Flash Sale

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No Brand NB White Leg Version 4th Party KO MP44 MP-44 OP 3.0 Loose Pack Version (Backpack Modified Version, No box, No manual,No Jetpack) 25cm / 10"
$76.99 $99.99

Features:  *Note: This is the latest version with the backpack modified and white legs. There is no Jetpack with current version This is is a 4th party KO version of MP44 OP 3.0. No formal packing for this set. It is probably manufactured by BMB so good post-sales service can't be expected.  The below are pros and cons of this KO set based on the feedback from our domestic customers in China: Only some accessories are included. Convoy is not included. Pros:  - No simplification in structure and transformation. 1:1 full version KO.  - No major or common defects are found in bulk. - Joints on knees and ankles are enhanced.  - Light effect added to the jet pack.    Cons - Plastic material used are not as good as the official version.  - Still the hip joints are loose on some sets (same to official version) - On some figures, Some...
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Toysmage TM01 T-Rex KO MP43(Beast War Megatron)25cm / 10"
$94.99 $109.99

Features:  Note: All LED parts are cancelled for the current batch.  This Toymage TM01 T-Rex is an improved version of the official MP43 Megatron, featuring: - Some loose and easily breakable parts on the original version like waist joints and some snaps on the body have been strengthened.  - Voice chips changes from Japanese to Chinese and English (According to the current feedback, there's possibility for some voice chips to be born defected. Currently TM can't offer replacement ) - The painting and details are done generally similar to the original official version.  - Transparent parts has been re-made.    Status:  2023-12 Reissue version coming very soon in 1-2 weeks.   Parameters: Producer Toys Mage Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Improved KO version of MP43  
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Kubianbao KBB MP10V MP-10V 33018 (Minified MP10 Optimus Prime)20cm
$43.99 $54.99

Features:  KBB MP10V is an excellent minified version of MP10 Optimus with the perfect duplication (or upgrade) of movability, painting, and electroplating.   A more suitable size to play with by hand. (See below photo the comparison of size, From front to back, KBB MP10V, Official MP10, WJ MPP10 ) Adjusted body proportion (longer legs) makes the whole figure looks more slim and better-balanced.  Upgraded Alloy Parts includes: Matrix of Leadership, pistol, sword of Judgement, window frames, waist armor, all 6 hubs, 2 feet.   Status: 2024-8 Reissue batch in stock.  Paramters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Minified Version of Official MP10 Optimus       
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FansToys FT-61 FT61 Inquisitor (Not G1 Scourge MP) Fans Toys 23cm / 9"
$159.99 $189.99

Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Scourge. It transforms into a Blue spaceship.    Status: 2024-3 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 23cm / 9" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Scourge  


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