Roller Master MS -B39A Hook  & MS -B40A Long Haul  MS-B41A  Excavator & MS -B42A Bulldozer Each set would include certain parts of the accessories needed for the final combination, and you get all the 3 sets you get all you need for the final combiner (no need to buy more accessories). All the accessories combines into the main body of the combiner (see photo) as well as a double-driller in the team mode.     Status:  2023-9 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Combiner form 25cm / 9.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Constructor    
Magic Square MS Toys MS-B41A Excavator (Scavenger) & MS-B42A Bulldozer (Bonecrusher) Constructor Devastator Combiner (2 in 1 set)10cm / 4"
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Features:  *Note: This link is for the latest Metallic Version (2 in 1 set of MS-B41A Excavator (Scavenger) & MS-B42A Bulldozer (Bonecrusher)) The MS Toys Constructor or Devastator Combiner  include 3 x 2 in 1 sets as below, in homage to G1 Devastator: MS-B37A Shovel Master & MS-B38A Roller Master MS -B39A Hook  & MS -B40A Long Haul  MS-B41A  Excavator & MS -B42A Bulldozer Each set would include certain parts of the accessories needed for the final combination, and you get all the 3 sets you get all you need for the final combiner (no need to buy more accessories). All the accessories combines into the main body of the combiner (see photo) as well as a double-driller in the team mode.     Status:  2023-8 Reissued batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form 10cm Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Constructor    


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