TF Toy Figures

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Bingo Toys BingoToys BT02 BT-02 Windgirl (IDW Windblade) 20cm / 8”

Features: This BT-02 Windgirl is the 2nd figure brought by Bingo Toys (A brand-new 3rd party transformers toys studio.). The whole set includes:  - 1 x Main figure - 4 x Changeable faces - 1 x Standing base   Status:  2022-12 2nd batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer BINGO TOYS Size Robot Mode 20cm / 8" Material ABS Plastic  / Diecast parts Shipment From China Note IDW Windblade
Dr.Wu Sword Dancer DW-E07 DWE07 Traveler Plane DW-E08 DWE08 Patriot Tank (G1 Slamdance 2 in 1 Mini-Cassette Warriors ) for WFC Kingdom / Legacy Blaster Dr Wu
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Features: Here comes the new mini-cassette warriors by Dr.Wu, for WFC Kingdom / Legacy Blaster. in homage to G1 Slam Dance. The two cassettes can combine into a robot warrior or transform separately into a jet fighter and a tank.     Status: 2022-10 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size Fit to Siege Soundwave Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Unique Toys UT R-04 R04 Nero (Bayverse Galvatron) Youth Version 29cm / 11.4"
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Features:  *Note: The Youth version features: - More detailed painting  - Less die-cast parts - Much cheaper price Unique Toys (3rd party transformer famous for its) has shown their design talent again after the great success of UT R-02 Challenger and UT R-03 Ragoon . The figure transforms into a giant truck following the image of Galvatron in the Bayverse movie, however the transformation would be presented in a more logical and observable way.    Status Update: 2022-10 New batch In stock.   Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Unknown yet Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Galvatron  
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4th party BW BAIWEI TW1024 DOTM Dark of the Moon Sentinel Prime (Modified KO SS61 SS-61) & Weapon Set 18 cm / 7"
$29.99 $29.99

Features: The TW1024 DOTM Sentinel Prime is a 1:1 KO SS-61 of a reasonable price with decent quality includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Backpack (2 different styles ) 1 x Ion Blaster 1 x Rubber clope 1 x Shield 1 x Double-edged blade   Status:  2023-9 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer BAIWEI  Size 17.5cm Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
4th party WW-01 WW01 Wasp Bumblebee (1:1 Modified MPM03) 18CM /7"
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Features:  *Note:The war hammer on the product photo is for display only and not included in the final set. 1:1 KO version of MPM03 from Legendary Toys (4th /3rd party Transformer Manufacturer),comparing to the original, this version features enhanced details in painting and stronger joints.    Status: 2022-5 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Legendary Toys ( LT ) Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note 1:1 KO MPM03      
NA NewAge H-45 H45 Firefox (Jetfire / Skyfire) New Age 18cm / 7.1“
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Features:  This Newage H45 Firefox ( Inspired by G1 Jetfire / Skyfire) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a white giant Cybertronian aerotransport. Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure1 x Laser gun This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Flippable gear added to the chest Status:  2022-9 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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Deformation Space DS-02 DS02 Recording Alliance ( Blaster ) Masterpiece Scale 24cm / 9.5"
$59.99 $139.99

