Upgrade Kits

Shadow Fisher SFM-03 / SFM-04 for MP-27 Ironhide / MP-30 Ratchet Upgrade Kits
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Features: These two new upgrade kits by Shadow Fisher are for MP27 and MP30 Masterpiece Autobots (Ironhide & Ratchet), the original waist units will be replaced. The chests will also be filled, making the figures look decent & much stronger,closer to their classic images in G1 comics. Set Includes1 Set of Alternate Waist Covers 1 Pair of Alternate Chest Covers 1 x Screwdriver 5 x Replacement Screws  Status: 2019-4 In stock Parameters:  Producer Shadow Fisher Size Fit to MP-27 and MP-30 Material ABS Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Transform Dream Wave TDW TCW-06 POTP Dinobots (Volcanicus) Upgrade Kit
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Features: This is upgrade kit only (main dinobot combiner figure is not included). If you have a POTP Volcanicus you must buy this upgrade kit, which is ready to bring the combiner to a brand-new level.Set Includes the following: 2 x Hand2 x Feet1 x Head 1 x Chest Plate 1 x Waist Plate 2 x Leg Plates 2 x Shoulder Plates 6 x Individual Guns 3 x Individual Swords 1 x Large Combiner Sword  You can also have a cheap option for POTP Dinobots here: BPF KO POTP Dinobots (Volcanicus) Status: 2019-4 In stock Parameters:  Producer Transform Dream Wave (TDW) Size Fit to POTP Volcanicus (POTP Dinobots) Material ABS Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL-45 SL45 LED Matrix of Leadership Unit for Siege OP (Voyage Class) Upgrade Kit.
$12.99 $14.99

  Features: Glowable LED Matrix of Leadership unit brought by Shockwave Lab (3rd party transformer studio focusing on upgrade kits) for Siege Optimus Prime. The unit comes in plain w/o color. Colored units shown in the product photo is customized product. You need to do the painting by yourself.  Status: 2019-9 In stock Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fit to SIEGE Optimus Prime Material LED + Battery + ABS, no color Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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