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MFT MechFansToys Mechanic Toys Mech Soul MS-21 MS21 Flame Walker (Hot Rod) Mech Fans Toys 10cm / 4"
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Features:  This MS-21 Flame Walker (In homage to G1 Hot Rod in the 1986 Transformer Movies) would be another D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Mech Soul series. It transforms into a cybertronian car.  The whole set includes: 1 x main figure 1 x Hand saw 1 x Rod 2 x Laser guns 1 x Changeable head sculpt   Status 2021-10 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height around 10cm / 4" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Wreck-Gar
Matrix Workshop M-53 M53 Weapon set for Studio Series 86 SS86 Deluxe Hot Rod Upgrade Kit (Painted)
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Features: A new set for Studio Series 86 Hot Rod ( Deluxe class). The whole set would include: 1 x Target master (transforms into a hand laser gun). *Note: 1.The final version would come in painted, product photos for the final painted version would be updated once we have them.  2. The main toy figure ( Blurr) is not included in the weapon set.  3. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, pls understand.  Status: 2021-5 Stock incoming by May 15th.    Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to SS86 Hot Rod Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Shockwave Lab SL-103 SL-104 SL103 SL104 the Weapon Sets for Studio Series 86 Hot Rod Upgrade Kit
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Features: This 2 weapon sets brought by Shockwave Lab (3rd party transformer studio focusing on upgrade kits) is for SS86 Hot Rod following the similar weapon sets appeared in the movie.  SL103 Hand Blaster SL104 Sword of Primus   Status: 2021-5 New batch In stock   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fit to SS86 Hot Rod Material 3D printing material Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL-102 SL102 the Training Equipment Kit for Studio Series 86 Hot Rod Upgrade Kit
$9.99 $12.99

Features: This SL-102 Training Equipment Kit brought by Shockwave Lab (3rd party transformer studio focusing on upgrade kits) is for SS86 Hot Rod following the similar equipment appeared in the movie. It includes 1 laser sword and 1 shield.    Status: 2021-5 New batch In stock   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fit to SS86-06 Grimlock Material 3D printing material Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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