Features: *Note: Spare part service might be stopped by the factory. Missing pieces / broken parts would be compensated by partial refund or store points.  This DS02 MP scale Blaster by Deformation Space (A new 3rd party Transformers Toys Studio) would be a robot figure following the MP2.0 concept in homage to G1 Blaster.  It transforms into a tape recorder and comes with a cassette warrior, while other details are still unknown yet.  Status: 2022-9 New batch in stock on sale.  Parameters:  Producer Deformation Space Size 24cm / 9.5" Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note MP Size
Yes Model 2 in 1 Set YM11 RF-01 Data Clerk YM12 RF-02 Stubborn Buffett (MTRM-01 Cupola MTRM-04 Ironwill, Hardhead & Chromedome) 23cm
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Features: Whole set includes: 1 x YM11 RF01 Data Clerk (Oversized MTRM-01 Cupola / Chromedome) 1 x YM12 RF02 Stubborn Buffett (Oversized MTFM-04 Ironwill / Hardhead) * Post-sale service(Replacement of parts)can not be guaranteed by YM Model according to our experience (or take very long time). Customer needs to take the risk by themselves. Pls understand.   Status: 2022-9 Reissued batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Yes Model (YM) Size Robot Form Approx. 23cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Headmasters, MP Size
4th Party MHZ Toys MH01B MH-01B Hurricane Not FT39 Quietus (Cyclonus MP size) 28cm / 11"
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Features: *Note: New MH01B with a different color scheme (Blue) You know better than us what it is.  Pros: - Much lower price. - Similar painting quality Cons:  - Deviations on some parts make them not able to get to the perfect position (comparing to the original ones); - Headsculpt is newly-designed, not as detailed as the original one; - Hip joints are a little bit loose when doing side-kicks.    Status: 2022-10 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Cyclonus  
Cyber Era CE02 CE-02 Cliffjumper (Modified Bumblebee Movie Bumblebee, Oversized OS Transcraft TC02) Reissue 20cm / 8.1"
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Features:  This is an repainted oversized version of the below figure (in homage to the image of Bumblebee Move Bumblebee). It comes with hand blades and rocket launcher.  Transcraft TC02 Beetle (Bumblebee movie Bomblebee)    Status: 2022-9 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Cyber Era Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8.1 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
NA NewAge H35C H-35C Cyclops (Shockwave) Origin Comic Version New Age 10cm / 4"
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Features:  *Note: This is the comic version with a brand new color scheme This H35C Cyclops ( in homage to G1 Shockwave ), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) would a G1-accurate shockwave figure of legends class which transforms into an Ion blaster.  The whole set incldues:  1 x Main Cyclops figure 1 x Stand Base (Purple plate + transparent arm) 1 x Tiny ion blaster 1 x Hose 1 x changeable hand   Status:  2022-9 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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Trumpeter SK06 SK-06 08117 Transformers Bumblebee B-127 B127 Smart Model Kit ( Bumblebee movie Assemble Figurine Series) 9.2cm / 3.6"
$24.99 $29.99

Features:  *Note: Gumpla-like Kit, non-transformable. This is a offically authorized gunpla-like B-127 Bunblebee model. The product comes in pre-painted parts and you need to build by yourself. The figure follows the image of Bumblebee in the latest bumbleebee movie. The product is non-transformable.    Status: 2022-9 In stock   Parameters: Producer Trumpeter Size Robot Form Approx. 9.2cm (3.6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Authorized Gunpla-like transformer toy figure.  
NA NewAge H27M H-27M David (Optimus Prime) Eletroplating Version (No Trailer) New Age 11cm / 4.3"
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Features:  *Note: This verison of Newage H27 David is with metallic electroplating . This NA H27M David would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to G1 Optimus Prime ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)   The whole set includes: 1 x David main figure 1 x Energon Axe 1 x Ion Blaster 2 x Changeable hands   Status:  2022-9 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 11cm Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
Metagate G01 Haiku (Bayverse Drift) 20cm / 8"
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Features: This G01 Haiku ( in homage to Drift in Bayverse TF movies) , is a robot samurai and a triple changer. It changes into a race car and an armed helicopter.  It features:  - Highly-articulated figure;  - Double-jointed arms and legs;  - 1st MP-size Bayverse triple-changer in the market.     Status: 2023-8 Reissue batch in stock. Review of Metagate G01B by That Toy Guy   Parameters:  Producer MetaGate Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS + PA Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Drift
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DX9 Toys D-08 D08 Gewalt (Blitzwing) 24cm / 9.5"
$79.99 $109.99

Features: This D08 Gewalt (Blitzwing) , the evil and mighty decepticon triple changer is another great work by DX9 Toys. It transforms into tank and plane, stands of even the same height as MP10.  It is said that this figure is of a perfect robot form and jet fighter form, while a very high articulation comparing to other Blitzwing in the market.    Status: 2025-3 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer DX9 Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Triple Changer
NA NewAge H21 H-21 Scaramanga ( Soundwave ) 4 in 1 pack New Age 9cm / 3.5"
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Features:  This New Age H21 Scaramanga ( Inspired by G1 Soundwave), is brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into a tape recorder.  This figure follows the design of the Masterpiece line from the official, with amazingly high articulation and baking-like  finishing on some parts. Die-cast parts are also added to this robot to realize a better texture of the toy.  This set comes with: 1 x Main figure 2 x weapons 4 x changeable hands 3 x cassette warriors (in homage to Ravage, Laser Beak and Rumble)   Status:   2023-5 Reissue batch In stock   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 9cm (3.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
Rising Force RF-L01 RFL01 Catfish (Deadend, Menasor) 10cm
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Features: This MX-16 Deathwish by XTB / Xtransbots (A famous 3rd party transformer studio) is with its size perfectly matching official MP series (in homage to G1 Deadend). It transforms into a race car and can also combine with other 4 members of the Berserkars (Stunticons) into giant Monolith / Menasor.  Status:  2019-7 In stock Parameters:  Producer Xtransbots Size Robot Form Approx. 16cm (6.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note MP Size
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4th party BW BAIWEI TW1022 Optimus Prime (Modified KO SS32 / SS44) & Weapon Set 17.5cm / 6.9"
$19.99 $39.99

