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Trojan Horse TH01 TH-01 Hurricane (Modified Waspinator)
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Features: This TH-01 Hurricane in homage to Waspinator in Beast wars universe is brought by Trojan Horse (A 3rd party transformers producer which may probably focus on BW line).  Instead of transforming into a green wasp, this figure transforms into an armed helicopter.    Status: 2023-4 In stock. Parameters: Producer Trojan Horse Studio Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by Beast Wars Waspinator    
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Transart TA BWM-08 BWM08 (BW Beast Transmetal Blackwidow) 14.5cm / 5.7"
$69.99 $79.99

Features: This BMW-08 in homage to Transmetal blackwidow in Beast wars universe is brought by TRANSART (A 3rd party transformers producer which may probably focus on BW line), stands 14.5 cm (5.7 inches) and transforms into a mechanic spider.     Status: 2024-9 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer TRANSART Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by Beast Wars Transmetal Rattrap    
Cang Toys Cang-Toys CY-Mini02 CYMini02 Landmini (Headstrong, Feral Rex) Predaking Combiner
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 Features: Note: This is the legends class size, brand-new design with limited qty.  Cang Toys is said to be a subsidiary brand of Toyworld (similar to another brand Jiangxing). This CY Mini-02 Landmini is the minified version of its Chiyou combiner team(original design, inspired by the Predaking combiner). It transform into a heavily armed bufallo and the leg of the Chiyou comibiner.   Status: 2023-3 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Cang Toys Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Originally-designed Predaking-like combiner
Cang Toys Cang-Toys CY-Mini06 CYMini06 Rhimini (Headstrong, Feral Rex) Predaking Combiner
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 Features: Note: This is the legends class size, brand-new design with limited qty.  Cang Toys is said to be a subsidiary brand of Toyworld (similar to another brand Jiangxing). This CY Mini-06 Rhimini is the minified version of its Chiyou combiner team(original design, inspired by the Predaking combiner). It transform into a heavily armed rhino and the right leg of the Chiyou comibiner.   Status: 2023-4 In stock. Parameters:  Producer Cang Toys Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Originally-designed Predaking-like combiner
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MPH Studio MPH-S02 MPHS02 Lobster Commander (Optimus Prime) with New Nylon Torso 10cm / 4"
$28.99 $32.99

Features: Note: 1. Currently all new buyers get 1 free nylon torso of the figure as below (sent together with the figure).  2. Previous buyer can get the torso for free with your new order in our store (pls contact us at in advance as soon as you place the order). This MPH- S02 (in homage to G1 Optimus Prime) by MPH Studio(A relatively new 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys) is a transformable robot figure which can transform into an truck head. The figure stands 10cm / 4" tall only, it consists of 120 parts and is of incredible details and high articulation. The figure comes without the trailer.   Status: 2023-10 In stock.   Parameters: Producer MPH Studio Size 10cm / 4" Material ABS Shipment From China Note G1 Optimus Prime    
MPH Studio MPH-S01 Xiaobengbeng (Beachcomber) 5.2cm / 2"
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Features: This MPH- S01 (in homage to G1 Beachcomber) by MPH Studio(A relatively new 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys) is a transformable robot figure which can transform into an armed ATV.  The figure stands 5cm / 2" tall only.   Status: 2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer MPH Studio Size 5.2cm / 2" Material ABS Shipment From China Note G1 Beachcomber    
Trumpeter SK-07 SK07 Transformers TLK Bumblebee Smart Model Kit (Assemble Figurine Series) 11.3cm / 4.5"
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Features:  *Note: Gumpla-like Kit, non-transformable. This is a offically authorized gunpla-like Bumblebee model. The product comes in pre-painted parts and you need to build by yourself. The figure follows the image of Bumblebee in the Transformers: The last Knight. The product is non-transformable.    Status: 2023-2 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Trumpeter Size Robot Form Approx. 9.2cm (3.6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Authorized Gunpla-like transformer toy figure.  
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【Pre-Order】Lucky Cat Microcosmos MC-03 MC03 Beast Lord (Megazord 5 in 1 Set) Micro Cosmos 16cm / 6.3"

