New Update

Iron Factory IF EX-24X EX24X War Giant Catastrophe ( Bruticus of TF2000 Color Scheme, 5 in 1) 28cm
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Features: This IF EX24X Catastrope (in homage to G2 Bruticus as a redeco) is a legendary-sized but exquisite combiner by Iron Factory(famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys)It contains 5 robots which can become a combiner if necessary.  The robot is small but with no simplification in its painting, movability and fun in the process of transformation.     Status: 2019-12 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Single robot Form Approx. 10cm (4.5 Inches) Tall, Combiner form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall.  Material ABS Shipment From China Note Legends size but of fantastic details, unique G2 painting.     
IronFactory IF EX-26H EX26 Racing Bros - Heavy Metal (G2 Sidewipe) 10cm
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Features: This IF EX26H Heavy Metal (in homage to G2 Sidewipe, redeco of EX26) is a legendary-sized but exquisite figure by Iron Factory(famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys)It transforms into armed race car equipped with nail tyre. The robot is small but with no simplification in its painting, movability and fun in the process of transformation.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Legends size but of fantastic details and rare painting    
IronFactory IF EX-30 EX30 Cyguns (Skyfire Jetfire) 14cm
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Features: This IF EX30 Cyguns (in homage to G1 Skyfire) is a legendary-sized but exquisite figure by Iron Factory(famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys)It transforms into space cruiser and its backpack can be equipped to IF14 Commander (Optimus prime,  sold separately, see photos) as jet pack and armor.  The robot is small but with no simplification in its painting, movability and fun in the process of transformation.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 14cm (5.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Legends size but of fantastic details.     
Iron Factory IF EX-28 EX28 Burning Slug (Warpath)9cm
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Features:  This IF EX-28 Burning Slug (Inspired by G1 Warpath) by Iron Factory (3rd party Transformer Studio focusing on pocket size toys) is of legends scale and transforms into heavy tank and spider tanks. Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 9cm (3.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy but not simplified in transformation and details    
Iron Factory IF EX-29 EX29 Rush Beats (Jazz) 9cm
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Features: EX29 Rush Beats  is a legendary-sized but exquisite presentation of G1 Classic Jazz by Iron Factory . (Famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys)It transforms into classic race car. The robot is small but with no simplification in its painting, movability and fun in the process of transformation.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 9cm (4.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Legendary sized presentation of G1 Classic Jazz    


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