Features: *Note: The link contains different buy options with different prices: Option 1: TW1022 Main figure Option 2: TW1022 Weapon Set Option 3: TW1022 Main figure + weapon  Pls make sure you choose the right one you want. The TW1022 Optimus Prime is a modified SS32 / SS44 figure includes:  1 x Main figure 1 x Changeable head 4 x hand blades 1 x belly armor kit   The weapon set includes: 1 x Ion blaster 2 x Shot guns 1 x shield 2 x energon hooks 2 x Energon axe   Status:  2023-3 New batch in stock, with improved quality.   Parameters:  Producer BAIWEI  Size 17.5cm Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Jiangxing Metalbeast 01 JX-MB01 Winged Dragon (Transmetal 2 Megatron, Red Dragon) 30cm / 12"
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Features: This Metalbeast 01 Winged Dragon (in homage to Transmetal 2 Megatron of Beast War Universe) by Jiangxing Studio(A relatively new 3rd party transformers studio ) transforms into a huge acient red dragon capable of standing or crouching with a giant wingspan.    Status: 2022-9 Reissue batch In stock   Parameters: Producer Jiangxing Size Robot Form Approx. 30cm (12 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Should be a perfect megatron with its disguise form as dragon    
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Iron Factory IF EX-40M EX40M Mini One Man Army Mirror (Cliffjumper) Shattered Glass Version 8cm / 3"

Features:  *Note: This is the blue version of EX40 This EX40 Mini One Man Army by Iron Factory (3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends class and transforms into a small red van. It is in homage to the image of Cliffjumper in the IDW comics.  The figure is heavily armed with double handed gun and rocket launcher which can also be carried on the roof of the vehicle mode.    Status:  2022-9 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 9cm (3.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy,     
MasterMind Creations MMC Reformatted R48SG R-48SG Optus Prominon ( Servered Geist ) Shattered Glass Version 20cm / 8"
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Features: This R48SG Optus Prominon is another MP-size figure made by Mastermind Creations / MMC (3rd party Transfomer), with features as below:  - 125 movable parts in the whole body, including posable hands with 5 fingers, 3-joints elbows, 2-joints knees and etc, so as to realize extremely high articulation in the body of the figure.  This shattered glass version also comes with a giant axe that doesn't appear with the original version.      Status: 2022-9 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer MasterMind Creations (MMC) Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS, PVC Shipment From China Note N/A    
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FansToys FT-52 FT52 Aussie (Not G1 Outback MP) Fans Toys 18cm / 7.1"

Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Outback. It transforms into a light brown Jeep. It also comes with the hand barrel for Megatron (can be used by FT42 Hunk to re-create the classic senario in G1 Image. )    Status: 2022-9 In stock. Review by That Toy Guy:    Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Not MP size Outback  
Mastermind Creations MMC Ocular Max OM PS-08 PS08 Kojin (Artfire) 22cm / 8.7'
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Features: Note: *Special offer,no post-sale service for this figure.  In homage to G1 Artfire, This MMC Ocular Max OM PS08 Kojin is another MP-size figure brought by Mastermind Creations / MMC (3rd party Transfomer). It transforms into a fire truck and comes together with a target soldier. It features diecast parts and would be a decent supplement to your MP collection.   Status:  2022-8 A few sets in stock on sale.  Parameters: Producer MasterMind Creations (MMC) Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS + Alloy / Diecast parts Shipment From China Note MP sized     
Mastermind Creations MMC Ocular Max OM PS-25 PS25 Navigant ( Streetwise, Defensor ) All-Built-in 17cm / 6.7"
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Features: In homage to G1 Streetwisor of the Guardians,  This MMC Ocular Max OM PS-25 Navigant, transforms into a police car and the left leg of the mighty combiner. This NOT Defensor might be another combiner which needs no accessories in its combination process (All accessories are built-in)   Status: 2022-7 Reissue batch in stock.  Parameters: Producer MasterMind Creations (MMC) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note MP sized, Combiner w/o accessories.    
Mastermind Creations MMC IF01A IF-01A Eris ( Kultur Alternative Version ) 20.5 / 8.1"
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Features: Modified Female version of MMC R19 Tarn (Kultur) , transformable into a cybertronian tank. The whole set features: - Extremely high articulation- Transforms from robot to tank- Includes twin cannons, mask, character card, and manual   Status:  2022-10 In stock.    Parameters: Producer MasterMind Creations (MMC) Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS, PVC Shipment From China Note Female Tarn    
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Thunder Model TH01 TH-01 (1:1 KO DX9 K3 La Hire) (Hot Rod Rodimus) Reissue 19cm
$46.99 $54.99