Features:  *Note: The cube boxes is not included in the reissue batches. The MC03 Beast lord is made by a brand new 3rd party studio Lucky Cat. It is a legend class combiner in homage to Megazord with high articulation. The 5 beasts can also transform into cubes which perfectly fit in size with the 52 Toys beast boxes.  The 1st batch comes with bonus which is packed separately.   Status:   Pre-order for next batch. Released date unknown yet.    Parameters: Producer Lucky Cat Size Combiner form 16cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Die cast part Shipment From China Note Legend class Voltron    
4th party No Brand NB CS-01 CS01 Double-blade Warrior (KO Flame Toys Optimus Primal, Furai Models) 15.5cm / 6"
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Features:  This is a direct-copy of Flame Toys Furai Models Optimus Primal with full set of accessories and extra die-cast parts.   Status: 2023-2 In stock.   Parameters: Producer No Brand Size 15.5cm Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From China Note KO Version   
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Matrix Workshop M87 M-87 Weapon set for Legacy Evolution Comic Verse Tarn Upgrade Kit

Features: Now you have a new weapon set for your Legacy Evolution Maximal Leo Prime by Matrix Workshop.  Whole set includes: 1 x Vos Sniper rifle 2 x Hand Cannons 2 x Arm laser launchers 2 x Shin laser launchers Note:1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos)2. The robot figure is not includes in the weapon set.  Status: 2023-3 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Comic Verse Tarn Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Matrix Workshop M86 M-86 Weapon set for Legacy Evolution Maximal Leo Prime Upgrade Kit
$15.99 $16.99

Features: Now you have a new weapon set for your Legacy Evolution Maximal Leo Prime by Matrix Workshop.  Whole set includes: 1 x Prime Sword 1 x Ion Blaster 4 x Missle launchers (can be combined with the Ion blaster) Note:1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos)2. The robot figure is not includes in the weapon set.  Status: 2022-3 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Maximal Prime Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Star Toys Startoys ST-01 ST01 Commander Not Blitzwing (MP Size) 2024 Reissued (Improved Version)24.5cm / 10"

Features: *Note:  The reissue version comes with improvements as below:  - Modified painting, closer to the color in G1 animation (see product photo for details, the current batch is on the RIGHT SIDE of the photo); - Improved details (knees, track issues, burrs on the plastic surface and etc.) This ST-01 Commander (Not G1 Blitzwing) is a triple-changer brought by a new studio Star Toys. It transforms into a jet fighter or a tank. See other details in the product photo.   Status: 2024-5 Reissue batch in stock.     Parameters:  Producer Star Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Triple Changer
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Superman Studio SPS23 SPS23 Upgrade Kit / Gap fillers for Legacy Evolution Needlenose Upgrade Kit

Features:  A new upgrade kit by Superman Studio is designed specially for Legacy Evolution Needlenose, it includes:  2 x Gap fillers for the fore arms; 2 x Gap fillers for the hips; 2 x Gap covers for the shins; (fully built-in and with landing-wheels on the other side)   Status: 2023-2 New batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Superman Studio Size Fit to SS86 Ironhide Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Extreme Warfare DW-E04T DWE04T Prime Commander (Optimus Prime Toxitron Version) w/ convoy Legends Class 6cm / 4.6"
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Features: *Note: This is the latest toxitron version with a yellow roller as an extra accesory. Dr.Wu's new series of core class G1 figures with its size coordinated to the official Titan Class figures (Scorponok) and etc.  This prime commander can transform into a small truck head and it also comes with a convoy wich can be opened in 2 different ways (in accordance with G1 animations) More figures are coming in this line according to our current knowledge.    Status: 2023-2 New batch In stock.     Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size 6cm Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Primula Studio PRM04 PRM-04 Rear Wheels Fixer for Generations Legacy Motormaster Menasor Upgrade Kit

Features: This page includes 2 different buy options,  New upgrade kit for Generations Legacy Menasor by a new studio PRIMULA STUDIO. This set can help fix the rear wheels of the truck mode to its original position.  Two different types are available (see product photos for details):  - PRM-04A (Built-in, Collaspsible) - PRM-04B (Plug-in, Non-collapsible) Note:  (1) The main figure Motormaster is not included in the set (display only); (2) The product is not painted, the color would be DEEP GREY (original color of the printing material, see below picture), customer may need to print it by yourself. Status: 2023-2 In stock   Parameters:  Producer PRIMULA STUDIO Size Fits to Generations Legacy Motormaster Material 3D Printed.  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Matrix Workshop M85A M-85A Weapon set for Generations Legacy Core Class Slag / Sludge Upgrade Kit

