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Iron Factory IF EX-59 EX59 The Collector(Pipes)10cm / 4"
$29.99 $32.99

Features: This EX-59 Collector (in homage to IDW Pipes) by Iron Factory(Famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys) is a transformable robot figure which can transform into an armed truck.   Status: 2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Unknown Material ABS Shipment From China Note IDW     
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Mechanical Alliance Mechanical Team MT-02 MT02 Excavator (Scrapper) MT-03 MT03 Trailer(Long Haul) (Oversized Studio Series ROTF Devastator )

Features: *Note: This product link include 2 different buy options for MT02 and MT03. Pls pay attention when you place the order.  Oversized version of ROTF Devastator with die cast parts and articulated hands added, and more joints are included too. MT02 stands 22 cm tall while MT03 stands 25cm tall.    Status: 2022-12 New batch In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Mechanical Alliance,  probably Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size 25-30cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note KO ROTF Devastator    
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Mechanical Alliance Mechanical Team MT-01 MT01 Bulldozer (Rampage) MT-04 MT04 Crane(Hightower) (Oversized Studio Series ROTF Devastator )

Features: *Note: This product link include 2 different buy options for MT01 and MT04. Pls pay attention when you place the order.  Oversized version of ROTF Devastator with die cast parts and articulated hands added, and more joints are included too. MT01 stands 30cm tall while MT04 stands 25cm tall.    Status: 2022-12 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Mechanical Alliance,  probably Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size 25-30cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note KO ROTF Devastator    
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FansHobby FH MB-12 MB12 Athena (MP Minerva) Master Build
$74.99 $79.99

Features: This MB-12 Athena, in homage to the classic image of Minerva is  brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) This set is of vivid painting fitting, and in accordance with the size of official MP line. It is a female robot transforming into a police car.    Status: 2024-12 Reissue batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Female robot   
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4th Party MP45 MP-45 Bumblebee Version 2.0 12cm / 5"
$53.99 $65.99

Features:  *Note: This is direct copy version with all accessories as well as the original MP color box.  Pros: Painting and material are close to official version, almost no deviation on the dimensions of the parts.  Cons: There're possibility for the joints to be too loose or too tight, customers need to do the treatment by themselves while the problem is met.  Here comes MP-45 Version 2.0 Bumblebee. A completely brand new Bumblebee in the Masterpiece line from the official, with more cartoon-accurate styling and a lot more accessories.  Whole Set includes:  1 × Bumblebee Main figure 1 × Spike Minifigure 1 × Ion Blaster 1 × Blaster effect part 2 × Changeable face plates 1 × License plate   Status: 2023-7 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note KO Version.  
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Irontrans Mini Series M01 Police Car (Prowl) / M02 Thunderbolt (Bluestreak) /M03 Smog (Smokescrean) 3 in 1 Legends Class 10cm / 4"
$54.99 $84.99

Features:  The Mini series M01 / M02 / M03,  in homage to the G1 Prowl brothers by Irontrans (a new 3rd party transformer studio) a are now sold together at favorable price.   The sets also come with extra weapons for each figure as special gifts.    Status: 2019-12 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Irontrans Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
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4th Party BMB AOYI Mech LS-12 LS12 Oversized MPM08 Megatron 37cm / 14.5"
$99.99 $114.99

Features: *Note: Batteries might be removed for convenience of shipment.  Battery Type:2 x LR41 for the headlight. A new oversized LS-12 figure in homage to the official MPM08 Megatron is brought by a new 3rd / 4th party transformer studio AOYI mech (should be the sub-brand of Black Mamba BMB) . This new Megatron with enhanced details and much bigger size is also equipped with LED lights in its head / eyes of robot. The configuration of the back has also been modifed, with alloy parts added and smoke-like painting.    Status: 2024-5 New batch in stock. Painting is a little bit different from previous batch.  Parameters:  Producer AOYI Mech, Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 37cm (14.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Oversized version of MPM08    
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Xtransbots XTB MM-IV+ MMIV+ MM-4+ MM4+ Ollie Version 2.0 Reissue ( Wheelie, MP Scale ) X-transbots 12cm / 5"
$72.99 $79.99

Features: This MX- IV+ Ollie by Xtransbots (A famous 3rd party transformer studio) is a transformation robot with its size perfectly matching official MP series (in homage to G1 Wheelie ). It can transform into a small orange Cybertronian race car with vivid painting.  Whole set includes:1 × Ollie main figure1 × Slingshot1 × Blaster gun1 × Changeable face The Version 2.0 has inherited the good quality of V1, plus the following improvement. - 2 vulnerable parts on the flanks of the vehicle modes have been enhanced.  - Heels added to improve the stability when standing.- Added space to make it easier moving out the fist in transformation.- Increase the tightness of the knee joints. - Added movable crotch piece - Improved the rollability of the wheels. - Cancelled the rotation stopper at the elbows of the vehicle modes- Elbow joints are now able to pose 90°- Enhanced loose joints on the legs and the waist. - Better finishing on painting. - Alloy parts used for the...
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MFT MechFansToys MF-48 MF48 City Commander (Ultra Magnus Version 2.0) Mech Fans Toys 13cm/ 5.1”
$29.99 $37.99

Features:  MF-48 City Commander (In homage to G1 Ultra Magnus) are the latest D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT . This is the 2nd version (version 2.0) of Ultra Magnus from MFT, it is modifed version of Magic Square (MS Toys)'s orginal Design, some small and useful adjustment has been made (like adding the Matrix of Leadership position in the chest).    Status 2023-12 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height 13cm / 5.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Ultra Magnus
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MFT MechFansToys MF-49 MF49 Emitter (Blaster) Mech Fans Toys 11cm/ 4.3"
$23.99 $29.99

Features:  MF-49 Emitter (In homage to G1 Blaster) are the latest D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT . They are modifed version of Magic Square (MS Toys)'s orginal Design.    Status 2021-4 Reissue batch In stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height 11cm / 4.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Blaster
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Fans Toys FansToys FT-30A FT30A Maverick Silverbolt Superion Ethereaon Aerialbots 25cm / 10"
$229.99 $249.99

Features: Main body of Fanstoys' 2nd combiner Ethereaon (Superion), in homage to G1 Silverbolt. Status: 2019-7 in stock. Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size, main body of Ethereaon (Superion)  
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BMB Black Mamba LS-05 LS05 (HMK04 HMK-04) Grimlock OS Oversized SS-07 SS07 38cm
$89.99 $129.99

Features: *Note: Curreng batch DOESN'T include the mini OP Figure (shown on the photo), the product code would be changed from LS05 to HMK-04. BMB LS-05 Grimlock is an oversized version of the official SS-07 by BMB Black Mamba (One of the best 4th / 3rd party transformer producer), it is an all-round upgraded version with features as below: - Collectible-grade metalic painting with distressed effect added - More parts are added to make the disguise form (T-Rex) more complete - Hammers and maces added as weapons  - Movable hands - LED lights added to the eyes of both the robot form and T-rex form. - Some alloy parts added, with the accessories can also be equipped to the T-rex form.  - Size perfectly compatible with SS-05 Optimus Prime This one can be a special addition to your TF showcase. Status: 2023-3 New batch in stock. Current batch doesn't include the Mini OP figure.    Parameters: ...


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