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Takara Tommy LG59 Blitzwing Transformers Legends ( Titans Return Voyager Class) 18cm / 7"
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Features: LG59 Blitzwing is voyager scaled, including his own transforming headmaster / titan master head which is an exclusive repaint of Titan Master Shuffler. It features a more accurate color scheme (closer to G1 cartoon ). As a triple changer, it changes to his highly recognizable G1 formats of tank, airplane and robot. Titan Master figure is compatible with all Japanese legends figures from LG21 on.  Product is MISB. The whole set include:  - 1 x Blitzwing Triple Changer Figure  - 1 x Shuffler Black Recolor Exclusive Titan Master Transformable Figure  - 1 x Sword *Note:For this on-sale set from official side it is hard for TFSAFARI to offer post-sale service. We only guarantee that the product is genuine(not KO)and MISB. We can‘t be responsible for any tiny errors on the toy(including but not limited to loss of small parts,misassembly,imperfect painting and etc.),but we would offer special coupon to customer as...
Takara Tomy MP09 MP-09 Rodimus Prime (Convoy) Reissue 25cm
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Features:  MP-09 Rodimus Prime is a masterpiece of the year from the offical, paying homage to the great figures from the vintage G1 2010 line-up! Total pack includes:- Main Figure  of MP-09- Trailer (Highly articulated)- Photon Lasers × 2 (can be combined to form Rodimus large rifle) - Saw Blade Hand Attachment - Welding Tool Attachment - Matrix of Leadership - Coin  for collector- Card for collector Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine MP series from Takara Tommy, Not KO.  
Takara Tommy MP42 MP-42 Cordon ( Redeco) 15CM
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Features: MP42 Cordon is a Diaclone redeco of Sunstreaker.    Parameters:  Producer TAKARA TOMMY Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm (6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine Official Version (Hongkong / Japan), Not KO    


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