ZETA / Zeta Toys

Zeta Toys ZB01-05 Kronos Combiner ( Aerialbots, Superion) Full Set of 5 Figures 55cm (22")
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Features: This ZETA Kronos , by ZETA Toys in homage to the G1 Superion is the mighty combiner of the 5 members of aerialbots.  The 5 aerialbots members forms the most giant combiner Kronos (in homage to G1 Superion), with Silver Arrow as the main body (all the accessories needed for combination stays with the box of Silver Arrow.) Each member also features a solid robot form and a vivid vehicle mode.  Buy all the members individually here: ZB-01 Fly Fire (Fire Light)ZB-02 Air Strike (Air Raid)ZB-03 Silver Arrow (Silverbolt)ZB-04 Catapult (Slingslot)ZB-05 Downthrust (Skydive) *The 5 sets would be delivered in one time but in 3 different parcels to reach the fastest and most economic way.  *The ZB-03 toy is extremely heavy (including accessories needed for the combination)so we apply large package delivery method which is more economic and reliable, it is still free but takes around 15-25 business days (exact time span is upon to the postal service provider).  Status:...
Zeta Toys ZT EX-07 EX07 Traveller (Cosmos) 13cm / 5"
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Features: This ZT EX-07 Traveller , by ZETA Toys in homage to the G1 Cosmos, is a MP size robot figure transforming into a UFO. This toy features its unique metallic painting.  The whole set includes the main figure of traveller and a stand for the disguise mode.  Status: 2019-4 In stock Parameters:  Producer Zeta Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 13 cm (5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note MP Size G1 mode.
Zeta Toys ZB-05 ZB05 Downthrust (Skydive Aerialbot, Superion) 21cm (8.5')
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Features: This ZB-05 Downthrust , by ZETA Toys in homage to the Skydive (member of the aerialbots), is a MP size robot figure transforming into a Jet Fighter. It can also combine with other 4 robot members of Sky Terror into the most giant combiner Kranos (in homage to G1 Superion). Buy other members here: ZB-01 Fly Fire (Fire Light)ZB-02 Air Strike (Airraid)ZB-03 Silver Arrow (Silverbolt)ZB-04 Catapult (Slingslot)   Parameters:  Producer Zeta Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 21cm (8.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Right foot of the Kranos (Superion)
Zeta Toys ZB-04 ZB04 Catapult (Slingshot, Quickslinger, Aerialbot, Superion) 21cm (8.5')
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Features: This ZB-04 Catapult , by ZETA Toys in homage to the Slingslot or Quickslinger (member of the aerialbots), is a MP size robot figure transforming into a Jet Fighter. It can also combine with other 4 robot members into the most giant combiner Kronos (in homage to G1 Superion). Buy other members here: ZB-01 Flyfire (Firelight)ZB-02 Airstrike (Airraid)ZB-03 Silver Arrow (Silverbolt)ZB-05 Downthrust (Skydive)   Parameters:  Producer Zeta Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 21cm (8.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Left leg of the Kronos (Superion) 
Zeta Toys ZB-03 ZB03 Kronos Silver Arrow (Silverbolt, Aerialbots, Superion) 26cm (10.25')
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Features: This ZB-03 Silver Arrow , by ZETA Toys in homage to the Silverbolt (the brave leader of the aerialbots), is a MP size robot figure (standing a little bit taller than the other 4) transforming into a giant spaceship. It can also combine with other 4 robot members into the most giant combiner Kronos (in homage to G1 Superion), with Silver Arrow as the main body.  Buy other members here: ZB-01 Fly Fire (Fire Light)ZB-02 Air Strike (Air Raid)ZB-04 Catapult (Slingslot)ZB-05 Downthrust (Skydive)  *This toy is extremely heavy so we apply large package delivery method which is more economic and reliable, it is still free but takes around 15-25 business days (exact time span is upon to the postal service provider).  Parameters:  Producer Zeta Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 26cm (10.25 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Main body of the Kronos (Superion)
Zeta Toys ZB-02 ZB02 Air Strike (Airraid, Aerialbots, Superion) 21cm (8.5')
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Features: This ZB-02 Air Strike , by ZETA Toys in homage to the Air Raid (member of the aerialbots), is a MP size robot figure transforming into a Jet Fighter. It can also combine with other 4 robot members into the most giant combiner Kranos (in homage to G1 Superion). Buy other members here: ZB-01 Fly Fire (Fire Light)ZB-03 Silver Arrow (Silverbolt)ZB-04 Catapult (Slingslot)ZB-05 Downthrust (Skydive)  Status: 2019-4 Restocked Parameters:  Producer Zeta Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 21cm (8.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Left arm of the Kranos (Superion)
Zeta Toys ZB-01 ZB01 Fly Fire (Firelight, Aerialbots, Superion) 21cm (8.5')
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Features: This ZB-01 Fly Fire , by ZETA Toys in homage to the Firelight (member of the aerialbots), is a MP size robot figure transforming into a Jet Fighter. It can also combine with other 4 robot members into the most giant combiner SkyTerror (in homage to G1 Superion). Buy other members here: ZB-02 Airstrike (Air Raid)ZB-03 Silver Arrow (Silverbolt)ZB-04 Catapult (Slingslot)ZB-05 Downthrust (Skydive) Parameters:  Producer Zeta Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 21cm (8.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Right arm of the Sky Terror (Superion)


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