Go Better Studio GX-17 Upgrade Kits for WFC Earthrise Arcee Upgrade Kit

Quick Overview

  Features:  A brand new set designed by Go Better Studio for WFC Earthrise Arcee, following the latest image of Arcee in the Netflix Transformer TV series.  The whole set includes:...



 A brand new set designed by Go Better Studio for WFC Earthrise Arcee, following the latest image of Arcee in the Netflix Transformer TV series. 

The whole set includes:

1 x Laser gun (following the design in Netflix animation)
4 x Gap fillers for legs of the figure
1 x Replaceable backpack for Arcee. 


1. The main Arcee figure is for display only, it is not included in this set. 
2. The set comes as painted in the product photo.
3. The original backpack needs to be removed from the back of the figure (including the shaft that connecting them). 
4. All the gap fillers and upgrade kits can not be included in the vehicle mode and needs to be removed for transformation. 



2021-1 New batch in stock.



Producer Go Better Studio
Size Fit to WFC Earthrise Arcee
Material PLA
Shipment From China
Note Upgrade Kit 

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Before you buy pls read our shipping policy (at the footer menu) carefully.


It takes us 1-4 business days to prepare for the order while the delivery time for our regular free shipment route may last from 19-59 business days depending on your location,


Q: Will I get a tracking No. after the parcel is shipped? Where to track the parcel?
A: You will get an automatic shipping confirmation mail from us including the tracking number The parcel can be tracked on all main tracking webs including 17track, Trackingmore, Trackingdog and etc.

Q: Why there’s nothing shown on the tracking web with the tracking No. you offered
A: If you can’t find any information with the tracking No. we offered, pls select “4PX”, “CNE”, “CNE Express” as the carrier and the tracking info. would be shown.

Q: Why there’s no update on my tracking for so long time.
A: Sometimes (10-20% possibility) the parcel would be stucked on the road, and only after it reaches the final destination country there would be new update on tracking. Pls kindly wait for up to 90 days (for our regular free shipment route) and 60 days (for our fast shipment route) and usually you will get the parcel, if not TFSAFARI would take care of it and give you refund or replacement (Pls contact us at tfsafari2002@gmail.com). Anyway our parcel lost rate is below 1/1500, so usually you will receive the stucked parcel finally.



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