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Pocket Toys PL-0 PL0 PT-05 PT05 Ruiner B. 5 in 1 (Bruticus, KO Iron Factory EX-22 EX22 War Giant) 28cm
$45.99 $79.99

Features:  *Note:There're two different buy options in this page. Pls make sure you choose the right one you want.  This PL-0 PL0 Ruiner (Bruticus) by Pocket Toys (3rd party / 4th Party Transformer manufacturer focusing on pocket-size toys) is a 1:1 K.O. version of Iron Factory EX-22 War Giant.  In this KO version, Pocket Toys has inherited almost all the pros of Iron Factory toys (no degrading in painting, joints, plastic, playability and etc.) but only charges for no more than 50% in pricing comparing to the original version. A good choice if you miss the IF EX-22 war giant as no one knows when it would be reissued.    Status:  2022-11 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Pocket Toys Size Combiner Form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy, 5 in 1 Combiner    
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NB No-Brand IDW Combiner Wars CW Devastator 6 in 1 Set (Minified Non-Official Version, No Box) 32cm / 12.5"
$34.99 $52.99

  Features:  This No-Brand figure is an Minified KO version of the official IDW Devastator. The toy would be sent without original box to guarantee the best price. According to all the reviews by our domestic customers, the pros and cons of this KO figure is as below: Pros: - No simplification on all the transformation process. - Minified size is now easier to handle and more compatible to other official combiners from Combiner Wars, Titans Return and POTP series- Quite good joints, no rickets.  Cons:  - Plastic used for the legs and arms is not as good as the official version.- Factory doesn't offer any post-sales service (For broken parts and spare parts you need to figure out it by yourself, due to its low price, TFSAFARI can't be responsible for the post-sales service.). - The hand of the scrapper is easily broken in some batches. See below link the way to fix...


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