Features: *Note: This is an 1:1 KO versoin of K3 La Hire, and the 2nd reissued batch is said to be produced by VT with much better quality (the feet and waist joint problem has been corrected. ) This K3 La Hire ( in homage to Hot Rod in Transformers Cinematic Universe) , is originally designed by DX9 Toys (Famous 3rd party transformer studio),  Whole set includes: 1× Main figure 1× Laser gun 1× Submachine gun Unique selling points as below: 1. Original design with fantastic details, almost the same to the image of Hod Rod in the movie.  2. Size of robot mode compatible with MPM-03. 3. Openable car door.  4. Disguise mode (car mode) can be sat by mini figures (offered as special bonus) 5. Car tail can be raised.  6. Car hood can be open and engine can be seen in disguise mode.  7. Clear material is used for car windows and lights 8. Equipped with two...
BMB Black Mamba AOYI LS09 LS-09 AW01 AW-01 Weapon Expert (Oversized MPM06 Ironhide) 25cm / 10"
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Features: *Note:  - There're 2 different buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you need. - Batteries in the headsculpt and the weapons would be removed for convience in shipment.  BMB's LS09 Weapon Expert is an oversized version of the official oversized MPM06 Ironhide in Bayverse by BMB Black Mamba (One of the best 4th / 3rd party transformer producer) with features as below: - Enhanced details in painting.  - Modification on shoulder and feet joints to improve the experience in transformation.  - LED lights added on weapons and eyes.  - More alloy parts added to the figure. This one can be a special addition to your TF showcase.    Status: 2022-9 New batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Oversized version of MPM04 Ironhide    
Trumpeter SK-05 SK05 08112 Transformers Soundwave & Ravage Smart Model Kit ( Bumblebee movie Assemble Figurine Series) 11.3cm / 4.5"
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Features:  *Note: Gumpla-like Kit, non-transformable. This is a offically authorized gunpla-like Soundwave & Ravage model. The product comes in pre-painted parts and you need to build by yourself. The figure follows the image of Bumblebee in the latest bumbleebee movie. The product is non-transformable.  In this set the Ravage model can be transformed into a cassette and carried by Soundwave in its chest.   Status: 2022-9 In stock   Parameters: Producer Trumpeter Size Robot Form Approx. 9.2cm (3.6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Authorized Gunpla-like transformer toy figure.  
NA NewAge H43B H-43B Uriel (Cyclonus) Shattered Glass Version New Age 12cm / 4.7"
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Features:  *Note: This is link for the H43B shattered glass version This NA H43 Tyr would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to Cyclonus in IDW Comics), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  This figure features:  - Baking paintings  - Die-cast parts included - More detailed elements added comparing to the original H43 version.   The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 1 x Laser gun 2 x Changeable hands 1 x Target soldier   Status:  2022-8 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot form 3" tall. Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
NA NewAge H44C H-44C Ymir (Grimlock) Comic Version New Age 13.5 cm / 5.3"
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Features:  *Note: This is the comic version of H44 with different accessories. This NA H44 Ymir would be a new legends class figure ( in homage to G1 Grimlock ), brought by NewAge ( A famous 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  This figure features:  - The heaviest Newage figure ever; - die-cast parts ( Both of the two feet for robot mode and the dinosaur mode) - Highly articulated dinosaur head / forepaws / tails (with multiple joints added to these parts); - Color of the eyes (dinosaur mode) can be changed; - Baking finish for the whole body; - Fire effect part is included (can be connected with the sword handle to form a fire sword)   The whole set includes: 1 x Ymir main figure 1 x Laser gun 2 x Changeable hands 1 x Sword   Status:  2022-8 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends...
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4th Party TNT-01 TNT01 KO IF EX30 Cyguns (Skyfire / Jetfire) Oversized Version 18cm
$29.99 $34.99

Features: This TNT01  (in homage to G1 Skyfire) is an oversized KO version of IF EX30 Cygans. It transforms into space cruiser. This figure is said to be with almost the same material and quality    Status:  2023-7 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer TNT Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm  Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Oversized Cygun    
4th Party AC-01 AC01 Hothead (Bulkhead) with New Accessories
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Features: 4th party AC01 Hothead is made in homage to TFP Bulkhead with extra accessories added.   Status: 2022-9 In stock. Quick review by 塞伯坦守望者 on Weibo:   Parameters:  Producer 4th Party Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Bulkhead
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NA NewAge H-48C H48C Christine (Elita One) Arcee Repaint New Age