Features: Now you have a new weapon set for your Legacy Core class Slag and Sludge by Matrix Workshop.  Whole set includes: 2 x Laser Blasters 2 x Blades Note:1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos)2. The robot figure is not includes in the weapon set.  Status: 2022-02 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Matrix Workshop Size Fit to Generatons Legacy Core-class Slag / Sludge Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
MIKE MK06 MK-06 T-Rex Dinosaur (KO NA NewAge H44 H-44 Ymir Grimlock) 13.5 cm / 5.3"
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Features:  This is a 1:1 KO version of NA H44 Ymir (Grimlock) with modification / Improvement as below:  - Built-in covers added to the inner side of the shin - Modified hips - Modified shoulders - Enhanced details of the shin (robot mode) - Enhanced details of the flanks (dinosaur mode) - Articulation added to the legs (dinosaur mode) - Articulation added to upper joints of the claws (dinosaur mode)   Whole set includes:  2 x Ion blasters 1 x Sword 1 x Fire effect part 2 x Sword handles 1 x Helmet + Connectors + wire 1 x Crown 1 x Fish 1 x Replacement part for the neck (Dinosaur) 1 x Replacement part for the chest (Robot) 1 x Tray + glasses / bottles 1 x Apron   Status:  2023-2 In stock.    Parameters: Producer MIKE KO NewAge (NA) Size 13.5cm / 5.3" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China...
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Tim Heada TH052 TH-052 Upgrade kit for Legacy Evolution Maximal Leo Prime Gap fillers / Weapons Upgrade Kit
$11.99 $21.99

Features: *Note: 1.The main toy figure on the photo is for reference only and is not included in this set. 2.This set is painted as you can see on the photo. The grey part photos are to show you how the kit works. A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for Legacy Evolution Maximal Leo Prime: The whole set includes:  2 x Shoulder gap fillers (for the lion mode) 4 x Laser guns 2 x Handclaws    Status: 2023-2 1st batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Maximal Leo Prime Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH051A/B TH-051A/B Upgrade kit for Legacy Evolution Comic Universe Tarn Gap fillers / Chain saw Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note: 1.This page includes 2 different buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you want.  2.The main toy figure on the photo is for reference only and is not included in this set. 3.This set is painted as you can see on the photo. The grey part photos are to show you how the kit works. A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for Legacy Evolution Comic Universe Tarn: TH051A includes:  - Gap fillers for the cannons - Gap fillers for the feet - 2 x Covers for the fists (tank mode) - Connector for the cannons (to build a long rifle ) - 1 x Handle for the rifle    TH051B includes: 1 x Chain saw (can be carried by the tank mode on the flank )     Status: 2023-2 1st batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to Shattered glass Ultra Magnus...
115 Workshop YYW HSTZ-20B Upgrade Kit for Haslab Victory Saber Upgrade Kit
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Features: You can also check the below set: HSTZ-20A for Hasbal Victory Saber: 115 WORKSHOP YYW HSTZ-20A UPGRADE KIT FOR HASLAB VICTORY SABER UPGRADE KIT HSTZ-20B is a brand-new upgrade kit designed by 115 Workshop for Haslab Victory Saber. The whole set  features: - 2 x Leg lengthening parts for Unarmored Saber  (needs to be removed for transformation) - 1 x Handle for the original star blade (can be connected with the original blade of the figure set ) * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.     Status: 2023-3 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Haslab Victory Saber Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Pangu Toys PT-02 PT02 Mighty Miracle God (Omega Supreme) w/ Upgrade Kit 27cm / 10.7"
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Features:  *Note: The current batch comes with the upgrade kit (for free) as below:  - Articulated mechanic claws - Enlengthened rocket parts - Detachable Rails (can make the wings of the robot mode shorter). - Battery type for the hand cannon: 2 x LR41   This is a modified / minified DX9 Gabriel. The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure 2 x Tracks 1 x Doctor robot (1st batch bonus) 1 x Flame effect part (1st batch bonus)  Status: 2023-12 Stock on sale.   Parameters: Producer Pangu Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note inspired by G1 Omega Supreme          
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【Loose Pack】4th Party Demon Knight DK01-04 + D05 (DK06 / DK-06) Defensor Combiner Oversized Version (5 in 1, Set A + Set B) 45cm
$109.99 $119.99

