Upgrade Kits (NO DNA)

Matrix Workshop M04 M-04 Siege Ironhide Weapon Set Upgrade Kit甜
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Features: Now you have this invincible weapon set for your weapon master Ironhide. Guys give some support to Matrix Workshop, a relatively new and low-profile studio for upgrade kits. We would bring more of their works on shelf if this one sold well.  Whole set includes: 1 × AWP Rifle 2 × Arm Cannons2 × Laser Pistols See all information in the product photos.  Note:1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos)2. Ironhide figure is not includes in the weapon set.  Review by Soundwave 8084: Status: 2020-3 In stock   Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to Siege Iron Hide Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
【Make-To-Order】Tim Heada TH001S Gap Filler ( Garage Kit ) for Siege Soundwave Upgrade Kit
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  Features:  Important note: 1. Guys all upgrade kit from Tim Heada is garage kit only (white model w/o color). Tim doesn't offer product with painting and currently we can't persuade him. **You need to do all the painting by yourself.  2. Now this product has been set as a MTO product(Make-to-Order),as TFSAFARI doesn’t keep regular stock for it. Every order needs to be produced and lead time would take about 15 days(not including the time for delivery). Pls be noted. Whole set includes: 18 × white filler parts 3 - 4 × Cylindrical pins (2 for the gap fillers on the fore arms, 1-2 as spare parts) All of the 18 parts fits well with the vehicle mode. The arm covers are installed with plastic cylindrical pins, which makes them movable thus fitting better to the vehicle mode. Instructions for installation is as below.  Status: 2019-10 Make-to-order product, now it...
【MTO】Ratchet Studio ROS-002 Hip Extension Parts for Siege Ultra Magus Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note:The production of this set has totally stopped.Pls refer to ROS005 set which includes both leg extension parts and gap fillers for Siege Ultra Magnus. These 2 hip extension parts is to improve the figure proportion of robot form of SIEGE Ultra Magnus.See before / after photo as below: *Ultra Magnus figure is not included in the upgrade kit set. Note: (1) These 2 hip extension parts widen the gap between the truck head and the trailer so the overhead snap-fit connector (the red parts) would lose its function, while the lower connectors on the legs still work and the overall appearance of the vehicle mode wont be affected at all.  (2) Only original color of the 3D printing material is applied(milky white, close to the back of the figure, but not exactly the same, you need to customize it by yourself if you're not satisfied with the color ).  ...
Ratchet Studio ROS-003S1 Gap Filler for Siege Ironhide Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note:This set has been stopped, you can buy another set from below link (buy Go Better Studio). Go Better Studio Gap Fillers for WFC Siege Ironhide / Ratchet See before and after the gap filling, big difference isn't it? Whole set includes: 13 parts in total (11 Gap filling parts + 2 Leg lengthening parts as special bonus for 1st batch). Product would be packed in bulk (plastic bag + bubble envelope) to keep the lowest cost and price. *Ironhide figure is not included in the upgrade kit set. Note: (1) None of the gap filling parts would effect the transformation (vehicle mode wont be effected by the 11 gap filling parts), except for the leg lengthening parts (which means you need to remove the 2 leg lengthening parts before transformation).  (2) Only original color of the 3D printing material is applied(silver grey, close to the back of the figure, but not...
Mr-Bucket Mr Bucket MR-02 MR02 Weapons for Unique Toys UT R-01 R01 Peru Kill AOE Lockdown Upgrade Kit
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Features: This is upgrade kit only (main Peru kill figure is not included). Whole set includes:2 × Machine Guns2× Daggers Status: 2019-5 In stock Parameters:  Producer Mr.Bucket Size Fit to UT R01 Peru Kill (and its 1:1 KO version) Material ABS Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Shadow Fisher SFM-03 / SFM-04 for MP-27 Ironhide / MP-30 Ratchet Upgrade Kits
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Features: These two new upgrade kits by Shadow Fisher are for MP27 and MP30 Masterpiece Autobots (Ironhide & Ratchet), the original waist units will be replaced. The chests will also be filled, making the figures look decent & much stronger,closer to their classic images in G1 comics. Set Includes1 Set of Alternate Waist Covers 1 Pair of Alternate Chest Covers 1 x Screwdriver 5 x Replacement Screws  Status: 2019-4 In stock Parameters:  Producer Shadow Fisher Size Fit to MP-27 and MP-30 Material ABS Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Transform Dream Wave TDW TCW-06 POTP Dinobots (Volcanicus) Upgrade Kit
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Features: This is upgrade kit only (main dinobot combiner figure is not included). If you have a POTP Volcanicus you must buy this upgrade kit, which is ready to bring the combiner to a brand-new level.Set Includes the following: 2 x Hand2 x Feet1 x Head 1 x Chest Plate 1 x Waist Plate 2 x Leg Plates 2 x Shoulder Plates 6 x Individual Guns 3 x Individual Swords 1 x Large Combiner Sword  You can also have a cheap option for POTP Dinobots here: BPF KO POTP Dinobots (Volcanicus) Status: 2019-4 In stock Parameters:  Producer Transform Dream Wave (TDW) Size Fit to POTP Volcanicus (POTP Dinobots) Material ABS Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL-45 SL45 LED Matrix of Leadership Unit for Siege OP (Voyage Class) Upgrade Kit.
$12.99 $14.99

  Features: Glowable LED Matrix of Leadership unit brought by Shockwave Lab (3rd party transformer studio focusing on upgrade kits) for Siege Optimus Prime. The unit comes in plain w/o color. Colored units shown in the product photo is customized product. You need to do the painting by yourself.  Status: 2019-9 In stock Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fit to SIEGE Optimus Prime Material LED + Battery + ABS, no color Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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