Features:  This Newage H48C Crhistine( Inspired by G1 Elita One) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a red Cybertronian race car. It is a repainted version of H48  Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure1 x Pistol2 x Changeable hands This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- Transparent car window- Magnet added to the feet for stablization. Status:  2022-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Unknown yet Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
NA NewAge H-48S H48S Sif (Solus Prime) Arcee Repaint New Age
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Features:  This Newage H48S Sif( Inspired by G1 Arcee ) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a black Cybertronian race car. It is a repainted version of H48  Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure1 x Hammer 2 x Changeable hands This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- Transparent car window- Magnet added to the feet for stablization. Status:  2022-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Unknown yet Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
APC Toys APC-005P APC005P Angel Engine ( 1:1 TFP Arcee Deluxe Class ) Momo Ver. Pink Version 15cm / 6"
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Features: *Note: This is the repainted pink version (Momo Ver.) of APC005 Angel Engine (TFP Arcee) Brought by APC Toys (A new 4th / 3rd party studio), this APC005 Angel Engine is designed following the model of official TFP Arcee, it is with new painting and more weapons, as well as some modification on the original models as below: - Handguards added to the figure (closer to the ) - Now the grips can be hidden under robot mode.  - Headsculpt is re-designed.  - All Dr.Wu upgrade kits included in this set - Metallic painting.   Status: 2022-8 A few sets in stock on sale. Parameters:  Producer APC Toys Size 20cm / 8" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Megatron (Voyage Class)
FansToys FT-30C FT30C Goose (Skydive of Superion Ethereaon, Aerialbots) Fans Toys 22cm / 8.7"
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Features: Leftleg of Fanstoys' 2nd combiner Ethereaon (Superion), in homage to G1 Skydive. The most G1 cartoon-accurate Skydive.  Product photo c/o Weibo 布里吉特是只羊。   Status: 2022-8 A few sets in stock. Found in the warehouse.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size, left leg of Ethereaon (Superion)  
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APC Toys APC-008 APC008 Night Countess ( TFP Prime Airachnid Blackarachnia )
$46.99 $49.99

Features: Brought by APC Toys (A new 4th / 3rd party studio), this Dark Master is made after the model of official line of TFP , with new painting and more weapons, as well as some modification on the original models. On the photo it is like a triple changer (Robot / Helicopter / Spider)   Status 2024-9 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer APC Toys Size 20cm / 8" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Megatron (Voyage Class)
Wonderful-Trans WT01 WT-01 White Ronin (IDW Drift) 21cm / 8.3"
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Features: This WT01 White Ronin ( in homage to Drift in IDW comics) , is a robot samurai which can transform into an Asurada style race car. It features:  - A lot of die-cast parts are added to the figure;  - High-end metallic painting is applied to the whole figure;  - Diversified weapons including Double-edged blade and katanas    Status: 2022-12 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Wonderful-Trans Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS + PA Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note IDW Drift
4th Party MHZ Toys MH-MINI-07 Tigerwing Not Oversized MS-Toys (Menasor Combiner Legends size) 5 in 1 Set 30cm / 11.8"
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Features: 5 in 1 set of oversized MS Toys Menasor.  Whole set includes:  1 x MINI02 Main figure, 1 x Giant Sword, 1 x Main weapon; 1 x MINI02 Trailer;  1 x MINI03 Main figure; 1 x MINI04 Main figure; 1 x MINI05 Main figure; 1 x MINI06 Main figure. 2 x Tigerwing Shoulder armor  1 x Chest Armor 1 x Skirt Armor 4 x Changeable Hips (of different designs) 1 x Main Laser Gun (for combiner) 1 x Main Sword (for combiner) 1 x Changeable headsculpt 2 x Changeable feet 1 x Special effect part A 1 x Special effect part B   Status: 2022-8 In stock.   Parameters: Producer MHZ Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 30cm (11.8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Cyclonus  
Magic Square MS-Toys MS-B43 MSB43 Shadow Master (Mirage Legends Class) 9cm / 3.5"
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Features:  This MS-B43 Shadow Master in homage to G1 Mirage by Magic Square (MS-Toys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys), it is of extremely high articulation and transforms into a white Formula 1 race car. Some accessories in the product photo are for display only and NOT included in the toy set.     Status: 2022-8 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 9cm (3.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A


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