 Features: *Note: 1. This figure would be sent without its original packing to guarantee the speed and reliability of shipment.  2. Loose Pack item are new / unused item with the original box removed only. TFSAFARI would still offer well protection of the item even without its original box.  3. Pls refer to the below link for video instructions (no printed instruction is included in this figure) Video Instructions for DK01-05 Demon Knight  This is an oversized combiner war defensor with features as below:  1. Height of robot modes: Limbs: 18cm Main body: 25cm  Combiner: 45cm (perfectly fits to JINBAO Devastator / Predecon and etc.) 2. Matte finishing are applied to all paintings.  3. A lot of the gaps of the original figures have been filled  4. Ratchet joints are used for the hips and limbs with strong enough supporting force.  5. A lot of transparents are used for windows /...
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4th party No Brand NB KO NOT Masterpiece MP36 MP-36 Megatron
$87.99 $94.99

Features:  This is a direct-copy of Not Masterpiece MP36 Megatron with full set of accessories.  Note:  1. The light and voice chip on the cannon does't work for this batch  3. Post-sales service can't be guaranteed for Non official / KO products.   Status: 2024-1 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer No Brand Size 1:1 MP36 Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From China Note KO Version   
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Shockwave Lab SL170 SL-170 Upgrade Kit for Victory Leo Star Saber Upgrade Kit
$14.99 $16.99

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, This set is for Legcy Leo Star Saber The whole set includes: 1 x Shield (can be installed on the lower body of the lion mode) 1 x Sword (articulable and can beome the blade tail of the lion mode) 2 x Gap fillers for the hip. Both of the shield and sword can be carried by the robot mode on the back.    *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to Leo Prime Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL169 SL-169 Weapon Kit for Legacy Evolution Leo Prime Upgrade Kit

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, This set is for Legcy Leo Prime. The whole set includes: 1 x Laser gun 1 x Sword *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to Leo Prime Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL168 SL-168 Rocket Launcher Part for Studio Series SS86 Ironhide Upgrade Kit

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, This set is for SS86 Ironhide with a complete G1 style.  The whole set includes: 1 x Rocket Launcher 1 x Missile effect part *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to SS86 Ironhide Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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4th Party RW-01 RW01 Rhino Warrior Oversized WFC-K27 Rhinox ( with weapon added) 20.5cm / 8"
$34.99 $39.99

Features:  This is an oversized KO version of the Kingdom Rhinox from the official line, with enhanced details on painting / gaps on the chest being filled / new weapons added.    Status: 2023-2 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer N/A Size Robot Form Approx. 20.5 cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From China Note Oversized KO Version  
Planet X PlanetX PX-C03 Pteroleons Nemeios (Victory Leo)
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Features: This PX-C03 Pteroleons Nemeios is another desirable toy brought by Planet-X (A special 3rd party transformers toys studio.). It transforms into an armed mechanic lion, and can be combined together with PX-C02 to form the victory saber.   Status:  2023-1 In stock    Parameters:  Producer Planet X (PX) Size Unknown Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Follows the image in the game FOC (Fall of Cybertron)
Yolopark / SOSKILL Bumblebee Movie Shockwave Gumpla-like Model Kit 30cm / 12"
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Features:  *Note: Gumpla-like Model Kit, which needs to be built by yourself and it's non-transformable.  This is a offically authorized gunpla-like Bumblebee Movie Shockwave model. The product comes in pre-painted parts and you need to build by yourself. The figure follows the image of Shockwave in the latest bumbleebee movie. The product is non-transformable.     Status: 2023-10 Reissue batch In stock   Parameters: Producer Yolopark / SOSKILL Size Robot Form Approx. 30cm (12 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Authorized Gunpla-like transformer toy figure.  
TT Hongli Model PF-01 PF01 Red Falcn (Starscream) 27cm / 10.5"
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Features: This PF-01 red falcon, in homage to Starscream but with an original design, is made by a new studio in China called HONGLi MODEL (3rd party transformers producer). It stands 27cm (10.5 inches) . It transforms into a furious mechanical red falcon.    Status: 2023-1 Reissue batch in stock on sale.   Parameters: Producer TT HONGLI TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note None    
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FansHobby FH MB-19B MB19B Doubledealer (Doubleclouder) Purple Wing Version 32cm / 12.6“
$129.99 $139.99

Features: Note: This is the MB-19B Purple Wing Version. This MB-19B Doubledealer in homage to the classic image of Doubledealer from G1: Super God Master Force line is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It is a tripe-changer which can transform into a missle carrier as well as a heavily armed mechanic hawk. It also comes with 2 target masters with enhanced details.   Status: 2023-2 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Robot Mode 32cm Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note  
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FansHobby FH MB-19A MB19A Doubledealer (Doubleclouder) Blue-green Wing Version 32cm / 12.6“

Features: Note: This is the MB-19A Blue Green Wing Version. This MB-19A Doubledealer in homage to the classic image of Doubledealer from G1: Super God Master Force line is brought by Fanshobby (Famous 3rd party transformer studio) It is a tripe-changer which can transform into a missle carrier as well as a heavily armed mechanic hawk. It also comes with 2 target masters with enhanced details.   Status: 2023-5 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanshobby Size Robot Mode 32cm Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note  
Tim Heada TH050 TH-050 Shoulder Missles / Yellow Eye / Leg Extension Parts mask for Shattered Glass Ultra Magnus Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note: 1.This page includes 2 different buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you want.  2.The main toy figure on the photo is for reference only and is not included in this set. 3.This set is painted as you can see on the photo. A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for Shattered Glass Ultra Magnus: TH050A includes:  1 x Yellow eye masks (the head needs to be detached for installation, see product pics for details). 2 x Shoulder missles TH050B includes: 2 x Leg extension parts (can be fully built into the vehicle mode.)   Status: 2023-1 1st batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to Shattered glass Ultra Magnus Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH049 TH-049 Articulated Hands for Haslab Victory Saber Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note: 1.The main toy figure on the photo is for reference only and is not included in this set. 2.This set is painted as you can see on the photo. A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for Haslab Victory Saber: Whole set includes:  2 x Articulated hands (all 5 fingers are articulable) (with grips / can be installed by directly plug-into the original hands of the figure. )   Status: 2023-1 1st batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to Legacy Decepticon flamewar Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL167 SL-167 Gap fillers for NETFLIX Soundwave Upgrade Kit

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, This set fits to Netflix Soundwave (for siege / legacy soundwave pls search for SL165 in our store.) The whole set includes: 10 x gap fillers for the body. 2 x gap covers for the arms *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to Shattered Glass Soundwave Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Shockwave Lab SL166 SL-166 Gap fillers for Shattered Glass Soundwave Upgrade Kit
Sold Out

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, This set fits to Shattered glass Soundwave The whole set includes: 10 x gap fillers for the body. 2 x gap covers for the arms *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to Shattered Glass Soundwave Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL165 SL-165 Gap fillers for Legacy / Siege Soundwave / Soundblaster Upgrade Kit

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, This set fits to Legacy / Siege Soundwave / Soundblaster. It doesn't fit to Netflix Soundwave. The whole set includes:   10 x gap fillers for the body. 2 x gap covers for the arms *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to Legacy / Siege Soundwave Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL163 SL-163 Upgrade kit / Cannon & Gap fillers for G.I.Joe Megatron Upgrade Kit

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, The whole set includes: 1 x Gatlin Cannon  6 x Gap fillers for megatron *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to Legacy G2 Laser Prime / Scourge Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL162 SL-162 Base-mode linkage kit for Legacy Laser Optimus Prime / Scourge Upgrade Kit

Features: Brought by Shockwave Lab, The whole set includes: 2 x pipes (compatible with all 5mm sockets) 1 x connector (can be connected with some other base-mode figures) *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to Legacy G2 Laser Prime / Scourge Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Shockwave Lab SL161 SL-161 Magnetic Nail Kit for WFC Micromasters Upgrade Kit

Features:  The whole set includes: 45 x nail kits (different colors / different length) You can use the tape to remove the nail kits after the installation.   *Note:  1. The main figures shown on the product photo is not included in this set.   Status: 2023-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Shockwave Lab Size Fits to WFC Micromasters Material 3D Printing resin Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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${{amount}}' jsondata = "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" >